方法来自PSN PROFILE,亲测一次成功,版本号1.15 跟前面的大佬写的差不多,关掉除哥伦比亚包以外的所有DLC包,单人模式,创建游戏,高级设置。 接着是:开拓者难度,中世纪开局,快速,无回合限制,无蛮族。 关键步骤:开游戏以后建城,在激活总督前先保存一次,激活以后再另外保存一次。(两个存档)然后再重新开始游戏,名单请使用前面大佬的名单,一个一个记录。 原文如下: After many hours of trying this is the method that worked. • First disable all DLC content except for the Maya and Gran Colombia Pack • Single Player, create game, advanced setup Not sure if these next steps matter but this is what I did anyway. • Settler Difficulty • Medieval Era • Quick Game Speed • No Turn Limit • No Barbarians Obviously choose Colombia as your civ and choose one opponent.
When the game starts I built a city then moved the General to where he needs to be to be activated. BEFORE retiring him save the game. Then retire the General and MAKE A DIFFERENT SAVE. Now you can restart the game where you may get a different General or create another game then repeat the above step. MAKE SURE TO WRITE DOWN EACH GENERAL YOU RETIRE AS MOST OF THEM HAVE VERY SIMILAR NAMES AND IT'S VERY EASY TO MISS ONE.