Playthrough 1: 殉道者 1) Light Hearted 1) Positive 1) Save Dima Silver Tough Decision 2) Dismiss Silver Free Champagne 1) Field More Questions 1) Field More Questions Silver Blast From The Past 1) Follow Rees 2) Change with Rees 1) Sneak a Peek at Rees 1) Engage 3) Rees 1) Attend to Dr North 1) Tell a Joke Silver Beat It 1) Seach for Disinfectant 2) Go to Rees 1) Let Rees Hack In 2) Let Her Suffer 1) Reject Call 2) Find Escape Route 2) Crude 1) Proceed with Caution Silver Storage Hunter 1) Picnic 2) Reject Call 1) Find Out More 1) Force 1) Drop Something Big Silver Falling For You 1) Continue Accusations 1) Go to Door 2) No Deal 1) Reason 1) Negotiate 2) Accept It Gold The Rebel And The Doctor 2) Sacrifice Rees Gold Kamikaze 2) Antagonistic 1) Raise the Stakes 4) Amy Silver Kindar Surprise 1) Kill Clare and Destroy Nanocells
Playthrough 2: 第二次机会 1) Light Hearted 1) Positive 1) Save Dima 2) Dismiss 2) Let's Go 1) Drone 1) Follow Rees 2) Change with Rees 1) Sneak a Peek at Rees 1) Engage 3) Rees 1) Attend to Dr North 1) Tell a Joke 3) Rinse with Water 1) Diplomatic 1) Let Rees Hack In 2) Let Her Suffer 1) Reject Call 1) Check on Intruders 2) Crude 1) Proceed with Caution 1) Picnic 2) Reject Call 2) Ignore 1) Continue Accusations 1) Go to Door 2) No Deal 2) Aggression 2) Accept It 2) Sacrifice Rees 2) Antagonistic 1) Raise the Stakes 1) Emily 2) Keep Clare Alive
Playthrough 3: 承诺 2) Serious 2) Realistic 2) Save Talo 1) Engage 2) Let's Go 1) Drone 1) Follow Rees 2) Change with Rees 2) Just Don't 1) Engage 2) Dr Malkin 1) Attend to Dr North 2) Slap Rees 2) Investigate Noise 2) Tell Rees Not to Hack 1) Give Clare Morphine 1) Reject Call 1) Check on Intruders 2) Crude 2) Go For It 1) Picnic 2) Reject Call 1) Find Out More 1) Force 2) Drop Something Small 2) Refocus Everyone 2) Go to Clare 2) No Deal 1) Positive 2) Accept It 2) Sacrifice Rees 1) Calming 1) Raise the Stakes 1) Emily 1) Kill Clare and Destroy Nanocells
Playthrough 4: 逃出生天 2) Serious 1) Positive 1) Save Dima 2) Dismiss 2) Let's Go 1) Drone 2) Follow Nathalie 1) Change in Cubicle 2) Ignore 3) Rees 1) Attend to Dr North 2) Slap Rees 2) Investigate Noise 2) Tell Rees Not to Hack 1) Give Clare Morphine 2) Answer 1) Stop Emily Hanging Up 2) Crude 1) Picnic 2) Reject Call 1) Find Out More 2) Chemistry 3) Drop Amy 2) Kick 2) Refocus Everyone 2) Go to Clare 2) No Deal 1) Positive 2) Accept It 2) Sacrifice Rees 1) Calming 1) Raise the Stakes 3) Parker 2) Keep Clare Alive
Playthrough 5: 小白鼠 1) Light Hearted 1) Positive 1) Save Dima 2) Dismiss 2) Let's Go 1) Drone 3) Amy's Office 1) Change in Cubicle 2) Ignore 1) Dr North 2) Attend to Rees 1) Tell a Joke 1) Search for Disinfectant 1) Go to Clare 1) Compassionate 1) Let Rees Hack In 1) Give Clare Morphine 2) Answer 2) Let Emily Hang Up 1) Delicate 2) Kensington 1) Answer Call 2) Ignore 1) Continue Accusations 1) Go to Door 2) No Deal 1) Positive 1) Stop Rees 1) Sacrifice Clare 2) Aggression 1) F*ck You Emily
Playthrough 6: 僵局 1) Light Hearted 1) Positive 1) Save Dima 2) Dismiss 2) Let's Go 1) Drone 2) Follow Nathalie 1) Change in Cubicle 2) Ignore 1) Dr North 1) Attend to Dr North 1) Tell a Joke 1) Search for Disinfectant 2) Go to Rees 1) Let Rees Hack In 2) Let Her Suffer 1) Reject Call 1) Check on Intruders 2) Crude 1) Proceed with Caution 1) Picnic 2) Reject Call 2) Ignore 2) Refocus Everyone 1) Go to Door 2) No Deal 2) Aggression 2) Accept It 1) Sacrifice Clare 2) Aggression 2) The Greater Good
Playthrough 7: 信我一次 1) Light Hearted 1) Positive 1) Save Dima 2) Dismiss 2) Let's Go 1) Drone 1) Follow Rees 2) Change with Rees 1) Sneak a Peek at Rees 1) Engage 3) Rees 2) Attend to Rees 1) Tell a Joke 3) Rinse with Water 1) Diplomatic 1) Let Rees Hack In 1) Give Clare Morphine 1) Reject Call 2) Find Escape Route 1) Delicate 1) Proceed with Caution 1) Picnic 2) Reject Call 2) Ignore 2) Refocus Everyone 1) Go to Door 2) No Deal 1) Positive 2) Accept It 1) Sacrifice Clare 1) Reason 1) Use Rees
Playthrough 8: MVP-最佳逃命选手 1) Light Hearted 1) Positive 1) Save Dima 2) Dismiss 2) Let's Go 1) Drone 2) Follow Nathalie 2) Change with Rees 2) Just Don't 1) Engage 1) Dr North 1) Attend to Dr North 2) Slap Rees 3) Rinse with Water 1) Diplomatic 1) Let Rees Hack In 2) Let Her Suffer 1) Reject Call 1) Check on Intruders 2) Crude 1) Proceed with Caution 1) Picnic 2) Reject Call 2) Ignore 2) Refocus Everyone 1) Go to Door 2) No Deal 1) Reason 1) Negotiate 2) Accept It 1) Sacrifice Clare 1) Reason 2) Don't Use Rees
Playthrough 9: 致命秘密和好感度奖杯 1) Light Hearted 2) Realistic 1) Save Dima 2) Dismiss 2) Let's Go 2) Ambulance