✅奖杯攻略相关内容 🚫白金留念 🚫联机信息(→这里) 🚫非奖杯相关提问(→这里)
● 菊地由美/MAIN OPS/采掘场伪装基地へ
● 杉田智和/MAIN OPS/ザドルノフ捜索
● 大冢明夫/MAIN OPS/ザドルノフ捜索5
● 小岛秀夫/MAIN OPS/火口内基地潜入
2013-08-11 21:42
Special staff includes Kojima and 3 POW with the voice actor skill.
-Kojima can be found in the truck. See "Hideo Kojima" achievement. Then beat the main story.
- Do the Travel to Mine Base, then fulton recover the POW on the roof. He is kinda hidden by the area you start at. On the roof there should be a ledge that you can hang down on and scale across.
-On Zadornov Mission 1 look for the POW on Banana Fruta de Oro. Fulton him.
-Finally on Zadornov Mission 5 look for the POW near the truck at the start of the mission. Fulton again.
2017-04-11 00:20
Hideo Kojima - Found in Main Ops - Infiltrate the Crater Base. At the end cutscene where you have to identify the correct truck, choose the truck with license plate number "63824."
New Voice Actor - Found in Main Ops - Zadornov Search Mission 1. This mission will have 2 randomly placed POWs. He will be one of them.
Veteran Voice Actor - Found in Main Ops - Zadornov Search Mission 5. He will be a POW that can be found in this mission.
Actress - Found in Main Ops - Travel to the Mine Base. She will be a POW in this mission. She can be found by going up the very first ladder on the left when starting the mission. Then taking an immediate left and hanging off the back of the building and using the ledge hang to get over to an isolated part of the roof of the building.
2019-09-23 22:12修改
2020-08-27 11:41
✅奖杯攻略相关内容 🚫白金留念 🚫联机信息(→这里) 🚫非奖杯相关提问(→这里)