#8 LEVEL 15 Reach the Level 15. |
33.40% 珍贵 | |
#9 LEVEL 25 Reach the Level 25. |
32.50% 珍贵 | |
#5 JOKER STONE Throw the joker stone. |
77.90% 一般 | |
Use the wall. | 91.40% 一般 | |
#7 LEVEL 5 Reach the Level 5. |
77.90% 一般 | |
#11 FİVE GAME VS Play with a friend in a five game mode. |
45.80% 珍贵 | |
#1 GOLD STONE Throw the gold stone. |
86.40% 一般 | |
#2 SILVER STONE Throw the silver stone. |
91.20% 一般 | |
#3 JADE STONE Throw the jade stone. |
90.90% 一般 | |
#4 RUBY STONE Throw the ruby stone. |
86.40% 一般 | |
#10 THREE GAME VS Play with a friend in a three game mode. |
46.10% 珍贵 |