Tenderizers - Examine the "Blood Round 4" movie poster in the Royal Flush Plaza near the entrance to the Americana Casino.
Blambow - Examine the "Revenginator 7" movie poster on the side of Cucina Donnacci Italian Restaurant in the Food Court.
Freedom Bear - Examine the movie poster right outside the bathroom save point in the Yucatan Casino.
Snowball Cannon - Examine the "Brainfreeze" movie poster just outside the maintenance room on the 2nd floor of the Palisades Mall.
Holy Arms - Examine the "Pit Viking" movie poster on the wall in the South West corner of the Atlantica Casino.
Laser Sword - Examine the "Laser Knight" movie poster at the back of Paradise Platinum Screens on the Platinum Strip.
Paddlesaw - Examine the "Paddle Party Massacre" movie poster in the middle of the Silver Strip just outside the entrance to the Slot Ranch Casino.
Burning Skull - You need to give a total of $1,208,500 to the Fortune Whisperer machine at the entrance to One Little Duck Bingo on the Silver Strip.
Wingman - This is the secret combo card, apparently needed for this achievement. Combine Nectar and a Queen.
2017-10-31 13:22