Opening Movies
-Tekken 6 Opening Movie
-Tekken 6 Arcade Version Opening Movie
-Tekken 6 BR Opening Movie
-Scenario Campaign Opening Movie
Ending Movies
-40 Ending Movies, there is 1 movie for every character except Jin and Armor King who have 2 each, you unlock these by either finishing arcade mode with each character or by unlocking them randomly. The game seems to reward you with these when you play any game mode long enough.
-39 prologues, 1 for each character. Unlocked by entering(you dont have to finish)the arena in Scenario Campaign Mode. Note: There is a prologue for both Kuma and Panda, when selecting your character press X over their picture to select Kuma and A to select Panda.
Scenario Campaign Prologue
-Tekken 2
-Tekken 3
-Tekken 4
-Tekken 5
-Tekken 6
All of which are unlocked by watching one long cinematic.
Scenario Campaign Cinematics
-There are 34 in total, these are the videos that feature Lars and are unlocked by playing and finishing Scenario Campaign Mode.
Alisas Journals
47 in total. Unlocked by finishing every stage in Scenario Campaign Mode.
下面我提供一个简易的Ending Movies和Prologues刷法:进入Scenario Mode选择Central Subway Line,boss是Nina。进入关卡就跳车自杀,如此反复,大概7次左右就会解锁一个人物的Ending Movies和Prologues。这关卡读盘快,快捷有效。
2020-03-12 20:59