Collect all other T | 30.40% 珍贵 | |
the ... of ... | 31.00% 珍贵 | |
#3 Warp 2021 Finsih the Desert Level under 190 Seconds. |
30.40% 珍贵 | |
#4 Warp 2012 Finsih the Pyramid Level Level under 190 Seconds. |
30.40% 珍贵 | |
Play a level without dying | 30.40% 珍贵 | |
#6 Cui bono? Complete all levels |
31.00% 珍贵 | |
#18 Digit 13 Make 1101 Steps. |
43.60% 珍贵 | |
#7 Art Finsh the Art Level |
31.00% 珍贵 | |
#8 City Finish the City Level |
31.60% 珍贵 | |
#9 Desert Finish the Desert Level |
36.20% 珍贵 | |
#10 Game Finish the Game Level |
31.00% 珍贵 | |
#11 Class Finish the GlassLevel |
31.60% 珍贵 | |
#12 Horror Finish the Horror Level |
31.60% 珍贵 | |
#13 Mine Finish the MineLevel |
31.60% 珍贵 | |
#14 Moon Finish the Moon Level |
32.70% 珍贵 | |
#15 Pirate Finish the Pirate Level |
35.60% 珍贵 | |
#16 Pyramid Finish the Pyramid Level |
31.60% 珍贵 | |
#17 Water Finish the Water Level |
31.60% 珍贵 | |
#19 Rest in peace .. or just take a break. |
32.70% 珍贵 | |
#20 Tamensi movetur! Also works with a disc. |
31.60% 珍贵 | |
#21 As promised There is nothing here |
31.00% 珍贵 | |
#22 Yes Yes Yes Absolutely possible, right? |
32.70% 珍贵 | |
#23 Tot lebendig Die 10 Time |
36.20% 珍贵 | |
Understand the Secret Message. | 32.10% 珍贵 | |
Complete the tutorial level | 43.60% 珍贵 | |
#26 No problem I do it differently. |
35.00% 珍贵 | |
#27 Found I knew there was something. |
31.00% 珍贵 |