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APEX Rising关卡打完回到基地,最好存个档,去下一个关卡之前,一定要去和Absinthe对话,基地的电脑选项,NPC对话全部能选的都选一次,DVD4张全部在看一次。
1. And you must be Dr. Vauclair
2. Eiger, why don't you tell the doc how we feel about being trapped?
3. You first. Tell me what's going on here. Now.
4. Try me. I'm smarter than I look.
5. Well, haven't you?
6. Why attack the Kreuzbasar, Vauclair? Why kill Paul Amsel?
7. Your brother got us into this mess. He hired us to break into your estate. We pieced the rest together from his journals.
8. I'm sorry, Doc. He was digging too deeply into Feuerschwinge, so APEX killed him.
9. All for what, Vauclair? Tell me what's going to happen tonight. You owe Hermie that much.
10. And I'm sure you have your reasons. I just don't *care*. Now tell me what's happening tonight.
11. I understand your reasoning, but there has to be a better way.
12. You don't burn a city and call it a "sacrifice." You call it what it is: mass murder.
13. I'm not interested in ancient history, Vauclair. Murder is murder.
14. How are you going to get Feuerschwinge to go along with this plan of yours?
15. That's... horrific. Even for a mass-murdering dragon.
16. This plan of yours killed your *brother*. Was it really worth it?
17. Listen to reason, Vauclair. Would Hermie want you to do this?
18. I've watched hours of your brother's video footage, Vauclair. I probably know him better than anyone alive, excepting yourself.
19. I know that he wanted you to stop all of this years ago. He begged you to, and you promised him that you'd try.
20. There are worse things out there than dragons, Vauclair. Exterminating one threat could open the door to another.
21. You're wrong. An astral entity told me about... things... that exist out on the metaplanes. Horrifying things that we can't even hope to comprehend.
22. Come on Doc. Think past your vendetta for a second. What if exterminating the dragons changes the landscape in a way that we can't predict?
23. And what if we can't? Once you've driven the dragons extinct, you can't un-kill them. What you're really proposing to do is irrevocably change the ecosystem of our world, and you don't know what might happen as a result.
24. Even if you succeed at this, eliminating dragons will create a dangerous power vacuum.
25. Look, you're not infallible, Doc. You've already made mistakes here, and people died as a result.
26. I've read some of your inter-office communications. There have been a number of deaths here over the years, haven't there?
27. I get that they made their own decisions. But from what I was reading, it sounds like those people died from your negligence. "Basic lapses in lab safety," it said.
28. My point is that everyone makes mistakes - even you. And yet, you want to roll the dice with a biological weapon.
29. Bet you told your researchers that their lab would be safe, too. Look how that turned out.
30. If Hermie were here with us right now, listening to this conversation, he'd tell you to stop this. Deny it if you want, but you know that it's true.
31. You still have a chance to give him what he wanted. You can put a stop to this before more people get killed.
32. I know that this is a hard decision, Vauclair. But it's the right one.
2024-01-10 00:59