此奖杯需要Nissan350Z 和 Nissan SKyline这两辆车完成以下任务
Under Pressure: Win a race or team race in the 350Z without being overtaken.毫无压力:驾驶350Z赢得一场竞速赛或者团队竞速,且从头到尾都没有被超车
Under Attack: Complete a speed test in the 350Z without being eliminated.毫发无损:驾驶350Z完成一场速度测验,且没被其他玩家撞毁
under control: Record a 383 yard drift in the 350Z inside the Foley Street parking garage spiral.毫无顾虑:驾驶350Z在Foley Street 螺旋停车场从一楼飘到楼顶漂移350米不间断
Under The Influence: Drive on rims for one mile during speedlists in the Nissan Skyline.毫不含糊:在OL赛程中驾驶已经爆胎的尼桑Skyline行驶一英里
Under Your Skin: Takedown the same player five times in a row in the Nissan Skyline.爱的拥抱:驾驶尼桑Skyline连续撞♂毁5个玩家(可以是同一个人)
Under My Thumb: Eliminate at least 2 opponents in a speed test in Nissan Skyline.手下败将:驾驶尼桑Skyline在速度测验中淘汰(撞毁)两名玩家
2016-07-07 00:11修改