✅奖杯攻略相关内容 🚫白金留念 🚫联机信息(→这里) 🚫非奖杯相关提问(→这里)
- 添加镇定剂(这会有帮助吗?奖杯) - Add sedative (Will This Help? trophy)
- 强硬对待 - Tough love
- 查找 - Look up
- 翻译 - Translate
- 编造点什么 - Make something up
- 阅读 - Read
- 阅读 - Read
- 真相 - Truth
- 直接 - Direct
- 锁住他 - Lock him in
- 保持正常 - Just be normal
- 接电话 - Answer the call
- 说谎 - Lie
- 用你的心思考(个人生活奖杯) - Think with your heart (Personal Life trophy)
- 问杰奎琳 - Ask Jacqueline
- 解释马克斯 - Interpret Max
- 提供希望 - Offer Hope
- 完全说实话 - Whole truth
- 坚持 - Insist
- 翻译 - Translate
- 摧毁书 - Destroy the book
- 翻译(骑自行车奖杯) - Translate (On Your Bike trophy)
- 想其他办法 - Think of something else
- 我不是故意打电话的 - I didn’t mean to call
- 忽略 - Ignore
- 直接 - Be direct
- 直接 - Be direct
- 摧毁书 - Destroy the book
- 不添加镇定剂(他没有服药奖杯) - Don’t add sedative (He’s Off His Meds trophy)
- 和善相处 - Play nice
- 查找 - Look up
- 翻译 - Translate
- 编造点什么 - Make something up
- 不理会 - Dismiss
- 去找爸爸 - Go to dad
- 说谎 - Lie
- 外交的 - Diplomatic
- 不要锁住他 - Don’t lock him in
- 我需要这个 - I need this
- 接电话 - Answer the call
- 说谎 - Lie
- 用你的头思考(职业女性奖杯) - Think with your head (Career Woman trophy)
- 解释瑟伦 - Interpret Theron
- 吹牛(一点额外的奖杯) - Bluff (A Little Extra Trophy)
- 阅读文章1 - Read Article 1
- 阅读文章2 - Read Article 2
- 阅读文章3 - Read Article 3
- 是 - Yes
- 为什么你要这本书? - Why do you want the book?
- 探讨 - Probe
- 接受 - Accept
- 外交的 - Diplomatic
- 500万(交易还是不交易奖杯) - 5 million (Deal or No Deal trophy)
- 离开公寓 - Leave the apartment
- 我不是你的载体 - I am not your vessel
- 接受(没有人是安全的奖杯) - Accept (No One Is Safe trophy)
- 负罪 - Guilt trip
- 负罪 - Guilt trip
- 阅读书籍(拯救爸爸奖杯) - Read the book (Save Dad trophy)
- 添加镇定剂 - Add sedative
- 强硬对待 - Tough love
- 解释 - Interpret
- 解释 - Interpret
- 编造点什么 - Make something up
- 阅读 - Read
- 阅读 - Read
- 说谎 - Lie
- 直接 - Direct
- 锁住他 - Lock him in
- 保持正常 - Just be normal
- 接电话 - Answer the call
- 说谎 - Lie
- 用你的心思考 - Think with your heart
- 翻译 - Translate
- 解释杰奎琳 - Interpret Jacqueline
- 为了挑战 - For the challenge
- 半真半假(可疑的真相奖杯) - Half truth (Shady Truth Trophy)
- 翻译 - Translate
- 摧毁书 - Destroy the book
- 再次说谎 - Lie again
- 乞求Max给书 - Beg Max for Book
- 书从哪里来? - Where’s the book from?
- 多少钱? - How much money?
- 请! - Please!
- 想出其他办法 - Think of something else
- 我没打算打电话 - I didn’t mean to call
- 接受 - Accept
- 直接 - Be direct
- 负罪 - Guilt trip
- 不添加镇定剂 - Don’t add sedative
- 和善相处 - Play nice
- 解释 - Interpret
- 解释 - Interpret
- 解释 - Interpret
- 阅读 - Read
- 去找爸爸 - Go to dad
- 说谎 - Lie
- 直接 - Direct
- 不要锁住他 - Don’t lock him in
- 保持正常 - Just be normal
- 接电话 - Answer the call
- 说谎 - Lie
- 用你的头思考 - Think with your head
- 解释Theron - Interpret Theron
- 承认不知道 - Admit not knowing
- 阅读文章2 - Read Article 2
- 阅读文章3 - Read Article 3
- 或许 - Maybe
- 什么先例? - What precedents?
- 什么本地故事?(留下深刻印象的Theron奖杯) - What local stories? (Impress Theron trophy)
- 与他理性沟通 - Reason with him
- 感谢他 - Thank him
- 直率 - Blunt
- 查找 - Look up
- 500万 - 5 million
- 想其他办法 - Think of something else
- 我不是你的载体 - I am not your vessel
- 接受 - Accept
- 直接 - Be direct
- 负罪 - Guilt trip
- 摧毁书 - Destroy the book
- 不添加镇定剂 - Don’t add sedative
- 强硬对待 - Tough love
- 解释 - Interpret
- 解释 - Interpret
- 解释 - Interpret
- 不理会 - Dismiss
- 去找爸爸 - Go to dad
- 说实话 - Truth
- 直接 - Direct
- 不要锁住他 - Don’t lock him in
- 我需要这个 - I need this
- 接电话 - Answer the call
- 说谎 - Lie
- 用你的心思考 - Think with your heart
- 翻译 - Translate
- 解释马克斯 - Interpret Max
- 表示同情 - Empathise
- 阅读文章3 - Read Article 3
- 阅读文章1 - Read Article 1
- 半真半假 - Half truth
- 坚持 - Insist
- 改变意思 - Change meaning
- 获得书籍(它能治愈爸爸吗?) - Acquire book (Could it cure Dad?)
- 再次说谎 - Lie again
- 联系Pearce(无助奖杯) - Contact Pearce (Unhelpful trophy)
- 是宝宝 - It’s the baby
- 离开公寓 - Leave the apartment
- 我没打算打电话 - I didn’t mean to call
- 接受 - Accept
- 负罪 - Guilt trip
- 负罪(Pearce奖杯) - Guilt trip (Pearce trophy)
- 添加镇定剂 - Add sedative
- 强硬对待 - Tough love
- 查找 - Look up
- 翻译 - Translate
- 编造点什么 - Make something up
- 阅读 - Read
- 阅读 - Read
- 说实话 - Truth
- 直接 - Direct
- 不要锁住他 - Don’t lock him in
- 保持正常 - Just be normal
- 接受 - Accept
- 说实话 - Truth
- 用你的心思考 - Think with your heart
- 翻译 - Translate
- 解释杰奎琳 - Interpret Jacqueline
- 为了挑战 - For the challenge
- 完全说实话(可怕的真相奖杯) - Whole truth (Horrific trophy)
- 坚持 - Insist
- 不要翻译 - Don’t translate
- 摧毁书 - Destroy the book
- 翻译 - Translate
- 检查摄像头监视 - Check the camera feeds
- 保持不动 - Stay put
- 我不是你的载体 - I am not your vessel
- 忽略 - Ignore
- 直接 - Be direct
- 直接 - Be direct
- 完全说实话 - Whole truth (Horrific trophy)
- 添加镇定剂 - Add sedative
- 和善相处 - Play nice
- 解释 - Interpret
- 解释 - Interpret
- 解释 - Interpret
- 不理会 - Dismiss
- 去找爸爸 - Go to dad
- 说谎 - Lie
- 直接 - Direct
- 锁住他 - Lock him in
- 我需要这个 - I need this
- 接电话 - Answer the call
- 说实话 - Truth
- 用你的心思考 - Think with your heart
- 翻译 - Translate
- 解释马克斯 - Interpret Max
- 提供希望(充满希望的奖杯) - Offer hope (Hopeful trophy)
- 完全说实话 - Whole truth
- 坚持 - Insist
- 改变意思 - Change meaning
- 摧毁书 - Destroy the book
- 翻译 - Translate
- 想其他办法 - Think of something else
- 我不是你的载体 - I am not your vessel
- 接受 - Accept
- 直接 - Be direct
- 直接 - Be direct
- 阅读书籍 - Read the book
- 不添加镇定剂 - Don’t add sedative
- 强硬对待 - Tough love
- 解释 - Interpret
- 解释 - Interpret
- 解释 - Interpret
- 阅读 - Read
- 阅读 - Read
- 说实话 - Truth
- 直接 - Direct
- 不要锁住他 - Don’t lock him in
- 我需要这个 - I need this
- 接电话 - Answer the call
- 说实话 - Truth
- 用你的心思考 - Think with your heart
- 翻译 - Translate
- 解释杰奎琳 - Interpret Jacqueline
- 为了挑战 - For the challenge
- 阅读文章3 - Read Article 3
- 阅读文章2 - Read Article 2
- 半真半假 - Half truth
- 负罪 - Guilt trip
- 翻译 - Translate
- 获得书籍(它能治愈爸爸吗?) - Acquire the book (could it cure Dad?)
- 再次说谎 - Lie again
- 向Max乞求书 - Beg Max for the book
- 书里有什么? - What’s in the book?
- 太危险了 - It’s too dangerous
- 想其他办法 - Think of something else
- 我没打算打电话 - I didn’t mean to call
- 忽略 - Ignore
- 负罪 - Guilt trip
- 负罪 - Guilt trip
- 给他们Pearce(婚姻破裂奖杯) - Give them Pearce (The Marriage Is Off trophy)
- 添加镇定剂 - Add sedative
- 强硬对待 - Tough love
- 查找 - Look up
- 翻译 - Translate
- 编造点什么 - Make something up
- 不理会 - Dismiss
- 去找爸爸 - Go to dad
- 说谎 - Lie
- 外交手段 - Diplomatic
- 不要锁住他 - Don’t lock him in
- 保持正常 - Just be normal
- 接电话 - Answer the call
- 说谎 - Lie
- 用你的心思考 - Think with your heart
- 问杰奎琳 - Ask Jacqueline
- 解释马克斯 - Interpret Max
- 表示同情 - Empathise
- 完全说实话 - Whole truth
- 负罪 - Guilt trip (Use Your Connections trophy)
- 改变意思 - Change meaning
- 摧毁书 - Destroy the book
- 翻译 - Translate
- 检查爸爸的情况 - Check on Dad
- 我不是你的载体 - I am not your vessel
- 忽略 - Ignore
- 直接 - Be direct
- 直接 - Be direct
- 半真半假 - Half truth
- 摧毁书 - Destroy the book
2024-02-04 16:35修改
2024-08-06 13:17修改
✅奖杯攻略相关内容 🚫白金留念 🚫联机信息(→这里) 🚫非奖杯相关提问(→这里)