一共12本 Balamb Hotel - Located on the second floor, on the table on the right. You do NOT need to purchase a room, just walk upstairs. Timber Maniac's Office - On the floor in the room straight ahead, go to the right side and it's in between two stacks of books. Deling City Hotel - Down at the foot of the middle bed (Cannot be found as Laguna). Must pay 100 Gil to go into the room. Fisherman's Horizon - Inside the Grease Monkey's house. The house with a blue door across from the area where you rescue the Mayor. Fisherman's Horizon Hotel - Near the bookcase in the room of the Inn. You do NOT need to purchase a room, just walk upstairs. Timber Hotel - On the round table in the room of the Inn. Must pay 100 Gil to go into the room. Dollet City Hotel - On the table on the right in the room of the Inn. Must pay 100 Gil to go into the room. Dollet City Pub - It is up on the second floor, on the bottom left card table. Shumi Village - On the bed inside the Artisan's house. Trabia Graden Graveyard - On the ground left of the center gravestone, in line with the Draw Point. Edea's Orphanage - As soon as you walk inside the house, it is on the right side of the floor by the wall. White SeeD Ship - On the bridge of the ship on the left. The White SeeD ship is only accessible for a small period of time, so as soon as you board and get all the dialog, run to the bridge and grab the last magazine. The bridge is up the stairs that Zone from the Timber Owls Resistance team (the group that you helped as part of your first SeeD mission and where Rinoa joins your party) runs up after your conversation.