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-C-78 Auto Loading Pistol(C-78自动上膛手枪)
-MK 1 Service Revolver (MK1左轮)
-Duellist Revolver(决斗者左轮)
-C-81 Maschinenpistole (C-81毛瑟冲锋枪)
-M4 'Dragoon' Revolver (龙骑兵左轮)
-M2 Falchion Auto-Rifle (M2弯刀)
-M85 Automatisch
-M82 Self Loader Carbine (M82自动上膛 卡宾枪)
-RA-5 Repeating Shotgun (RA-5连发散弹)
-'Three Crown' Coach Gun (“三冠”散弹)
Sniper Rifle
-M84 Marksman Carbine (M84狙击)
-M86 Thermite Rifle (铝热)
-TS-23 Arc Induction Lance (电弧)
-TS-29 Cannon (磁能炮)
-TS-17 'Detonator' (引爆器)
-Repeating Arbalest (钢弩)
-MK IV Grenade (手雷)
一周目通关后,没解.玩的时候有发现有一把枪,好像叫引爆器什么的,就是打出后,要按R1引爆,一周目的时候不知道,我打出去后,再用其他枪再去打想引爆,死活不爆. 后来才知道打出后按R1,日了狗了. 然后直接章节那档案那关,开枪,引爆,跳杯.
There are 16 weapons and one explosive grenade and you have to kill at least one enemy with all of them to unlock this trophy. A lot of them are unmissable due to story progress and others will be placed in your inventory automatically. The weapons are not hidden in any way. Instead, they are dropped by enemies. Just make sure that you search all dead bodies and if you find a weapon that you haven't used before, then pick it up and kill an enemy with it. Unfortunately, there is no tracker to see which weapons you have done kills with. Keep an eye on the list below as you make your way through the game and you should unlock this trophy in chapter 11 when you do your first kill with the Crossbow. If you are missing a weapon kill you can farm it via chapter select. Your progress also carries over when starting a new game.
C-78 Autoloading Pistol:
Chapter 01 - The game forces you to kill the very first enemy in the game with this weapon. Cannot be missed.
MK 1 Service Revolver:
Chapter 01 - Can be picked up from dead enemies, mostly during the first big gunfight. It's one of the most common weapons in the game and appears very frequently throughout the story. Only dropped by enemies.
M2 "Falchion" Auto-Rifle:
Chapter 01 - It will be placed in your inventory automatically after killing the first group of enemies. When freeing a hostage halfway through the chapter you are supposed to kill the hostage-taker with it, making this weapon kill almost unmissable.
"Duelist" Revolver:
Chapter 03 - Automatically in your inventory when you encounter the first group of enemies in a building.
M82 Selfloader Carbine:
Chapter 03 - Dropped by the first two enemies you have to kill in this chapter. Also found very frequently throughout the entire game.
M85 Automatisch:
Chapter 03 - After killing the first two enemies in this chapter you will come to a room with two weapons and several grenades. The M85 Automatisch is one of the weapons in this room. Can also be picked up from dead enemies throughout the chapter.
M84 Marksman Carbine (Sniper Rifle with Scope):
Chapter 03 - When you fight the first big group of enemies in a courtyard there is a sniper shooting at you. Go into the building where the sniper is shooting from, kill him, and take his weapon. Later in Chapter 09 the game will force you to kill enemies with this weapon while defending an ally, making it unmissable.
RA-5 Repeating Shotgun:
Chapter 03 - You will be attacked by lots of shotgun enemies during the big fight in the courtyard where lots of enemy waves keep coming in. Pick up the shotgun from one of the dead enemies.
M86 Thermite Rifle:
Chapter 03 - At the end of this chapter you will automatically obtain this weapon during a cutscene and it will be placed in your inventory automtically.
C-81 Maschinenpistole:
Chapter 05 - This can be found on the balcony where you have to use the sniper rifle to eliminate the rebels. It is also dropped by many enemies later in this chapter.
'Three Crown' Coach Gun (Sawed-Off Shotgun):
Chapter 05 - Can be picked up from dead enemies in the kitchen section. Alternatively, there are lots of enemies with this weapon in chapter 11. It's one of the rarest (but also strongest) weapons in the game and can only be picked up from dead enemies. It uses 3 ammo per shot. Do not confuse it with the normal shotgun.
T-23 Arc Induction Lance:
Chapter 08 - Will be in your inventory automatically when the chapter starts.
M4 'Dragoon' Revolver:
Chapter 08 - Will be in your inventory automatically when the chapter starts.
MK IV Grenade (Frag Grenade):
Chapter 08 - You will have three of these grenades in your inventory when the chapter starts. Also found throughout the entire game.
TS-29 Cannon (Rocket Launcher):
Chapter 08 - You automatically have to kill enemies with this during Chapter 08 to progress in the game, unmissable.
TS-17 'Detonator' (Grenade Launcher):
Chapter 09 - One guy on the deck of the ship has it, pick it up after killing him. Pay attention that he doesn't fall off the ship when you kill him. You can find another one inside the ship on a table (after leaving the deck). Later found again in chapter 11 on a balcony that you have to defend. You will get there through story progression, though the grenade launcher does not necessarily have to be picked up and is easy to miss.
Repeating Arbalest (Crossbow):
Chapter 11 - You pick it up as part of the story in the very beginning of the chapter. Use it on one of the enemies in the gardens.
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