PS4《战车世界 | World of Tanks》白金攻略 第X步: DLC

微博   微信 2021-11-02 14:44编辑     26评论
第X步: DLC
游戏本身在更新的过程中加入了部分 DLC 奖杯, 有一些奖杯暂时无法进行获取, 会特别说明

英国车建议 FV4005/TD 线或 S.Conqueror/HT 线
For Her Majesty
Destroy 4 enemy tanks in a single match while using a British tank. MP Only.

死斗模式中不能占家, 即地图上没有占家的圈
The Muscle
Cause the most damage in a winning Team Destruction match and survive. MP Only.

基本需要金币车来完成, 像一开始说的, 游戏会不停赠送金币车。注意此处的收益为裸收益, 不算银币加成以及高级账户的加成
Show Me The Money
Earn 100,000+ silver in a single match (gross earnings before Challenges) and survive.

Distinguished Service
Earn a fifth skill slot on a Commander.

Veteran At The Helm
Destroy 3 or more enemy tanks in a match with an Elite Commander equipped and survive. MP only.

Not in MY house!
Destroy 2 enemy tanks trying to capture a friendly base. MP only.

在车辆未被点亮(看不见)的情况下击杀, 推荐火炮完成
In My Sights
Destroy an undetected enemy tank.

A God Among Men
Survive for one minute while remaining spotted as the last member of your team. MP Only.

在车库界面按方块, 选到 APPERENCE 卡即可进行涂装选择, 一般选银币购买
Dressed to Impress
Play in one of each camo locale with camo equipped. MP Only.

对着敌方坦克按可以进行标记, 等敌方坦克残血后标记等队友击毁即可
Call the Ball
Request Fire on a target and have it destroyed by an ally within 30 seconds. MP Only.

在车库界面按, 在 EQUIPTMENT 下可以安装坦克配件, 一般选择输弹(减少上弹时间)+通风(增强成员能力)+垂稳(炮弹精准度)
Preparing for War
Enter a battle with 3 types of Equipment on a tank. MP Only.

Have the highest XP of your team and survive. MP only.

在车库界面按可以呼出组队界面, 在组队界面可以进行组队邀请, 小队最多三人, 组队的时候只能选相同等级的坦克。在战斗界面上方可以看到所有坦克, 其中坦克图标左下角有相同的为组队中的玩家, 可以为下面的奖杯作为参考
Stand By Me
Survive and win a battle along with one or more platoon mates. MP only.

Friends and Enemies
While in a platoon, destroy an enemy tank that is in a platoon. MP only.

World War
Destroy 1000 tanks in multiplayer.

法国车建议 查涤纶/MD 线 或 火炮线
Vive la France
Destroy 4 enemy tanks in a single multiplayer match while using a French tank.

轻坦建议苏联 LT-100 线; 中坦建议德国 E50 线; 重坦建议英国 S.Conqueror 线; 坦歼建议德国 Grille 15 线; 火炮建议美国 T92 HMC 线
Top Shelf
Research a tier X of each class.

Eyes Peeled
Earn 15 or more spotting assist ribbons during a multiplayer battle

排位赛暂时关闭, 等待后续开放
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Play at least five matches Ranked Battles.

Ten by Ten
Win and survive ten battles in a tier X.

下列奖杯由于战争故事移除暂时无法获取, 不排除将来重新加入游戏的可能性
Ten by Ten
Win and survive ten battles in a tier X.

Journey Begun
Complete a story chapter successfully.

New Story Wheels
Complete all of a story's chapters with a different tank.

Story Teller
Complete all chapters of a story successfully.

Story Master
Complete all chapters of four stories successfully.

Better Together
Complete a chapter of a story with another player.

Special Guest Star!
Complete a chapter of a story with a different tier X tank.

下列奖杯由于合约/佣兵战车移除暂时无法获取, Wargaming 表示会在今年年底之前重新将以下内容加入游戏
Check's In The Mail
Complete the first stage of a mercenary contract.

Gun for Hire
Complete a mercenary contract.

Running With a Rough Crowd
Win 5 Multiplayer battles in a platoon of only mercenary tanks.

Wrath of the Mercenary
Win 100 Multiplayer battles in mercenary tanks.

Mercenary Mastery
Earn a Mastery Badge of Class I or higher on a mercenary tank.

Earning a Reputation
Earn Marks of Excellence on a tier V or higher mercenary tank.

Career Killer
Destroy 50 enemies in Multiplayer with a mercenary tank.

Complete The Heist War Story successfully.

有想一起玩的也可以加我 晚上一般都能打~
smogxiong 2021-11-02 13:51
heopoli 2021-11-02 14:18
zermanni 2021-11-02 14:30
forskere 2021-11-02 14:40
@zermanni 难度本身不高, 就是费时间
smogxiong 2021-11-02 14:44
@forskere 游戏一开始是有中文的, 后来在某个版本由于位置的原因(可能嫌后续翻译麻烦)就给去了, 而且本身游戏还是有亚服的
smogxiong 2021-11-02 14:54
koikoiyo 2021-11-02 17:16
@koikoiyo 对,16年刚买主机下来玩了一会。去年想再下来耍耍,找半天找不到中文选项。印象中明明有的。游戏商店还标着中文不去掉
sw_leon 2021-11-02 17:44
@smogxiong 又有亚服了吗?之前去掉中文的时候我记得只剩下欧服和美服。另外这游戏在PSN上还注着有中文
inter-debo 2021-11-02 18:25
james_ahn 2021-11-02 18:53
gaojing007945 2021-11-02 19:25
lugia901012 2021-11-02 19:34
brokenwarmtoned 2021-11-02 21:08
zilongwangying 2021-11-02 22:04
lovelove_miku 2021-11-02 22:25
sbigdaddy 2021-11-02 22:34
疯了开这个 肝废了
menacing811ray 2021-11-02 22:48
@inter-debo 还是没有的, 现在用加速器连欧服延迟很低
@lovelove_miku 五年是中间弃坑了两三年, 要是一直肝的话其实一年内绝对搞定了
smogxiong 2021-11-03 09:29
hskyouko 2021-11-03 09:50
大佬 膜拜
kongva- 2021-11-06 10:48
hell---43km 2021-11-10 07:00
@smogxiong 亚服并到欧服就没有中文了
vinz705 2021-11-15 14:07
jam_yx2017 2021-12-08 18:12
@smogxiong 原因就是PC代理换成了360,360要求主机板不准有中文,以前看过主机板直播是有中文的
alex_jayhuang 2022-01-25 18:02
@hell---43km 刚开始全系没灯泡技能怎么搞
alex_jayhuang 2022-01-25 18:04
blhblz 2022-12-28 15:14 上海