简单点说就是必须一周目内全部达成收集要素。建议一周目就小心的把收集要素全都收集完成吧,预选云一遍流程也好,简单难度打一遍也好,然后把收集要素的视频先看一遍(因为没有完美的全收集通关流程,所以就算是看视频,也得确保对视频里的场所有点印象,不然还是有可能错过。) 因为有些错过就没法回来找了,至少保证在戳手指之前的收集要素全都不漏的拿到,不然回头再戳一次手指有多蛋疼自己想。


This trophy is both annoying and by far, the longest grinding trophy you will ever get upon completing the campaign. What makes this game notorious for 100% completion is that some areas will no longer become available after some progress in the story has been made, making collectibles missable if they haven't been obtained earlier, including any side missions you may have missed. By the time you reach the "Assault on Authority Bridge" mission, you should be at 126/130 for overall completion if you got everything up to that point, with the last 2 jumps being in the final area, a collectible card on the bridge itself, and the last point for finishing the last story mission, which should total up to 130/130 at the end.
PLEASE NOTE: This trophy is glitchy in many ways. For some players, it gets stuck at 129/130, with the main culprit being if you bought an advanced version of a schematic before buying the regular version first, so PLEASE buy all the regular schematics first to avoid this nasty progression bug. Other times, the stats will be stuck at 128/130 despite getting everything done up to the point of the final mission, which is usually fixed by reloading the save. You have been warned.
Below is a full checklist of everything you will need for 100% completion of the campaign (The Scorchers DLC does not need to be completed if you have it installed. The Wasteland Sewer Missions DLC is also not required for this trophy).
Complete All Main Story Missions
Complete All 9 Job Board Missions (Silver Mr. Oddjob)
Perform All 18 Vehicle Jumps (Bronze Jumper)
Collect all 19 Recipes/Schematics (Bronze Master Chef)
Collect all 54 Collectible Cards (Bronze Gotta Have 'Em All)
Win All 26 Races (Silver Rage Cup)
Win A Round of All 5 Minigames (Bronze Minigamer)
Five Finger Filet
RAGE Frenzy
Wingstick Mastery
The following activities are NOT required for this trophy:
All 3 Field Goals (Bronze It's Good!)
Durar's Time Trial (winning the race itself isn't needed, but it does award a collectible card, so you should win this anyways)
Non-posted races
Stanley Express missions (you can do them however if you need money in one of your two playthroughs)
Minigames added from The Scorchers DLC (Roly-Poly, Video Poker)
The Scorchers DLC Missions
Wasteland Sewer Missions DLC
2023-02-14 12:49修改