Jack of All Trades

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大水罐: 不被发现用尖锐武器扔死5人 推荐 终点旅馆 为什么我不出 是不是武器错了
silentsjw 2014-07-12 00:29
钉子泵:注射器背后Q 5人 推荐 黑檀木孤儿院



收割者: 标记处决8人

睡魔: 制服3人 推荐 攻城锤行动

时代勇士: 穿武士盔甲用武士刀暗杀5人 推荐 黑水大厦

炸弹亨利: 遥控炸弹炸死5人

枪神: 左轮杀15人

酒保:酒瓶子敲死5人 推荐 欢迎来到希望镇

冠军: 徒手格斗杀5人 推荐 欢迎来到希望镇

狂战士: 消防斧扔死5人 推荐 倒计时

布鲁斯特: 小刀背后Q 5人


坦克: 受伤20次

大水罐: 不被发现用尖锐武器扔死5人 推荐 终点旅馆

间谍: 消声手枪背后Q 3人

厄运: 制造意外杀2人 推荐 倒计时

大湿: 一次过用狙爆5个头 推荐 赦免

玻璃加农: 不受伤地用散弹杀3人

银行抢劫: 劫持肉盾3次 推荐 攻城锤行动
silentsjw 2014-07-12 13:49
大水罐: 不被发现用尖锐武器扔死5人 推荐在图书馆关刷,普通难度,一开始手上就有刀
samora233 2014-11-14 21:22
Needle Pumper - Use the syringe to kill your enemies. You can find syringe in "Rosewood" level - "Orphanage Halls" place, it will be to the right of the person tied in the chair, then take another right, which will be the room with the first fuse. Use stealth and press square when you are behind an enemy to silently kill them or throw the weapon at their head.

Undertaker - Dump bodies for this play style, which should come naturally if you just play. All you have to do is dump 5-8 bodies in a level.

Piano Man - Use your fiber wire and garrote people, must be stealthy. Do not get caught. An easy level is "Attack of the Saints" on the "Cornfield" checkpoint. Use the corn to your advantage.

Reaper Man - You need to use your Point Shooting for this one. Just kill a bunch of people with point shooting with your silver ballers. "The King of Chinatown" is great for this.

Sandman - Silently approach people and subdue them. Don't break their necks while subduing though, you must not kill them. Again, use the cornfield checkpoint

Dynasty Warrior - Grab a katana and start slicing. You will come across a katana in "Hunter and Hunted" level - "Chinese New Year" checkpoint. It will be among bunch of cleavers and one of your targets will stop right in front of it and start talking to a vendor guy. The vendor dude will leave, and the katana will be yours. Kill a bunch of people before you die, and you are good.

Dynamite Harry - You need to get kills with remote explosives. You can find one in "The King of Chinatown" level, near target's car. Throw a bottle behind the police officer without him seeing you and then sneak up the stars. Get the explosives and find a crowded area, usually around the vendors where people are screaming for food, and throw it, and detonate it with R2.

Gunslinger - You need revolver kills to unlock this. Almost every cop carries a revolver in the game, so subdue/kill one and grab their gun. You can kill other cops for additional ammo. You can just kill a cop on the King of Chinatown level and fire around

Bartender - Smash bottles in people's faces. Although you can find many bottles lying around in levels, you can just wait until "Welcome to Hope", initiate bar fight, grab one of the dozens of bottles and hit people with . Throwing doesn't do anything. Or go to the "King of Chinatown" level and go around and do the same. There are plenty of bottles around.

Champion - Use your bare fists and knock people out. You will get into fights naturally while advancing through most levels, so this should unlock shortly. Stealth kills do not count.

Berserker - You can find an axe in northeastern part of "The King of Chinatown" level, grab it and kill people using . Don't throw your axe, it won't count for this.

Brutus - Grab one of the knives around in "The King of Chinatown" there is one near the blowfish poison. Just go crazy, this can be done in nearly every chapter

Viking - Kill people with blunt weapons like baseball bat or golf clubs. You can find a baseball bat inside one of the stalls in "Welcome to Hope" level. You can also find numerous golf clubs in "Attack of the Saints" - "Reception" checkpoint.

Tank - You just need to be damaged by enemies for this one. This will most likely come naturally without even trying.

Pitcher - You need 5 silent kills in a row without being spotted. A good way to do this is "Run For Your Life" level - "The Library" checkpoint. (Starting with a knife may be glitched, just start the entire level over in the "Run for your life" chapter. The first check point is really short, then you will be in the library with a knife) When you get down, head left and kill the cop standing there, continue and climb down. Get your knife back and kill the cop that is approaching you (wait until he turns his head to other side, he spots you quickly), there will be scissors on a table next to the first guy you killed, grab it and throw it to the cop on right side. Grab your knife again and kill the cop on left side this time. Finally kill the first cop you see

Spook - Equip your Silverballers, sneak behind enemies and press to silently eliminate them. This is easy in the Attack of the Saints" level in the "Cornfield" checkpoint

Jinx - Cause accidental kills. Simply restart checkpoint and repeat process. There are many places for good accidental kills, so you don't really need to farm this. One is the "Shaving Lenny" chapter. Kill the target on the right at the beginning of the level by going to the left and rigging the wires so that he does when he pees on them.

Maestro - Wait until last level "Absolution" for a sniper rifle and shoot people in the head in a row. Use precision sniping to make it easier. If you do it on normal, they have a hard time spotting you.

Glass Cannon - Grab a shotgun and unload the slugs with point shooting. An easy way is to go to the "Run for your life" level and to the "Library" checkpoint. There will be a shotgun close to where you drop down on the top floor.

Bank Robber - As you enter Chinatown in "The King of Chinatown" level, equip your Silverballers, stand behind people to use them as human shields. Then press square to knock them out. Do this 3 times to unlock this play style.
chunfanwkl 2015-03-05 18:30
tioplato111 2015-03-10 11:38
间谍(Spook): 消声手枪背后靠近敌人按连续处决3人
推荐第11关:DEXTER INDUSTRIES 的第4张地图,一开始的悬崖木桥上就有几个人背对着,很容易搞定。
zksne 2016-03-22 22:44
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