First playthrough just pick first choice until the end.
Second Playthrough
select replay then continue
2) don’t you think
1) Indeed, and i did
2) I am but a
2) There are no
1) To loud
2) Such are the
2) Indeed, I wasn’t
3) You haven’t got
Select top answer until the end
Third Playthrough
select replay then continue
Always top choice until average one character on ride side of screen
1) Too loud
2) Such are the
2) Indeed, I wasn’t
1) No!
Top choice until the end
Fourth Playthrough
select replay then continue
2) Don’t you think
1) Indeed, and I did
2) I am but a single human
1) You’re lying
2) My sincere condolences
3) Because death
1) o-oh-h
1) I only ruined
1) Blood of victims
2) You’re talking
1) Fake news
2) Who died
1) Brace yourself
1) Didn’t he
2024-10-20 16:50