Cel Damage HD

PSV《Cel Damage HD》中文奖杯列表

白0 金1 银0 铜15 总16 点数315 62人玩过 普通  35.48%完美


完成度 1/16
7月30日首个杯 7月30日最后杯

Cel Damage HD

白0 金1 银0 铜15 总16

#1 Toon Star (卡通之星)

Win all levels in all modes
35.90% 珍贵

#2 New Talent (新秀)

Win any level
83.90% 一般

#3 Smacker (粉碎者)

Win all levels in Smack Attack mode
在Smack Attack模式下赢得所有关卡
45.30% 珍贵

#4 Speedster (神行者)

Win all levels in Gate Relay mode
在Gate Relay模式下赢得所有关卡
37.60% 珍贵

#5 Collector (收藏者)

Win all levels in Flag Rally mode
在Gate Relay模式下赢得所有关卡
37.00% 珍贵

#6 Finale (结业)

Win 12 different matches with a single character
46.60% 珍贵

#7 Be The Boss (翻身做主)

Earn a first place finish in each Desert level in Smack Attack, Gate Relay and Flag Rally modes
在Smack Attack,Gate Relay以及Flag Rally模式下的每个沙漠关卡都获得第一名
36.90% 珍贵

#8 Drifter (漂移者)

Earn double smacks by damaging an opponent in Smack Attack while powersliding with the brake
在Smack Attack模式下加速时紧急制动,对一名对手进行双重打击
50.50% 一般

#9 Flipping Out (全面失控)

Earn 10 boosts in one match by completing forward flips with the right stick
46.80% 珍贵

#10 Dodgy (妙闪)

Complete 10 sideways dodges in one match by using the right stick
49.50% 珍贵

#11 Steamroller (蒸汽压路机)

Flatten 3 different opponents in one Gate Relay race by dodging into them with the right stick
在一场Gate Relay比赛中,使用右摇杆压平3个对手
33.80% 珍贵

#12 No Favorites (没有最爱)

Win Smack Attack while getting points from at least 10 different weapons
使用至少10种不同武器得分并赢得Smack Attack比赛
43.30% 珍贵

#13 Purist (纯粹主义者)

Win Smack Attack while using only your character's favorite weapon
仅使用所选角色的最爱武器赢得Smack Attack比赛
34.80% 珍贵

#14 Nitro (一触即发)

Win Gate Relay having used turbo boost 20 times
使用20次涡轮增压加速赢得一场Gate Relay比赛
36.20% 珍贵

#15 Hoarder (囤积者)

Win Flag Rally with at least two captures of 3 or more flags at a time
至少两次携带3面或更多旗子得分并赢得Flag Rally比赛
39.90% 珍贵

#16 Smart Coyote (机智的郊狼)

In Death Valley, drop the 100 tonne weight on an opponent by shooting the nearby target with your Basic Attack
在Death Valley关卡,使用普通攻击触发机关,使100吨重量落在对手身上
44.80% 珍贵