There are a total of 5 Tengu that need help, and they are listed by chapter name and what you need to do for them.
1) Leaving Home-Tengu in the village:
Destroy all samurai on other side of the bridge. Just kill all the samurai across the bridge and that's it. There are a total of 13 that need to be killed.
2) Leaving Home-Tengu near the Temple:
He wants a Burdock Flower. The Burdock Flower is right up the stairs near the temple, behind a few statues.
3) Haunted Forest-Tengu in the woods to the left of the main path from start:
He wants a Spear of Ashida. You should have one to spare so just hand it over to him.
4) Flooded Valley-Tengu near the start of the level:
He wants you to go to the temple and check on the Tengu there. Once you return, he gives you the sturdy rod, which will allow the giant Koi to drag you into the next area.
5) Winter Range-Tengu by the split in the path near the start:
He just wants a Tiger Lilly. Just hand one over and you're done.
The achievement unlocks right after doing this final task.
注意:该奖杯有bug,如果未拿到该奖杯,千万不能重打Flooded Valley这个关卡,否则要重打该游戏
2023-02-18 23:10