LEGO® Pirates of the Caribbean The Video Game

PS3《乐高 加勒比海盗》中文奖杯列表

白1 金3 银12 铜25 总41 点数1185 158人玩过 容易  53.8%完美


完成度 27/41
时间丢失首个杯 时间丢失最后杯

LEGO® Pirates of the Caribbean The Video Game

白1 金3 银12 铜25 总41

#1 All hands on deck! (全员上甲板!)

Collect all Trophies.
3.50% 极为珍贵

#2 The Curse of the Black Pearl (黑珍珠的诅咒)

Complete the Film 1 story
时间丢失 43.70% 珍贵

#3 Dead Man's Chest (亡者之棺)

Complete the Film 2 story
34.60% 珍贵

#4 At World's End (世界尽头)

Complete the Film 3 story
31.60% 珍贵

#5 On Stranger Tides (惊涛怪浪)

Complete the Film 4 story
27.40% 珍贵

#6 Take what you can (带走你能带的)

Collect all Gold bricks (Single Player Only)
收集所有的Gold bricks(单人模式)
时间丢失 6.60% 非常珍贵

#7 Now bring me that horizon (现在带我去那地平线)

Complete the game to 100% (Single Player Only)
时间丢失 6.20% 非常珍贵

#8 Here there be monsters (怪物出没)

Get eaten by a creature in deadly water
时间丢失 75.30% 一般

#9 Believing in ghost stories (相信鬼故事)

Unlock all the cursed Black Pearl crew characters (Single Player Only)
解锁所有在被诅咒的Black Pearl上的船员角色(单人模式)
时间丢失 19.30% 珍贵

#10 Do you fear death? (你怕死吗?)

Unlock all the Flying Dutchman crew characters (Single Player Only)
解锁所有在Flying Dutchman上的船员角色(单人模式)
时间丢失 16.00% 珍贵

#11 The pirate all pirates fear (所有海盗惧怕的海盗)

Unlock all the Queen Anne's Revenge crew characters (Single Player Only)
解锁所有在Queen Anne's Revenge上的船员角色(单人模式)
时间丢失 18.50% 珍贵

#12 You may throw my hat (你可以扔我的帽子)

Collect all the red hats (Single Player Only)
9.80% 非常珍贵

#13 A weather eye on the horizon (地平线上的天气眼)

Use a spyglass
54.50% 一般

#14 The Green Flash (绿光)

Watch a sunset
时间丢失 51.90% 一般

#15 Welcome to the Caribbean! (欢迎来到Caribbean!)

Complete Port Royal
完成Port Royal
时间丢失 76.60% 一般

#16 Hello, poppet! (你好,宝贝!)

Unlock all Elizabeth characters (Single Player Only)
时间丢失 31.30% 珍贵

#17 The Brethren Court (海盗大会)

Unlock all the Pirate Lord characters (Single Player Only)
时间丢失 21.30% 珍贵

#18 The best pirate I've ever seen (我遇见的最称职的海盗) 1 Tips

Complete Port Royal in Story without dying
没死的情况下在故事模式中完成Port Royal
21.40% 珍贵

#19 The worst pirate I've ever seen (我遇见的最差的海盗) 1 Tips

Complete Port Royal in Story with zero studs
在故事模式中完成Port Royal并且没拿到一个图钉
4.80% 极为珍贵

#20 More what you'd call guidelines (只是指南)

Complete the Brethren Court
完成Brethren Court
33.90% 珍贵

#21 A pirate's life for me (我的海盗生涯)

Test any custom character
时间丢失 30.60% 珍贵

#22 You filthy, slimy, mangy cur! (你这个肮脏的,令人作呕的,污秽的杂种!)

Complete all the Guard Dog levels
完成所有Guard Dog的关卡
时间丢失 33.30% 珍贵

#23 Try wearing a corset (试着穿一件束腰) 1 Tips

Do 5 lady backflips in a row
时间丢失 14.70% 非常珍贵

#24 What do you want most? (你最想要什么?)

In any level use only the compass to find all it's secrets in one go, alone.
时间丢失 15.10% 珍贵

#25 Hoist the colours! (高高升起旗帜!) 1 Tips

Sail all the minikits in the hub
时间丢失 4.30% 极为珍贵

#26 Parley! (会谈!)

Unlock all characters (Single Player Only)
时间丢失 13.00% 非常珍贵

#27 And really bad eggs (和真正的坏蛋) 1 Tips

Play as all the Extra Toggle characters
使用所有Extra Toggle的角色
5.30% 非常珍贵

#28 Savvy? (懂行?)

Unlock all the Jack Sparrow characters (Single Player Only)
解锁所有Jack Sparrow的角色(单人模式)
时间丢失 30.70% 珍贵

#29 Wind in your sails! (扬起风帆)

Hit a flying parrot on Smuggler's Den
将一只飞行中的鹦鹉击入Smuggler's Den
26.70% 珍贵

#30 Pieces of Eight (八的碎片) 1 Tips

Reach 888,888,888 studs
时间丢失 10.80% 非常珍贵

#31 Did everybody see that? (每个人都看到这个了吗?) 1 Tips

High dive into the Maelstrom
4.90% 极为珍贵

#32 There's the Jack I know (这才是我了解的Jack)

Get True Pirate in all levels (Single Player Only)
在所有关卡中的到True Pirate的评价(单人模式)
时间丢失 9.80% 非常珍贵

#33 Aye-aye, captain! (好的,船长!) 1 Tips

Play a level in co-op
时间丢失 46.90% 珍贵

#34 Sea turtles, mate (海龟,大副) 1 Tips

Ride on all types of animal in the game
时间丢失 7.10% 非常珍贵

#35 Gents, take a walk (先生们,出去走走) 1 Tips

Walk on the sea bed with all possible characters
时间丢失 4.30% 极为珍贵

#36 I am a bad man (我是个坏人) 1 Tips

Play a level with all Extras turned on (Single Player Only)
时间丢失 6.40% 非常珍贵

#37 Fight to the bitter end! (战斗到底)

Defeat 100 enemies
时间丢失 48.80% 珍贵

#38 Five lashes be owed (拖欠的五鞭子)

As Jimmy Legs, whip Will Turner 5 times
作为Jimmy Legs打Will Turner五鞭子
时间丢失 7.10% 非常珍贵

#39 Fire! (开炮!)

Fire 100 cannonballs
时间丢失 40.90% 珍贵

#40 You're off the edge of the map (你超出了地图) 1 Tips

Highlight the secret 6th point on all 4 level select maps (Single Player Only)
5.80% 非常珍贵

#41 Hello, beastie (你好,小动物) 1 Tips

Get eaten by the Kraken 10 times
22.80% 珍贵