Q: What parameter is changed by increasing RES (response value)?
A: Percentage of First Attacks
Q: What did you finally get after suffering for almost 3 years?
A: Holy Grail
Q: What is the total number of Crest Sorcery spells that can be cast by Lilka?
A: 40
Q: What item can be pickpocketed from the Monster "Lindworm?"
A: Big Berry
Q: If Ashley + Tim is "31," then what is Brad + Lilka?
A: 46
Q: What is the average time needed for Lombardia to circle Filgaia?
A: About 40 Seconds
Q: In the hidden settings, what is the length of "Hyulkonton" in meters?
A: If an alien, 3 meters.
Q: How much is a Heal Berry cose in Bell Ringing Halmetz?
A: Isn't for sale
Q: Which is the youngest among these characters?
A: Tim Rhymeless
Q: Between Tim and Kanon, which one needs less EXP to become level 99?
A: Actually, they are both the same.
Q: The player character gender ratio is one to one in this title. So, what is Lucied's gender?
A: Man
Q: What is the origin of the name of the Boss Monster Kalivos who appears in the Withered Ruins?
A: At first, a temporary boss
Q: What is the origin of the "EMMA Motor" that powers the Valeria Chateau?
A: Short for Electromagnetic Engine
Q:What percent of the characters' HP is restored by the Gems, large and small, respectively?
A: 10% and 1% of MAX HP
Q: Which combination of monsters appears in the Millenium Puzzle?
A: Bogey, Gohm, Blue Book
Q: Who uses the original power called "Bayonet?"
A: Ashley Winchester
Q: What is the total HP of the Boss Monster Vagesta?
A: 4500 | Submitted
2023-10-07 11:44