What the...? - Experience a special disaster. A Chirper Storm. I had to use Dev UI TRIGGERS.
1、Before you launch the game at steam start options add launch code: --enable-dev-ui
Disable Network Extension Project (The mod update didn't work for me)
2、Load a save game. (Don't care about the missing roads)
3、Press Tab > Select Disaster UI > Click Chirpnado > place on map and spam it because it looks glorious! > Save a new game file "Chirpnado"
4、Exit game > Remove the launch code
5、Start the game and load your Chirpnado save game. Then wait for the Chirpnadoes!

According to Reddit user wasmic:
It's the chirpnado. It has a very, very low chance of occuring. 3/703 - or 0.42 % - of all disaster will be chirpnados.
I wasn't able to find exactly what this disaster will do but, keep a look out for tornadoes sporting little blue birds.
2018-06-26 16:45修改