-Progress from the demo can be carried over to the full game. (Only when starting a new game in the full game)
-Improvements made to the healing tutorial.
-Improvements made to the skill tutorial for new rarities joining during a mission.
-Adjusted requirements for obtaining a certain rarity.
-Lowered conditions required to reach the true ending.
-Fixed the credit skip function to prevent skipping over important scenes.
-Adjusted the targeting and lock on system to prioritize more suitable enemies.
-Enhanced the accuracy of attacks when not in a targeting or lock on state.
-The input window for the Deflect system has been extended for Easy and Normal difficulties.
-Adjusted the invincibility duration of the dodge actions.
-Other minor tweaks for gameplay improvements and bug fixes.
1. 最后一关的解锁条件从伤亡少于66人改为了少于100人(全难度);
2. 通关后按

3. 调整了锁定敌人优先级,增加了无锁状态攻击的精准度(个人更新后打最后一关无明显感知);
4. Easy和Normal难度的弹反时机延长(打白金还是建议一周目梦魇,所以这个改动没影响);
5. 调整了闪避的无敌时间(个人很少用闪避,主要用防御,所以无感知);
2024-12-12 11:31