Mercury Hg

PS3《Mercury Hg》中文奖杯列表

白0 金3 银1 铜17 总21 点数555 9人玩过 困难  11.11%完美

Mercury Hg

白0 金1 银1 铜13 总15

#1 Discoverium

Complete all the levels in Discovery Mode.
12.70% 非常珍贵

#2 Challengium

Complete all of the Challenges.
5.10% 非常珍贵

#3 Bolevium

Complete all of the Bonus Levels.
6.20% 非常珍贵

#4 Targetenium

Complete all 4 targets in any Discovery Mode level.
78.90% 一般

#5 Bonusium

Discover all 20 of the Bonus Levels.
9.00% 非常珍贵

#6 Spookium

Download and play against an online ghost replay.
10.50% 非常珍贵

#7 Musicium

Play one of your own music tracks while playing the game.
32.90% 珍贵

#8 Bielementium

Discover the second group of elements.
59.50% 一般

#9 Trielementium

Discover the third group of elements.
37.90% 珍贵

#10 Quadelementium

Discover the fourth group of elements.
26.70% 珍贵

#11 Pentelementium

Discover the fifth group of elements.
21.50% 珍贵

#12 Sixaxium

Complete a level using the SIXAXIS™ motion sensor function.
22.10% 珍贵

#13 Unlockium

Discover all 10 of the Challenges.
12.70% 非常珍贵

#14 Revealium

Finish all of the Tutorial Levels.
29.30% 珍贵

#15 Awesomium

Be awarded all 240 original Atoms in Discovery Mode from groups 1 to 5.
7.80% 非常珍贵

Heavy Elements

白0 金1 银0 铜2 总3

#16 Gravisium

Complete all the Discovery Mode levels in the Heavy Elements content pack.
7.30% 非常珍贵

#17 Heavybonusium

Discover all 10 of the Bonus Levels in the Heavy Elements content pack.
6.60% 非常珍贵

#18 Gravichallengium

Discover all 5 of the Challenges in the Heavy Elements content pack.
7.40% 非常珍贵

Rare Elements

白0 金1 银0 铜2 总3

#19 Rarusium

Complete all the Discovery Mode levels in the Rare Earth Elements content pack.
6.70% 非常珍贵

#20 Rarebonusium

Discover all 10 of the Bonus Levels in the Rare Earth Elements content pack.
6.30% 非常珍贵

#21 Raretaskium

Discover all 5 of the Challenges in the Rare Earth Element content pack.
6.70% 非常珍贵