Fort Defense North Menace

PS4《Fort Defense North Menace》中文奖杯列表

白0 金1 银4 铜5 总10 点数285 5人玩过 麻烦  20%完美

#8 Snow fever

All levels of the episode "Arctic Ocean" were passed on 3 stars
9.00% 非常珍贵

#2 Magic storm

Used 200 spells
30.20% 珍贵

#5 God's punishment

500 enemies have been destroyed by your spell
26.30% 珍贵

#6 Rime of the beard

10 levels were passed in a row in one game session
13.10% 非常珍贵

#10 An old piece of plate

The first 5 levels of the episode have been passed with the guns out of the store without improvements
14.10% 非常珍贵

#1 Volley from all the guns!

All platforms for which guns can be installed should be occupied
29.40% 珍贵

#3 Pete adactyl

The level is lost from the damage of opponents from the first wave
23.50% 珍贵

#4 In full sail!

The countdown timer was reset for each wave of enemies at the level
50.50% 一般

#7 Seven feet under the keel!

3 levels in a row were passed, with no enemy ship attacked the outpost
34.50% 珍贵

#9 Dead Man's Chest

5000 gold coins have been earned from killing enemies
72.90% 一般