等级上限解锁流程Upgrading level cap to:
Level 150:
Beat the last boss in the story line. See Dimension Traveler for more help.
Level 250:
Follow the "main quest" in post-game. It will eventually take you to the side quest The Prisoner. See the Forgotten Island trophy for map to location.
To complete the side quest The Prisoner, you need to visit the two tiny islands north of the quest giver, where you will fight some robots for a treasure chest. Take their contents to the quest giver, and he will give you an item that let you remove the blockade at the entrance of the Forgotten Island.
The Forgotten Island is located to the north of the quest giver, and is a bigger island. Fight your way to the girl on the island and talk to her, then return to the quest giver to turn in the quest.
Talk to quest giver and the girl a couple of times to get everything they have to give and a new quest called Beast Master. Beast Master is the quest that once completed will let you level up to level 250 and not just 150.
To complete this quest you will need 20x Imp Wing, which is easy to find, but you will also need 2x Big Fire Statue, which is much harder. To get the two Big Fire Statues, you need to complete the two side quests The Crystals and The box, more info is in the "Where to grind in post-game" list under.
Once the items required is obtained, talk to the quest giver to turn in the quest and reap the reward.
Level 600:
Talk to the quest giver again, and he will give you a new quest, Strategy Master.
He wants you to bring him 20x Living Rock and 4x Big Fire Statue. You will quickly realize once you start fighting your next enemies that 20x Living Rock won't be any problem, but 4x Big Fire Statue is a bit more complicated. Again have I pointed out in the "Where to grind post-game" list what you need to do.
Once the items required is obtained, talk to the quest giver to turn in the quest and reap the reward.
剧情通关后练级点Where to grind post-game based on your level:
(推荐)Forgotten Island - Pocket Robot, smaller groups to begin with, but then slowly challenge stronger enemies and bigger groups
Limwar's House - Dark Mage
Forgotten Island - Drill Unit and Circuit Bot
Murky Basement (Burning Steppe, Mordan) - See Murky Basement for map to the location, but you may need to start some side-quests to get access to the various parts of the dungeon. These quest givers are located in Polad (south in Mordan) and I think one north of Polad.
Horheim (Burning Steppe, Mordan) - Right above Murky Basement, but requires you to sail to it.
Mining Shaft (Teardrop Mountain, Mordan) - The Crystals (side quest, quest giver is located east in Mordan) must be completed to upgrade level cap
Warehouse (Taswan, Tscha) - The Box (side quest, quest giver is located in Taswan) must be completed to upgrade level cap
(推荐)Stormlord's Den (Cassar Island, East) - (4x Big Jade Statue) No need to go any further than the Tarantella. Good place to grind, as there are random encounters. Before fighting any Bone Lords I highly recommend grinding large groups of Death Slimes for lots of XP, Rainbow Coins, Rainbow Pearls and good crafting materials (Glowing Core; +400HP, +250Luck).
Broad Kennel - (4x Big Jade Statue)
Great Labyrinth (Taswn, Tscha) - The Single (side quest) must be completed to upgrade level cap.
Big Bang (A cannon boss, north of west side of Cassar Island) - Must pick up treasure behind boss to uprade level cap. A hot tip is that Big Bang can be Bound (use Earth Crusher) and then not be able to attack you if you are standing diagonally next to it.
Castle Temwall - Order of the King (side quest) must be completed to upgrade level cap. All you need to worry about is on the right side of the middle path of the dungeon, so no need to fight many level 500 enemies, but there are some level 400. Right before the level 400 Tarantella, on their right side, there is a button that opens a secret path. This path is straight behind the Tarantella, and takes you to a room full of pictures of people who probably have made the game. Behind the two closest Power Golems on the left side of the Tarantella is the two buttons you will want to press to open the path to the "cages" behind the Tarantella, where you will find the Order of the King.
Mining Shaft (Teardrop Mountain, Mordan) - Two huge groups (38) of Power Golems, lots of xp and which drop lots of Living Rock. Might want to save it until after 250 level cap for easy leveling, but if you aren't level 250 and you miss some Living Rocks, this is a fast place to get them.
Zrah's Camp (Vildwar Isle, Euran) - (2x Big Jade Statue, behind the easiest of the Taranetella groups)
(推荐)Stormlord's Den (Cassar Island, East) - There are random encounters here with huge groups of various monsters you should be all too familiar with killing by now. Large groups of Power Golems and Death Slimes (with Bonelords if you have defeated some of those) should be pretty easy to take out. I recommend this because they give you a huge amount of XP along with lots of Rainbow Coins and Materials that can be sold for even more Rainbow Coins. I got in average about 15-20k Rainbow Coins and gained about 6 levels or so. You may also go somewhere else to fight, but those enemies will be a lot harder and will probbaly award you with the same amount of xp. A fast and good way to take out a lot of strong physical enemies is using Serena with Legacy of Light (lottery prize) and her Active Skill Dragon's Breath.
等级上限解锁流程Upgrading level cap to:
Level 150:
Beat the last boss in the story line. See Dimension Traveler for more help.
Level 250:
Follow the "main quest" in post-game. It will eventually take you to the side quest The Prisoner. See the Forgotten Island trophy for map to location.
To complete the side quest The Prisoner, you need to visit the two tiny islands north of the quest giver, where you will fight some robots for a treasure chest. Take their contents to the quest giver, and he will give you an item that let you remove the blockade at the entrance of the Forgotten Island.
The Forgotten Island is located to the north of the quest giver, and is a bigger island. Fight your way to the girl on the island and talk to her, then return to the quest giver to turn in the quest.
Talk to quest giver and the girl a couple of times to get everything they have to give and a new quest called Beast Master. Beast Master is the quest that once completed will let you level up to level 250 and not just 150.
To complete this quest you will need 20x Imp Wing, which is easy to find, but you will also need 2x Big Fire Statue, which is much harder. To get the two Big Fire Statues, you need to complete the two side quests The Crystals and The box, more info is in the "Where to grind in post-game" list under.
Once the items required is obtained, talk to the quest giver to turn in the quest and reap the reward.
Level 600:
Talk to the quest giver again, and he will give you a new quest, Strategy Master.
He wants you to bring him 20x Living Rock and 4x Big Fire Statue. You will quickly realize once you start fighting your next enemies that 20x Living Rock won't be any problem, but 4x Big Fire Statue is a bit more complicated. Again have I pointed out in the "Where to grind post-game" list what you need to do.
Once the items required is obtained, talk to the quest giver to turn in the quest and reap the reward.
剧情通关后练级点Where to grind post-game based on your level:
(推荐)Forgotten Island - Pocket Robot, smaller groups to begin with, but then slowly challenge stronger enemies and bigger groups
Limwar's House - Dark Mage
Forgotten Island - Drill Unit and Circuit Bot
Murky Basement (Burning Steppe, Mordan) - See Murky Basement for map to the location, but you may need to start some side-quests to get access to the various parts of the dungeon. These quest givers are located in Polad (south in Mordan) and I think one north of Polad.
Horheim (Burning Steppe, Mordan) - Right above Murky Basement, but requires you to sail to it.
Mining Shaft (Teardrop Mountain, Mordan) - The Crystals (side quest, quest giver is located east in Mordan) must be completed to upgrade level cap
Warehouse (Taswan, Tscha) - The Box (side quest, quest giver is located in Taswan) must be completed to upgrade level cap
(推荐)Stormlord's Den (Cassar Island, East) - (4x Big Jade Statue) No need to go any further than the Tarantella. Good place to grind, as there are random encounters. Before fighting any Bone Lords I highly recommend grinding large groups of Death Slimes for lots of XP, Rainbow Coins, Rainbow Pearls and good crafting materials (Glowing Core; +400HP, +250Luck).
Broad Kennel - (4x Big Jade Statue)
Great Labyrinth (Taswn, Tscha) - The Single (side quest) must be completed to upgrade level cap.
Big Bang (A cannon boss, north of west side of Cassar Island) - Must pick up treasure behind boss to uprade level cap. A hot tip is that Big Bang can be Bound (use Earth Crusher) and then not be able to attack you if you are standing diagonally next to it.
Castle Temwall - Order of the King (side quest) must be completed to upgrade level cap. All you need to worry about is on the right side of the middle path of the dungeon, so no need to fight many level 500 enemies, but there are some level 400. Right before the level 400 Tarantella, on their right side, there is a button that opens a secret path. This path is straight behind the Tarantella, and takes you to a room full of pictures of people who probably have made the game. Behind the two closest Power Golems on the left side of the Tarantella is the two buttons you will want to press to open the path to the "cages" behind the Tarantella, where you will find the Order of the King.
Mining Shaft (Teardrop Mountain, Mordan) - Two huge groups (38) of Power Golems, lots of xp and which drop lots of Living Rock. Might want to save it until after 250 level cap for easy leveling, but if you aren't level 250 and you miss some Living Rocks, this is a fast place to get them.
Zrah's Camp (Vildwar Isle, Euran) - (2x Big Jade Statue, behind the easiest of the Taranetella groups)
(推荐)Stormlord's Den (Cassar Island, East) - There are random encounters here with huge groups of various monsters you should be all too familiar with killing by now. Large groups of Power Golems and Death Slimes (with Bonelords if you have defeated some of those) should be pretty easy to take out. I recommend this because they give you a huge amount of XP along with lots of Rainbow Coins and Materials that can be sold for even more Rainbow Coins. I got in average about 15-20k Rainbow Coins and gained about 6 levels or so. You may also go somewhere else to fight, but those enemies will be a lot harder and will probbaly award you with the same amount of xp. A fast and good way to take out a lot of strong physical enemies is using Serena with Legacy of Light (lottery prize) and her Active Skill Dragon's Breath.