✅奖杯攻略相关内容 🚫白金留念 🚫联机信息(→这里) 🚫非奖杯相关提问(→这里)
Act 1 - 在进入洞穴继续主线之前,选择让恶魔进入你的意识(let the demon into your mind)
Act 1 - 在Act 1结束前,精灵王子会要求你的协助,选择不帮助(Tell him that you have your own goal in mind and you will only help him so far before setting off on your own.)
Act 2 - 在Act 2中,你会遇到死去的精灵国王,你可以选择让王子与国王告别,或者吸收他,选择吸收他。(In a story mission of Act 2 you will find the mostly dead King Arandil IV and you will have the choice to let the prince say goodbye or to absorb him, you need to ABSORB him.)
Act 2 - 在Act 2结尾,你需要选择Edwen或Rhelmar阵营,选择Edwen。(At the end of Act 2 you will find yourself with a choice to side with Edwen or Rhelmar; Choose Edwen. This is also needed for her seduction anyway.)
Act 3 - 杀死全部嫔妃后,继续推进主线,在进入传送门之前会触发最后一次恶魔化,同时解锁本奖杯,并且会在选择结局时出现火焰净化一切的恶魔结局。(Killing all the Concubines (needed for story) will unlock the demon alignment fully after a cutscene that triggers before you enter the portal.)
2022-01-30 21:10修改
✅奖杯攻略相关内容 🚫白金留念 🚫联机信息(→这里) 🚫非奖杯相关提问(→这里)