beat the game on LEGEND difficulty
complete all substories
achieve 100% completion
learn all skills
max all stats
invest a million yen in Himawari orphanage
destroy 100 weapons
play all minigames
win all fighting tournaments
complete all bodyguard missions
complete Cabaret Club Czar like in Yakuza 0
open all coin lockers
watch all videos
complete a bunch of Clan Creator missions like in Yakuza 6
defeat all encounter bosses
eat at every restaurant, try every vending machine drink
have ten million yen
destroy three shop interiors during fights
take ten cell phone pictures
Pretty standard Yakuza game list with a few other features from recent Yakuza titles added in for good measure. Yakuza 6 was a really fast platinum but this one looks like it'll definitely clock in at over 100 hours.