完成度 42/42 | 5月26日首个杯 | 6月8日最后杯 | 12.6天总耗时 |
#1 Dancing in Moonlight (月夜热舞) 1 Tips Obtained all trophies.获取所有奖杯
06-08 12:57 |
21.90% 珍贵 | |
#29 The Dancing Anti-Shadow Weapon (能歌善舞的最终兵器) Watched every possible dance for Aigis.观看所有Aigis参与的热舞
05-30 20:22 |
23.60% 珍贵 | |
#28 Can't Say "I Don't Care" Now (我是不会让你说怎样都好的) Watched every possible dance for the P3 Protagonist (Makoto Yuki).观看所有P3主人公(结城理)参与的热舞
05-30 20:22 |
23.80% 珍贵 | |
#42 Chance Encounter with the Final Boss (邂逅最终魔王) Started a stage on ALL NIGHT difficulty with 10 or more Challenge modifiers enabled.开启10项以上【挑战】并以ALL NIGHT难度开始热舞
05-29 06:51 |
23.90% 珍贵 | |
#39 The Unhittable Pitch (尝我这招!梦幻变化球!) Cleared a stage with both "Note paths waver" and "Note speed fluctuates" enabled.在自定游玩中同时开启【乐符摇晃移动】与【乐符移动忽快忽慢】并完成乐曲
05-28 21:22 |
24.40% 珍贵 | |
#38 Carrot and Stick Approach (糖果与鞭子) Cleared a stage with both "GOOD ratings won't break combos" and "Game Over with combo break" enabled.在自定游玩中同时开启【GOOD仍可延续COMBO】与【COMBO中断则游戏结束】并完成曲目
05-28 06:27 |
24.50% 珍贵 | |
#36 Down to the Bone (一网打尽) Unlocked all Custom modifiers.解锁所有自定游玩
06-08 11:11 |
25.10% 珍贵 | |
#11 Koromaru's Rival (对手是虎狼丸) Obtained all rewards from Elle-P's card search.寻找伊丽P的卡片获得全部报酬
06-08 11:11 |
25.20% 珍贵 | |
#41 Unstoppable Force, Immovable Object (最强的矛与盾) Cleared a stage with 5 Challenge and 5 Support modifiers simultaneously enabled.同时开启5项以上【挑战】和5项以上【支援】并完成曲目
05-30 19:46 |
25.20% 珍贵 | |
#19 The Dancing Jeweler (热舞珠宝商) Obtained all of the accessories.获得游戏中所有配件
06-08 11:11 |
25.30% 珍贵 | |
#9 It's Gotta Be You (非你不可) Watched all Social events.观看了全部社群事件
06-08 11:11 |
25.40% 珍贵 | |
#31 The Dependable Classmates (值得信赖的同学) Cleared the stages where Yukari and Junpei dance together.由加莉与顺平互相参与了对方的乐曲
05-29 21:54 |
25.60% 珍贵 | |
#37 As Long As You're Groovin' (气氛第一) Cleared a stage after changing Hype Gauge difficulty in Custom.自定游玩中变更摇头晃脑量表的难度并完成曲目
06-08 12:57 |
25.90% 珍贵 | |
#16 Fashion Monster (时尚怪物) Obtained all the costumes.获得游戏中所有服装
06-07 06:33 |
26.10% 珍贵 | |
#40 Committed to the Result (保证完成任务) Cleared a stage on HARD or harder with all Support modifiers enabled.开启所有【支援】项目并以HARD以上难度完成曲目
05-30 06:45 |
26.30% 珍贵 | |
#32 The Difficulty of Communication (相互理解的难度) Cleared the stages where Fuuka and Ken dance together.风花与天田互相参与了对方的乐曲
05-28 20:53 |
27.50% 珍贵 | |
#17 The One Who Gathered the Glasses (集齐所有眼镜者) Obtained all the pairs of glasses.获得全部眼镜
05-30 20:38 |
27.60% 珍贵 | |
#6 Best Buds (心灵之友) Explored all the guys' rooms.探索了所有男性同伴的房间
05-30 20:38 |
28.80% 珍贵 | |
#7 Naturally Popular (天然人气男) Explored all the girls' rooms.探索了所有女性同伴的房间
05-29 22:00 |
29.50% 珍贵 | |
#8 The Party Never Stops (舞宴长存) Made Elle-P's ball a success.全力奉陪伊丽莎白的宴会
05-30 20:15 |
29.80% 珍贵 | |
#12 The Selfish Producer (爱出风头P小姐) 1 Tips Had Elle-P join the ball.伊丽P参加宴会
05-30 20:15 |
29.80% 珍贵 | |
#35 Personalized Fashion (讲究时尚) Registered a costume as a Favorite.将服装设为喜好搭配
05-30 20:33 |
31.30% 珍贵 | |
#27 Full Bloom Fever (社群百花缭乱) Watched 40 different Fever Time dances.观看了40种同伴之间的社群狂热
05-30 19:55 |
31.60% 珍贵 | |
#30 The Veteran Pair (身经百战的有名组合) Cleared the stages where Akihiko and Mitsuru dance together.真田与美鹤互相参与了对方的乐曲
05-28 22:25 |
32.80% 珍贵 | |
#10 Searchin' the Premises (开始暗中搜查) Obtained 5 rewards from Elle-P's card search.勋超伊丽P的卡片获得5个报酬
05-29 21:48 |
33.80% 珍贵 | |
#25 Who Even Are You? (你谁啊) Started a stage with a different hairstyle, two accessories, colored contacts, and a colored wig.变更发型、两处配件、彩色隐形眼镜和彩色假发后开始热舞
05-29 17:52 |
34.10% 珍贵 | |
#18 Getting the Shiny Things (乌鸦的习性) Obtained half of all the accessories.获得游戏中半数的配件
05-29 21:48 |
34.30% 珍贵 | |
#33 Let's Do It Again! (循环播放) Watched a replay.播放重播资料
06-08 12:55 |
37.30% 珍贵 | |
#4 The Crib Visit (房间采访) Explored a friend's room.探索同伴的房间
05-28 18:38 |
39.90% 珍贵 | |
#15 It Won't Fit in my Wardrobe! (衣柜已经塞不下啦) Obtained half of all the costumes.获得游戏中半数的服装
05-28 22:43 |
40.10% 珍贵 | |
#23 Innate Ability (天赋之才) Cleared a stage on HARD or harder and earned a PERFECT rating on at least half of the Notes.在HARD以上难度中,以超过一半的乐符获得PERFECT的状态下完成曲目
05-27 22:01 |
46.40% 珍贵 | |
#22 The Usurper of Rankings (谋夺评价者) Earned the highest possible grade on a stage (KING CRAZY).在任一乐曲中获得最高评价(KING CRAZY)
05-27 22:35 |
46.80% 珍贵 | |
#5 The Leader's Demeanor (队长的自我修养) Watched 20 Social events.观看20个社群事件
05-28 18:34 |
47.20% 珍贵 | |
#34 I Couldn't Help It... (一不小心就集齐了) Unlocked all ???s in Collection.在COLLECTION中开启CHARACTER内的所有【???】
05-28 21:38 |
49.20% 珍贵 | |
#13 The Time for Challenge Has Come (挑战时刻来临) Unlocked the highest difficulty level (ALL NIGHT).解锁最高难度(ALL NIGHT)
05-29 06:43 |
50.50% 一般 | |
#26 An Exclusive Stylist (专属造型师) Changed costumes and played a stage with each of the members of SEES (excluding Koromaru and Shinjiro).为所有SEES成员(除虎狼丸、荒垣以外)变更过服装并作为主要舞者出场跳舞
05-29 17:55 |
52.40% 一般 | |
#20 If You Would Kindly Excuse Yourself (这位客人,您请回吧) Failed a stage.在乐曲途中被迫结束游玩
05-27 19:47 |
58.50% 一般 | |
#2 Better Safe than Sorry (有备无患) Played a tutorial.游玩教学导览
05-26 23:11 |
62.50% 一般 | |
#24 Going into Orgia Mode (狂宴模式创纪录) Beat your own high score.刷新了自己的最高积分记录
05-27 21:38 |
66.30% 一般 | |
#3 Just Another Day (一如往常的同伴们) Watched a Social event.观看与同伴的社群事件
05-27 22:05 |
73.20% 一般 | |
#21 Welcome to the Club (欢迎来到派对狂人的世界) Cleared a stage.在DANCING!中完成一首乐曲
05-27 19:52 |
87.10% 一般 | |
#14 IRL Debut (现充出道) Obtained a costume.首次获得服装
05-26 23:09 |
93.80% 一般 |