Originally Posted by Figma I seriously doubt Generall Historie of Plantes is for finding all plants, i spend 2h to search thru both day&night on all seasons and even on rain, theres nothing i havent seen before and it does not pop.Or is there more some plants that are only in one place, like those red things on autumn at grave and theres like only one or two of those green tubes on summer (i think)
I'm sure it has to be done in one playthrough to. Heres what I did to get it. First you need a map where the graveyard and big tree are close to each other. Now, start the game. On your first season travel around the map until sunset. making sure that you hit both the big tree and the graveyard. Aswell as any big clumps of trees. Do the same with the second season. In the third season do the same. One thing differently I did in the third season was making sure I hit both the small red and green plants. It seems that they are never close together. Also in the third season hit the big tree both during the day and night. As the scenery changes between the two for the tree. The forth season is the trickiest because you are limited in time obviously. That's why I suggest a map with the graveyard and big tree close to each other. So, when winter starts head for the graveyard and big tree. Hopefully the trophy pops.
A small checklist I made was
Green w/ brown bark
Pink w/ brown bark
White w/ purple bark
White w/ Pink bark
Green w/ brown bark (Long Slender)
Of course all the autumn trees as so differently colored. But, I tried to hit every different color.
Dark trees (Winter)
Small green
Small red
Small brown
Small white
Small pink
Roses (in graveyard)
Pink singing plants
White singing plants
White scared plants (Looks like claws)
Normal grass
Long grass
Seaweed? (On the beach)
Pink long grass
Long dead grass
Mushrooms? (In autumn)
White snow covered normal grass
White snow covered long grass