Hyperion Dump: This one won't spawn until after you Turn-In the first mission and return to the arena. As soon as you enter the area, walk forward and you should see the statue right next to the loudspeaker.
Sander's Gorge: Again, as soon as you enter the area, simply walk forward. The statue is past the vending machines.
Dividing Faults: Walk down the stairs upon entering the area and walk forward – you can't miss it.
Scorched Snake Canyon: When you enter the area, go down the stairs to your left, then turn left again. The statue is located against the wall.
Tartarus Station: You'll find this one on your way to Wayward Pass. When you go past the treasure chest and down the stairs, it will be in plain sight.
Wayward Pass: After you have defeated General Knoxx-Trap, the gate will open. Follow the path and the statue will be in front of you. Be careful, as you'll be ambushed by a few Mega Samurai Claptraps here.
基本都在一进地图的位置,wayward pass这个图的雕像在打完第一个boss后面。6个都很明显,不用刻意去找,但注意要靠近互动一下
2023-09-24 23:53修改