Minerva's Den
1. After the first Gatherer's Garden on the way to Porter's office, turn left.
2. In McClendon Robotics on the product display line.
3. In McClendon Robotics, hidden in a room behind a screen (the one with all the robotic Little Sisters and the audio log about them by the drunk guy).
4. In the Air-Tite Archives in the New Accounts section (to the right soon after the entrance) need the Electro Bolt Plasmid first.
5. In the Mag Locked section on the way to Porter's Office, need the Gravity Well Plasmid.
1. In the Storage room with the upgraded Rivet Gun when you first enter the Programming Wing. Use Electro Bolt on the door to gain access.
2. Through the doorway near the Circus of Values adjacent to Felix Birnbaum's office in the Programming Wing.
3. Near the entrance to Climate Control, on the same wall as the Gene Bank in the Engineering Wing.
4. Directly in front of you as you exit the elevator to Exhaust Venting.
5. In Climate Control, in the room right of where the entrance to the Turbine is. You'll find it just before finding the upgraded Ion Laser.