#1 Victory The player has successfully victory. |
83.60% 一般 | |
#3 The Boss The player has successfully completed 10 stages. |
83.60% 一般 | |
#4 The Super The player has successfully completed 15 stages. |
83.60% 一般 | |
#5 The Strong The player has successfully completed 20 stages. |
83.60% 一般 | |
#6 The Hero The player has successfully completed 23 stages. |
83.60% 一般 | |
#7 The Fast The player has successfully completed 26 stages. |
83.60% 一般 | |
#8 The Wolf The player has successfully completed 30 stages. |
83.60% 一般 | |
#9 The Rist The player has successfully completed 32 stages. |
83.60% 一般 | |
#10 The Killer The player has successfully completed 34 stages. |
83.60% 一般 | |
#11 The Crucifixion The player has successfully completed 36 stages. |
83.60% 一般 | |
#12 The Commando The player has successfully completed 38 stages. |
83.60% 一般 | |
#13 The Aliens The player has successfully completed 39 stages. |
83.60% 一般 | |
#14 The Winner The player has successfully completed 40 stages. |
83.60% 一般 | |
#2 The Galaxy The player has successfully completed 5 stages. |
87.20% 一般 |