Meltdown Mayhem
Medal 1: Shield Bash (Knock down a henchman with the Shield Bash and then take him down)
Medal 2: Over the Ledge (While hanging from a ledge, perform a Ledge Takedown on a henchman)
Medal 3: What Goes Up (When a henchman climbs to the top of a ladder, send him flying back down)
Police Brutality
Medal 1: Bullet Shield (Block a henchman's bullets before performing a Shield Bash, then take him down)
Medal 2: Feet First (While standing on a ledge above a henchman, perform a Reverse Ledge Takedown)
Medal 3: Smash Landing (Smash through a glass ceiling onto a henchman below to take him down)
Natural Selection
Medal 1: Zip Kick (Knock a henchman down with the Zip Kick and then take him down)
Medal 2: Blast Zone (Explode a weak wall into a henchman to knock him out)
Medal 3: Knock Knock (Distract a henchman with a Shuriken thrown in the environment, then take him down while he's distracted)
End of the Line
Medal 1: Shield Smash (Use a Shield Bash to knock a henchman off a ledge)
Medal 2: High Speed Impact (Use a boosted Remote Shuriken to knock a henchman over an edge)
Medal 3: Grate Moves (While inside a Floor Grate, Takedown a henchman)
Lost City
Medal 1: Snap Flashed (Knock down a henchman with a Snap Flash and then take him down)
使用Snap Flash击晕一名敌人,然后击倒他
Medal 2: Fire Hazard (Use a Shuriken on a fire extinguisher and silently take down a henchman caught in the smoke)
Medal 3: Aerial Assault (Glide Kick a henchman and then knock him out on the ground)
在一个制高点使用Glide Kick击晕一名敌人,然后击倒他
Top of the World
Medal 1: Zip Kick Off (Knock a henchman off of a walkway with the Zip Kick)
使用Zip Kick飞踢把一名敌人踢下去
Medal 2: Over the Ledge (While hanging on a ledge, perform a Ledge Take Takedown on a henchman)
Medal 3: Round the Bend (Use a Corner Takedown on an approaching henchman)
Meltdown Mayhem (Extreme)
Medal 1: Zip Kick Off (Knock a henchman off of a walkway with the Zip Kick)
使用Zip Kick飞踢把一名敌人踢下去
Medal 2: Have a Nice Trip (Slide into a henchman and then knock him out on the ground)
Medal 3: Friends Fly Free (While hanging from a ledge, grab two henchman at once with a Double Ledge Takedown)
Police Brutality (Extreme)
Medal 1: Shield Bash (Knock down a henchman with the Shield Bash and then take him down)
Medal 2: Two for Two (Take down 2 henchmen with 2 different walls at once with Explosive Gel)
Medal 3: Smoke Detector (Use the Smoke Pellet to create a smoke cloud and take down a henchman as he panics in the smoke)
Natural Selection (Extreme)
Medal 1: Snap Flashed (Knock down a henchman with a Snap Flash and then take him down)
使用Snap Flash击晕一名敌人,然后击倒他
Medal 2: Smoke Detector (Use the Smoke Pellet to create a smoke cloud and take down a henchman as he panics in the smoke)
Medal 3: Crowd Control (Take down 3 henchmen at once with one wall using Explosive Gel)
End of the Line (Extreme)
Medal 1: Triple Snap Flashed (Knock down 3 henchman with a Snap Flash)
使用Snap Flash同时击晕3名敌人
Medal 2: Fists of Fury (Take down a henchman with a Beat Down)
Medal 3: Over the Ledge (While hanging from a ledge, perform a Ledge Takedown on a henchman)
Lost City (Extreme)
Medal 1: Shield Smash (Use a Shield Bash to knock a henchman off of a ledge)
Medal 2: Snap Flash Trap (Place a Snap Flash on a stunned henchman, then use it to knock down a different henchman)
安装Snap Flash在一名被击晕的敌人身上,然后引爆让他击晕另一名敌人
Medal 3: Grate Moves (While in a Floor Grate, perform a Takedown on a henchman)
Top of the World (Extreme)
Medal 1: Bullet Shield (Block a henchman's bullets before performing a Shield Bash, then take him down)
Medal 2: Round the Bend (Perform a Corner Takedown on an approaching henchman)
Medal 3: Fire Hazard (Use a Shuriken on a fire extinguisher and silently take down a henchman caught in the smoke)
Black Mask
Medal 1: Shield Bash (Knock a henchman down with the Shield Bash and then take him down)
Medal 2: Zip Kick Off (Use the Zip Kick to knock a henchman off of a walkway)
使用Zip Kick飞踢把一名敌人踢下去
Medal 3: Window Pain (Perform a Takedown through a glass window)
2017-01-24 03:05修改