The level it's referring to is called Flying memory. You don't actually have to beat the whole level without dying, just the parts when you're within the actual plane. Dying is defined as the screen going black, you seeing a bunch of words like on a computer failure screen, and the section of the level you're on restarting.
For the first part, you need to pick up three yellow things to open the door at the back of the plane while avoiding the girl. Take your time. It's best not to move until you've seen her outside the cut-scene, because even though the scene shows her walking toward the back of the plane, when it ends she is actually walking toward you from the back of the plane, and if you move immediately, she will see you, and if she sees you, you will die. Once she's seen you, she will follow you to where ever you're hiding, and it's impossible to get around her to the door at this stage.
The first yellow thing is at the very front of the plane, on the right when facing front. Then, when walking towards the back, the second is in the middle of the plane, on the left. The third is towards the back on the right. Again, take your time. If you're uncertain where the girl is, wait for her to pass you. It's best to complete the level first to familiarize yourself with the puzzles.
When the door opens, dive into the bathroom, then duck into the glowing green vent using circle . When going through the vent, you will eventually see the girl in front of you. Do not panic, and follow her. You will see her again through the vent. Don't panic and keep going. Then you should see a brief cut-scene of the girl crawling through the vent. It is at this point she is able to catch you, so move quickly through the pipes until you see the ladder (the end). The key is simply moving quickly, there is no other trick. At this point, you are no longer in danger, and the trophy is practically guaranteed. Proceed towards the door to trigger a cut-scene. Walk through the door and pick up the red cube, and place it on the red plate. You will appear outside the plane, and the trophy will pop.
飞机上刚开始要在女僵尸不发现的情况下打开3个按钮~通过门之后进入一个通道~躲过僵尸进入驾驶室~打开开关进入下个场景~一段动画后你要在飞机坠落到跑道上之前跑到终点开启记忆~要是全程没死就能获得一个奖杯~不死的情况下完成飞机等级(Aeroplane Level)
评分 8
恐怖向吗?这个master robot看起来和传送门里面的那只差不多
2016/4/14 $7.49 $3.74
Master Reboot 重启大师
评分 6
评分 9
算个小游戏,风格不错,有白金,按照攻略来白金简单; 就是看不懂剧情哈哈,感觉是一个悲伤的故事
评分 1
这游戏有很多奖杯bug,比如不撞车那个奖杯。还有到最后一关,系统莫名其妙把语言切换到英文,如果你不注意的话威尔士 语的奖杯就错过了。还有最恶心的是两个全收集杯都有bug,全程跟着攻略打的,确定每个收集都拿了,50%鸭子杯跳了,结果到最后两个全收集都没跳。这么多游戏要素,游戏内没有统计,也不能补,只能强制二周目。