Cafeteria Nipponica

PS4《Cafeteria Nipponica》中文奖杯列表

白0 金2 银3 铜1 总6 点数285 17人玩过 极易  82.35%完美

Cafeteria Nipponica

白0 金2 银3 铜1 总6

#1 Say ahh, Kairobot.

Proof of obtaining the Gold Kairobot.
27.40% 珍贵

#2 That is lot of signs on the wall.

Proof of running a restaurant for many years.
47.60% 珍贵

#3 Master of Combination.

Proof of discovering 60 recipes.
24.90% 珍贵

#4 The taste that capture everyone in town.

Proof that became town's No. 1 restaurant.
74.20% 一般

#5 Conquer the world with gourmet.

Proof that Store #3 was opened.
62.50% 一般

#6 Foundation of 5-star restaurant.

Proof of developing menu for the first time.
91.70% 一般