完成度 81/81 | 3月21日首个杯 | 4月6日最后杯 | 15.8天总耗时 |
#61 Blue Ribbon Champ (藍帶冠軍) 5 Tips In CitC, completed all Blue Ribbon Challenges.在「雲端激戰」中,完成所有藍帶挑戰。
03-27 22:45 |
0.30% 极为珍贵 | |
#76 Taffer's Delight Completed Burial at Sea - Episode 2 in 1998 mode.以1998模式完成海葬第二章
04-01 17:16 |
0.30% 极为珍贵 | |
#59 The Ol' One-Two (連環攻擊) 3 Tips In CitC, used all eight different vigor combos to deliver the killing blow on an enemy.在「雲端激戰」中,使用所有八種不同的異能組合殺死一名敵人。
04-04 10:20 |
0.40% 极为珍贵 | |
#75 The Whole Story (整个故事) 1 Tips Collected all Audio Diaries and Voxophones in Burial at Sea - Episode 2.收集所有录音日记和留声机在海葬第二章
03-23 19:52 |
0.40% 极为珍贵 | |
Used Ironsides to collect 20 rounds of ammo or more in Burial at Sea - Episode 2.
04-04 18:54 |
0.40% 极为珍贵 | |
#57 Sergeant-at-Arms (荷槍警衛) In CitC, got a kill with each weapon and vigor (except Bucking Bronco).在「雲端激戰」中,使用每種武器和異能各殺死一名敵人(除「奔騰野馬」)。
04-05 05:15 |
0.50% 极为珍贵 | |
#55 Hand of the Prophet (先知之手) Defeated all waves in Emporia Arcade.完成「恩波里亞廣場」中的所有關卡。
04-03 23:11 |
0.60% 极为珍贵 | |
#58 Rope-a-Dope (倚繩戰術) 1 Tips In CitC, knocked an enemy off the city with Undertow, then rescued him, then knocked him off again.在「雲端激戰」中,使用「暗潮洶湧」將一名敵人擊出城外,然後救起並再次把他推出去。
03-31 10:48 |
0.60% 极为珍贵 | |
#68 Chain Reaction (連鎖反應) Damaged fifteen foes with an exploding enemy, using the Radar Range in Burial at Sea - Episode 1.在「海葬首部曲」中,使用雷達光線槍,透過讓敵人爆炸的效果傷害15名敵人。
03-29 15:16 |
0.60% 极为珍贵 | |
#56 Museum Curator (博物館長) 1 Tips In CitC, unlocked all Gallery items.在「雲端激戰」中,解鎖所有畫廊物品。
04-06 00:52 |
0.70% 极为珍贵 | |
#64 Audio Enthusiast (錄音發燒友) 1 Tips Collected all Audio Diaries in Burial at Sea - Episode 1.收集「海葬首部曲」中所有錄音日誌。
03-28 21:58 |
0.70% 极为珍贵 | |
#53 Duke or Dimwit? (杜克還是德維特?) Defeated all waves in Duke and Dimwit Theater.完成「杜克和德維特劇場」中的所有關卡。
03-23 14:07 |
0.80% 极为珍贵 | |
#54 Rooftop Ruffian (屋頂暴徒) Defeated all waves in Raven's Dome.完成「渡鴉穹頂」中的所有關卡。
03-26 06:41 |
0.80% 极为珍贵 | |
#60 Missile Defense System (飛彈防禦系統) 1 Tips In CitC, killed an enemy with splash damage by shooting a rocket out of the air.在「雲端激戰」中,用射到半空中火箭的濺射傷害殺死一名敵人。
03-29 19:37 |
0.80% 极为珍贵 | |
#80 Dead Drop (祸从天降) 1 Tips On three occasions, knocked out an enemy after silently dropping off a Freight Hook.从Freight Hook安静落下后,从背后打晕敌人三次。
03-25 19:06 |
0.80% 极为珍贵 | |
#66 Confirmed Luddite (堅定的盧德分子) Destroyed ten Turrets in Burial at Sea - Episode 1.在「海葬首部曲」中,摧毀10個哨衛。
03-31 20:29 |
0.90% 极为珍贵 | |
#81 Never Saw It Coming (浑然不知) 1 Tips While invisible, used Peeping Tom to knock out 15 enemies with a melee attack.使用Peeping Tom隐形后,打晕15个敌人。
04-05 09:44 |
0.90% 极为珍贵 | |
#52 Friendly Skies (友好天空) Defeated all waves in The OPS Zeal.完成「狂熱作戰行動」中的所有關卡。
03-23 05:36 |
1.10% 极为珍贵 | |
#65 Fully Equipped (裝備齊全) Purchased any two upgrades for Old Man Winter or Radar Range in Burial at Sea - Episode 1.在「海葬首部曲」中,購買「冬季老伯」或雷達射線槍的任意兩項升級。
04-02 15:01 |
1.30% 极为珍贵 | |
#70 Snowball Effect (雪球效應) 1 Tips Froze 2 enemies with the same Old Man Winter trap in Burial at Sea - Episode 1.使用同一個「冬季老伯」陷阱凍結2名敵人。
04-01 17:59 |
1.30% 极为珍贵 | |
#1 Platinum Columbia (哥伦比亚的白金) 1 Tips Acquire all other trophies完成其他所有成就!
04-06 08:10 |
1.50% 极为珍贵 | |
#51 Scavenger Hunt (拾荒獵殺) 1 Tips Completed the Main Campaign in 1999 Mode without purchasing anything from a Dollar Bill machine.以1999模式通關遊戲,且未從「有錢就來」販賣機中購買任何東西。
03-26 07:09 |
1.80% 极为珍贵 | |
#14 Auld Lang Syne (从古至今) 2 Tips Completed the Main Campaign on 1999 Mode.在1999模式下通关主线游戏。
03-25 10:53 |
1.90% 极为珍贵 | |
#69 Break the Ice (粉碎堅冰) Shattered 5 enemies who had been frozen with Old Man Winter in Burial at Sea - Episode 1.擊碎5個被「冬季老伯」凍結的敵人。
03-31 11:45 |
1.90% 极为珍贵 | |
#77 Making Some Noise (制造一些噪音) 2 Tips Gained five noisemakers through lockpicking.通过橇锁获得五个蜂鸣器
03-31 19:26 |
1.90% 极为珍贵 | |
#67 Cook and Serve (盛宴款待) Made 5 enemies explode with the Radar Range in Burial at Sea - Episode 1.在「海葬首部曲」中,使用雷達射線槍讓5名敵人爆炸。
03-26 03:09 |
2.20% 极为珍贵 | |
#74 Paid in Full (全款交收) Completed Burial at Sea - Episode 2.完成海葬第二章
03-26 23:08 |
2.30% 极为珍贵 | |
#46 Sightseer (觀光客) 1 Tips In the Main Campaign, used all telescopes and Kinetoscopes in the game.使用遊戲中所有望遠鏡和放映機。
03-31 14:32 |
2.40% 极为珍贵 | |
#73 Mein Hair 2 Tips Delivered the hair sample in Burial at Sea - Episode 2.运送头发样本
03-27 09:20 |
2.40% 极为珍贵 | |
#39 Lost Weekend (週末的宿醉) 2 Tips In the Main Campaign, killed 5 enemies while you are drunk.在喝醉的時候殺死5名敵人。
04-02 09:48 |
2.50% 极为珍贵 | |
#72 Up and Running (运行正常) 2 Tips Repaired the machine in Suchong's lab in Burial at Sea - Episode 2.在海葬第二章修好苏冲实验室的机器
03-28 00:54 |
2.50% 极为珍贵 | |
#78 Twofer 1 Tips Knocked out two or more enemies using the same Gas Bolt.用一发Gas Bolt打晕两个以上的敌人。
03-30 13:20 |
2.50% 极为珍贵 | |
#48 Eavesdropper (竊聽者) 1 Tips In the Main Campaign, collected every Voxophone.集齊所有留聲機。
03-26 21:46 |
2.80% 极为珍贵 | |
#45 Infused with Greatness (最大注入) 1 Tips In the Main Campaign, collected every Infusion upgrade in a single game.在單次遊戲中收集所有能力昇級藥劑。
04-04 08:13 |
3.30% 极为珍贵 | |
#30 Combination Shock (組合震盪) 5 Tips In the Main Campaign, performed all 8 of the Vigor combinations.使用八種異能組合。
04-03 13:59 |
3.50% 极为珍贵 | |
#34 On the Fly (自由飛翔) In the Main Campaign, killed 30 enemies while riding a Sky-Line.於空軌上殺死30名敵人。
04-03 16:37 |
3.90% 极为珍贵 | |
#63 Burial at Sea (海底送葬) 1 Tips Completed Burial at Sea - Episode 1.完成「海葬首部曲」。
03-28 14:42 |
3.90% 极为珍贵 | |
#71 Going Places (雲遊四方) 1 Tips Rode the tram in Burial at Sea - Episode 1.在「海葬首部曲」中,搭乘纜車。
03-26 13:29 |
4.10% 极为珍贵 | |
#13 Stone Cold Pinkerton (铁血警探) Completed the Main Campaign on Hard difficulty or above.以困难或以上难度完成主线游戏。
04-05 20:01 |
4.50% 极为珍贵 | |
#62 Down in the Briney (浸入鹽水) 1 Tips Took a Bathysphere ride in Burial at Sea - Episode 1.在「海葬首部曲」中,搭乘球型潛水裝置。
04-01 23:45 |
4.60% 极为珍贵 | |
#37 Bon Voyage (一路平安) 2 Tips In the Main Campaign, killed 20 enemies by knocking them off Columbia.將20名敵人擊落出哥倫比亞。
03-21 16:30 |
4.80% 极为珍贵 | |
#35 Bolt From the Blue (晴天霹靂) 3 Tips In the Main Campaign, killed 5 enemies with a headshot while riding a Sky-Line.於空軌上將5名敵人爆頭。
04-02 08:34 |
5.90% 非常珍贵 | |
#31 Mind Over Matter (心勝於物) 1 Tips In the Main Campaign, killed 20 enemies using Possessed machines.利用被魅惑的機械殺死20名敵人。
03-22 14:08 |
6.50% 非常珍贵 | |
#38 Skeet Shoot (飛靶射擊) 6 Tips In the Main Campaign, killed 5 enemies while they are falling.殺死5名墜落中的敵人。
03-30 05:58 |
6.50% 非常珍贵 | |
#41 Heartbreaker (芳心終結者) 3 Tips In the Main Campaign, killed a Handyman by only shooting his heart.透過只射擊心臟的方式殺死一個巨臂匠。
03-25 03:34 |
6.50% 非常珍贵 | |
#44 Raising the Bar (升高橫槓) 1 Tips In the Main Campaign, upgraded one attribute (Health, Shield, or Salts) to its maximum level.將一項屬性(生命、護盾或魔鹽)提昇到最大值。
03-28 23:14 |
11.40% 非常珍贵 | |
#17 Aerial Assassin (空中刺客) In the Main Campaign, killed 20 enemies with a Sky-Line Strike.使用空軌突襲殺死20名敵人。
03-29 00:41 |
15.30% 珍贵 | |
#26 Seasoned to Taste (酌情調味) In the Main Campaign, killed 30 enemies with the Peppermill Crank Gun.使用曲柄槍殺死30名敵人。
03-29 22:53 |
15.30% 珍贵 | |
#33 Strange Bedfellows (同床異夢) 2 Tips In the Main Campaign, killed 20 enemies using allies brought in through a Tear.利用裂境產生的友軍殺死20名敵人。
03-31 20:37 |
17.60% 珍贵 | |
#24 Here Little Piggy (小豬在此) In the Main Campaign, killed 30 enemies with the Founder Pig Volley Gun or Vox Hail Fire.使用榴彈槍或彈射槍殺死30名敵人。
03-26 03:58 |
18.50% 珍贵 | |
#16 Industrial Accident (工業事故) 1 Tips In the Main Campaign, killed 20 enemies with a Sky-Hook Execution.使用天鉤處決20名敵人。
03-28 18:18 |
19.30% 珍贵 | |
#29 More for Your Money (物超所值) 2 Tips In the Main Campaign, lured 3 enemies into a single Vigor trap 5 times.引誘3名敵人觸發一種異能陷阱5次。
03-23 19:03 |
19.70% 珍贵 | |
#19 Passionately Reciprocated (熱情回應) In the Main Campaign, killed 150 enemies with the Founder Triple R Machine Gun or Vox Repeater.使用機槍或連發槍殺死150名敵人。
03-30 10:36 |
22.10% 珍贵 | |
#36 Hazard Pay (危險津貼) 2 Tips In the Main Campaign, killed 10 enemies by utilizing environmental hazards.利用環境傷害殺死10名敵人。
03-29 04:36 |
22.70% 珍贵 | |
#12 Saw the Elephant (看到了巨象) Completed the Main Campaign on Normal difficulty or above.以普通或以上难度完成主线游戏。
04-05 19:38 |
23.30% 珍贵 | |
#22 Loose Cannon (放浪形骸) In the Main Campaign, killed 25 enemies with the Paddywhacker Hand Cannon.使用鞭笞者手銃殺死25名敵人。
03-27 22:19 |
25.60% 珍贵 | |
#25 Master of Pyrotechnics (煙火大師) In the Main Campaign, killed 20 enemies with the Barnstormer RPG.使用火箭筒殺死20名敵人。
03-22 21:42 |
26.10% 珍贵 | |
#21 Big Game Hunter (巨物獵人) In the Main Campaign, killed 100 enemies with the Founder Huntsman Carbine or Vox Burstgun.使用卡賓槍或突擊槍殺死100名敵人。
03-24 02:08 |
26.80% 珍贵 | |
#27 Well Rounded (全能戰士) In the Main Campaign, used all 8 Vigors against enemies.使用全部8種異能與敵人戰鬥。
03-26 10:25 |
29.10% 珍贵 | |
#23 On a Clear Day... (陽光燦爛的日子…) In the Main Campaign, killed 30 enemies with the Bird's Eye Sniper Rifle.使用鳥瞰狙擊步槍殺死30名敵人。
03-25 12:21 |
30.40% 珍贵 | |
#43 Kitted Out (全副武裝) 1 Tips In the Main Campaign, fully upgraded one weapon and one Vigor.完全升級一種武器及一項異能。
03-24 23:37 |
31.00% 珍贵 | |
#49 Grand Largesse (出手闊綽) In the Main Campaign, spent $10,000 at the vending machines of Columbia.在哥倫比亞的販賣機上消費$10,000元。
04-01 16:22 |
31.00% 珍贵 | |
#10 The Bird or The Cage (鳥兒或籠子) Completed The Hand of the Prophet.完成先知之手的情節。
04-05 10:29 |
33.50% 珍贵 | |
#11 Tin Soldier (錫兵) Completed the Main Campaign on Easy difficulty or above.以簡單難易度及以上通關遊戲。
04-03 16:11 |
33.60% 珍贵 | |
#15 Should Auld Acquaintance... (似曾相似) 1 Tips Unlocked 1999 Mode.解锁1999模式。
04-01 04:34 |
34.00% 珍贵 | |
#20 Street Sweeper (清道夫) In the Main Campaign, killed 50 enemies with the Founder China Broom Shotgun or Vox Heater.使用霰彈槍或焰彈槍殺死50名敵人。
03-29 08:43 |
35.00% 珍贵 | |
#47 The Roguish Type (小淘氣) In the Main Campaign, used Elizabeth to pick 30 locks.操作伊麗莎白解開30道鎖。
04-01 08:35 |
38.70% 珍贵 | |
#9 Higher Learning (高等教育) Completed Comstock House.完成康姆斯托克之家的情節。
04-01 16:53 |
38.80% 珍贵 | |
#8 Blood in the Streets (街道上的血跡) Completed Emporia.完成恩波里亞的情節。
03-31 20:27 |
40.10% 珍贵 | |
#28 Vigorous Opposition (異能反擊) In the Main Campaign, killed 75 enemies either with a Vigor or while the enemy is under the effects of a Vigor.使用異能殺死敵人或殺死受異能影響的敵人,總數75個。
04-06 02:02 |
46.00% 珍贵 | |
#7 Working Class Hero (工人英雄) In the Main Campaign, completed the Factory.完成工廠的情節。
04-06 08:10 |
46.70% 珍贵 | |
#32 Tear 'em a New One (開個裂境給他們看看) In the Main Campaign, opened 30 Tears.開啟30個裂境。
03-30 22:52 |
47.70% 珍贵 | |
#6 Armed Revolt (武裝叛亂) Assisted the gunsmith.為槍匠提供幫助。
03-29 19:55 |
48.50% 珍贵 | |
#50 Coins in the Cushion (坐墊內的硬幣) In the Main Campaign, looted 200 containers.搜索200個儲物容器。
03-28 23:57 |
49.30% 珍贵 | |
#40 David & Goliath (大衛與歌利亞) In the Main Campaign, killed 20 "Heavy Hitter" enemies.殺死20名「重型機械」敵人。
04-01 06:03 |
49.90% 珍贵 | |
#42 Dress for Success (勝利衣裝) In the Main Campaign, equipped a piece of Gear in all four slots.在所有四個槽位都裝備套裝。
04-04 17:13 |
51.20% 一般 | |
#5 First Class Ticket (頭等艙票) In the Main Campaign, boarded The First Lady.登上「第一夫人」。
03-26 06:09 |
55.30% 一般 | |
#4 Shock Tactics (電擊戰術) Retrieved Shock Jockey.獲得Shock Jockey。
03-25 04:04 |
58.50% 一般 | |
#18 A Real Pistol (正牌手槍) In the Main Campaign, killed 25 enemies with the Broadsider Pistol.使用舷側者手槍殺死25名敵人。
03-31 07:52 |
65.10% 一般 | |
#3 Welcome to Monument Island (歡迎造訪紀念碑島) Reached Monument Island.抵達紀念碑島。
03-27 22:53 |
68.20% 一般 | |
#2 Written in the Clouds (雲端疾書) In the Main Campaign, completed Lighthouse.完成燈塔的情節。
03-21 11:58 |
92.80% 一般 |