完成度 53/53 | 5月10日首个杯 | 7月20日最后杯 | 2.4个月总耗时 |
#1 Thanks for Playing! (Thank you for playing!) 1 Tips Done all that could be done inside of Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late!We thank you very much for playing our game. 将夜下降生Exe:Late完全clear!
游玩至今真是非常感谢! |
07-20 18:14 |
2.90% 极为珍贵 | |
#29 ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?! (生存者) 6 Tips Survived at least 30 matches in Survival Mode.生存模式中30战以上仍然存活
05-10 22:20 |
3.60% 极为珍贵 | |
#24 Everything in EXS (夜之IWE祭典) 4 Tips Used every character's Infinite Worth EXS.(Cannot be done in Training Mode, VS Mode, VS CPU Modes, and Network Modes) 用所有角色的INFINITE WORTH EXIST击中对手(练习模式,vs模式,vsCPU模式,联机模式除外)
05-12 00:20 |
3.70% 极为珍贵 | |
#48 Over the Hilda (Hilda 连段挑战) 2 Tips Executed a 70+ hit combo using Hilda. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)用Hilda打出70以上连击数的连段(可以是练习模式的任意设定下)
05-11 00:02 |
3.90% 极为珍贵 | |
#50 Theoretically (Chaos 连段挑战) 23 Tips Dealt a 5,000+ damage combo using Chaos. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)用Chaos打出5000以上伤害的连段(可以是练习模式的任意设定下)
05-11 20:56 |
3.90% 极为珍贵 | |
#47 Rezoning (Yuzuriha 连段挑战) 12 Tips Executed a 30+ hit combo using Yuzuriha. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)用Yuzuriha打出30以上连击数的连段(可以是练习模式的任意设定下)
05-11 21:58 |
4.00% 极为珍贵 | |
#45 Nerve Us (Vatista 连段挑战) 16 Tips Executed a 70+ hit combo using Vatista. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)用Vatista打出70以上连击数的连段(可以是练习模式的任意设定下)
05-10 23:11 |
4.10% 极为珍贵 | |
#42 Welcome to Heel (Orie 连段挑战) 2 Tips Executed a 40+ hit combo using Orie. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)用Orie打出40以上连击数的连段(可以是练习模式的任意设定下)
05-10 22:57 |
4.50% 极为珍贵 | |
#52 Nanansense (Nanase 连段挑战) 4 Tips Dealt a 5,000+ damage combo using Nanase. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)用Nanase打出5000以上伤害的连段(可以是练习模式的任意设定下)
05-11 00:07 |
4.50% 极为珍贵 | |
#53 I'll Be Byak (Byakuya 连段挑战) 39 Tips Executed a 90+ hit combo using Byakuya. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)用Byakuya打出90以上连击数的连段(可以是练习模式的任意设定下)
05-11 00:10 |
4.50% 极为珍贵 | |
#40 Between a Stein and a Hard Place (Waldstein 连段挑战) 2 Tips Executed a 20+ hit combo using Waldstein. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)用Waldstein打出20以上连击数的连段(可以是练习模式的任意设定下)
05-10 22:46 |
4.60% 极为珍贵 | |
#46 Are You Up Seth? (Seth 连段挑战) 1 Tips Dealt a 5,000+ damage combo using Seth. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)用Seth打出5000以上伤害的连段(可以是练习模式的任意设定下)
05-10 23:54 |
4.60% 极为珍贵 | |
#44 It's Hard Merk (Merkava 连段挑战) 2 Tips Dealt a 5,000+ damage combo using Merkava. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)用Merkava打出5000以上伤害的连段(可以是练习模式的任意设定下)
05-10 23:00 |
4.80% 极为珍贵 | |
#41 Thicker Than Water (Carmine 连段挑战) 2 Tips Dealt a 5,000+ damage combo using Carmine. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)用Carmine打出5000以上伤害的连段(可以是练习模式的任意设定下)
05-10 22:54 |
5.10% 非常珍贵 | |
#32 There's a Whole in My Heart (画廊解锁 100%) Unlocked all the illustrations in Gallery Mode.完全解锁了画廊
05-12 21:31 |
5.20% 非常珍贵 | |
#38 Dr. Jekyll (Hyde 连段挑战) 7 Tips Dealt a 5,000+ damage combo using Hyde. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)用Hyde打出5000以上伤害的连段(可以是练习模式的任意设定下)
05-10 22:42 |
5.40% 非常珍贵 | |
#51 Blitz off More than You Could Chew (Akatsuki 连段挑战) 8 Tips Dealt a 5,000+ damage combo using Akatsuki. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)用Akatsuki打出5000以上伤害的连段(可以是练习模式的任意设定下)
05-11 00:05 |
5.40% 非常珍贵 | |
#33 Can't Buy Happiness (IP富豪) 5 Tips Have more than 200,000 IP.持有IP达20万以上
05-12 21:15 |
5.60% 非常珍贵 | |
#39 By Any Other Name (Linne 连段挑战) 4 Tips Dealt a 5,000+ damage combo using Linne. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)用Linne打出5000以上伤害的连段(可以是练习模式的任意设定下)
05-10 22:44 |
5.60% 非常珍贵 | |
#43 Purple Harvest (Gordeau 连段挑战) 3 Tips Executed a 40+ hit combo using Gordeau. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)用Gordeau打出40以上连击数的连段(可以是练习模式的任意设定下)
05-10 22:59 |
5.60% 非常珍贵 | |
#49 Can I Go Now? (Eltnum 连段挑战) 8 Tips Dealt a 5,000+ damage combo using Eltnum. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)用Eltnum打出5000以上伤害的连段(可以是练习模式的任意设定下)
05-11 00:03 |
5.60% 非常珍贵 | |
#25 Infinite Monkeys (神的安排) 3 Tips Used "Random" on the character select screen, and picked every character. (Cannot be done in Network Modes.)选人画面中全角色均随机选用过一次(联机模式除外)
05-12 00:32 |
5.70% 非常珍贵 | |
#27 Attack on Score (高分) 4 Tips Scored over 300,000,000 in Score Attack Mode.得分模式中获得3亿以上的分数
05-10 21:38 |
5.90% 非常珍贵 | |
#28 Time Heals All Wounds...Hopefully (快速通关) 1 Tips Finished Time Attack Mode in under 10 minutes.时间模式10分钟以内通关
05-10 21:55 |
5.90% 非常珍贵 | |
#19 Sunrise (终幕·夜下的明星) 3 Tips Finished Arcade Mode with all characters.用所有角色通关了街机模式
05-12 00:24 |
6.10% 非常珍贵 | |
#15 Life Finds a Way (谋略的智将) Finished Arcade Mode with Chaos.Here at Amnesia, we're recruiting talented soldiers, any time... Any day. 用Chaos通关了街机模式
在我们“忘却的螺旋”随时都募集优秀的士兵 |
05-12 00:06 |
8.60% 非常珍贵 | |
#13 Two Shades Of Grey (黑暗沉淀于欲望之夜) Finished Arcade Mode with Hilda.I grasp what I want with these hands as the night falls once more. 用Hilda通关了街机模式
在再次降临的夜晚之下,我将把一切握于手中... |
05-11 22:13 |
9.40% 非常珍贵 | |
#5 Around the Wald (钢铁的迷途者) Finished Arcade Mode with Waldstein.Continue to train... In both flesh and spirit! 用Waldstein通关了街机模式
好好地去磨练吧,无论是那肉体还是那精神! |
05-11 22:55 |
10.10% 非常珍贵 | |
#18 If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It (公主与从者同行) Finished Arcade Mode with Byakuya.Hahahaha, you sure are a strange one. 用Byakuya通关了街机模式
哈哈哈,你也真是好奇心旺盛呢 |
05-12 00:15 |
10.10% 非常珍贵 | |
#10 The Nerve of That Woman! (被握住的手,伸向阳光之下...) Finished Arcade Mode with Vatista.That... Is not necessary for our kind, the Autonomic Nerves... 用Vatista通关了街机模式
那对于我们自律神经回路来说,是不需要的东西 |
05-11 23:46 |
10.40% 非常珍贵 | |
#9 The Labors of Merkules (将饥饿之兽投以封闭的牢笼) Finished Arcade Mode with Merkava.Guaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! 用Merkava通关了街机模式
05-11 22:39 |
10.60% 非常珍贵 | |
#6 Rein in Blood (铁血之桩因愉悦而颤抖) Finished Arcade Mode with Carmine.Reason to fight? Ha, I don't have one of those... 用Carmine通关了街机模式
战斗的理由?才没那种玩意儿呐 |
05-11 23:26 |
10.80% 非常珍贵 | |
#11 Game, Seth, Match (被切断的夜之枷锁) Finished Arcade Mode with Seth.I thought I've already told you... "Looks like you're not moving." 用Seth通关了街机模式
我应该说过了吧,“看上去简直像静止一样”—— |
05-11 22:25 |
10.90% 非常珍贵 | |
#31 You Half to Trust Me (画廊解锁 50%) Unlocked over 50% of the illustrations in Gallery Mode.解锁了画廊的50%以上
05-12 00:24 |
10.90% 非常珍贵 | |
#26 I Wanna Be in Pictures! (战斗的记忆) 3 Tips Played back a replay in Replay Mode.在录像模式回放了对战录像
05-11 20:42 |
11.30% 非常珍贵 | |
#36 Living in Color (时髦的人) Unlocked over 20 colors of any given character.收集了任意角色的20种颜色
05-12 21:33 |
11.40% 非常珍贵 | |
#12 Lemme Take a Selfie (思念从彼方联结至此) Finished Arcade Mode with Yuzuriha.#EnjoyingTheHollowNight 用Yuzuriha通关了街机模式
虚无之夜呐~呜☆゚・*:.。.:*・゜(゚∀゚)゚・*: .。.:*・゜☆ |
05-11 23:56 |
11.70% 非常珍贵 | |
#8 Whose Scythe Are You On? (对友人的思念与短暂的安宁) Finished Arcade Mode with Gordeau.My scythe... It needs some souls to hunt. 用Gordeau通关了街机模式
我的魔镰,收割的可是对方的灵魂 |
05-11 23:36 |
11.90% 非常珍贵 | |
#7 I Rule (苍色之光安宁地照耀) Finished Arcade Mode with Orie.The glimmer of my blade... Tells me if my foe is evil. 用Orie通关了街机模式
这把剑的光辉有着看穿心中之恶的力量 |
05-11 22:47 |
12.00% 非常珍贵 | |
#16 Ein Krieg Für Sieg (战鬼在迷惘之世中领悟) 1 Tips Finished Arcade Mode with Akatsuki.I am the god of thunder... Nothing can stop me! 用Akatsuki通关了街机模式
我乃雷神,绝对不败! |
05-12 00:24 |
12.50% 非常珍贵 | |
#17 Don't You Tsundare! (被柔和的夜风包裹而战) Finished Arcade Mode with Nanase.Wh-What? Not like this is a big deal... I'm not happy about it, or anything. 用Nanase通关了街机模式
我,我才没有为这种事情而高兴呢! |
05-11 00:43 |
12.60% 非常珍贵 | |
#14 Ms. Eltnum, Tear Down This Wall! (月使人心迷乱) Finished Arcade Mode with Eltnum.Very well done, you Melty Blood enthusiast. 用Eltnum通关了街机模式
干得漂亮,在Melty Blood经过训练的各位 |
05-11 00:29 |
12.70% 非常珍贵 | |
#4 Perpendicular Linne (为永恒的每一天打上终止符) Finished Arcade Mode with Linne.The "Princess of Yato?" Never heard of her. 用Linne通关了街机模式
夜刀之姬?啊,那个的话,你是找错人了 |
05-11 23:17 |
14.90% 非常珍贵 | |
#37 Piece of Cake (生日快乐) 4 Tips Played the game on one of the characters' birthdays.以任意角色的生日启动游戏
07-20 18:13 |
15.60% 珍贵 | |
#34 The Net is Vast and Infinite (网络是广大的) 4 Tips Fought a Ranked match.参加了连线对战
05-11 20:41 |
18.40% 珍贵 | |
#3 Hyde and Seek (谁都会遇上的常见的故事) Finished Arcade Mode with Hyde.Neither you nor I... Can return to the world as we know it. 用Hyde通关了街机模式
无论是我还是你...,都已经无法回到普通的世界了 |
05-11 23:03 |
19.70% 珍贵 | |
#30 But for Real Though (不松懈地努力) 2 Tips Dealt 300,000 damage in a single training session.在一次练习模式中,累计给予对手30万伤害
05-11 21:38 |
24.70% 珍贵 | |
#23 Could This Get Any Worth? (使用IW吧) 1 Tips Perform an Infinite Worth(Cannot be done in Training Mode, VS Mode, VS CPU Modes, and Network Modes) Execute the command, ←↙↓↘→+D (character facing right), with 200% EXS or while Veil Off is active. This is the ultimate Super Attack that consumes ALL r 使用INFINITE WORTH吧(练习模式,vs模式,vsCPU模式,联机模式除外)
在EXS槽200%时或VEIL OFF中,输入←↙↓↘→D(面向右边时)即可使用 将EXS槽消耗殆尽的超必杀技! 用它决定胜负吧! |
05-11 00:34 |
29.10% 珍贵 | |
#35 Got Carded (我是这样的人) 1 Tips Viewed the Card information in the customization options.在自定义模式中更新了对战卡的资料
05-12 21:31 |
29.60% 珍贵 | |
#22 Time for The Unveiling (使用VEIL OFF吧) Perform a Veil Off(Cannot be done in Training Mode, VS Mode, VS CPU Modes, and Network Modes) When the EXS Gauge is over 100%, press the A+B+C Buttons to perform a Veil Off. While Veil Off is active, damage output is increased by 20%, and EX Special at 使用VEIL OFF吧(练习模式,vs模式,vsCPU模式,联机模式除外)
EXS槽在100%以上时同时按下A、B、C键可以发动VIEL OFF 发动时攻击力会增加20%,并且可以使用EX必杀技、IW和IWE(自己的体力在30%以下时) 另外,发动的瞬间处于无敌状态,并会击飞对方 在被攻击困住时使用,在危机中寻找机会吧! |
05-10 21:50 |
33.60% 珍贵 | |
#20 Raise Shields! (使用护盾防御吧) Perform a Shield(Cannot be done in Training Mode, VS Mode, VS CPU Modes, and Network Modes) Activate the shield with a Block direction + D. When successfully executed, it pushes you farther away from the opponent, and increases the GRD Gauge. In a pinc 发动护盾防御(练习模式,vs模式,vsCPU模式,联机模式除外)
用防御的方向+D键来发动护盾 发动成功时除了让敌人远离,还会增加自己的GRD槽 在被攻击困住时尝试积极地使用吧! |
05-10 21:37 |
42.60% 珍贵 | |
#21 En-Chain-Ting (使用连锁变换吧) Perform a Chain Shift(Cannot be done in Training Mode, VS Mode, VS CPU Modes, and Network Modes) Quickly press the D Button twice during Vorpal situations to cause a Chain Shift to occur. Depending on how much GRD Gauge there is, the EXS Gauge will in 使用连锁变换吧(练习模式,vs模式,vsCPU模式,联机模式除外)
在vp状态下连按两次D键就会发动连锁变换 会按照发动时的GRD量增加EXS槽 所以用长按D键的精神集中来使GRD槽增加后再使用吧! 另外连锁变换可以取消一部分的必杀技! 是让对手浮空进行连段的好机会! |
05-10 21:47 |
57.80% 一般 | |
#2 Welcome to the Jungle (向着更深的深渊) 1 Tips Started playing the game.In the night's darkest hour, you have travelled deeper into the abyss. 开始了游戏
在充满灾祸气息的夜晚之下,欢迎来到这更深的深渊 |
05-10 21:15 |
97.80% 一般 |