#1 Vector Sigma Victory (魔力神球的胜利) Unlock All Trophies解锁所有奖杯
1.10% 极为珍贵 | |
#41 What Prime Directives? (P模式多了啥?) Unlock Prime Mode解锁Prime模式
1.50% 极为珍贵 | |
#40 King of the Scrap Heap (垃圾帮之王) Reach max level in all four classes4职业满级
1.60% 极为珍贵 | |
#43 Ultimate Menasor (终极飞天虎) Capture three flags in a single CTF game during a public Multiplayer match在公开匹配的一局占点模式中抢占3个点
1.60% 极为珍贵 | |
#45 Ballistic Energon Goodie (弹道能量点心) Return five heads at once in a headhunter game during a public Multiplayer match在公开匹配的一局猎头模式中返还五个击杀
1.80% 极为珍贵 | |
#51 Ultra Power Master (超能大师) Spend 100,000 credits in Escalation在扩展模式中花费十万点数
2.40% 极为珍贵 | |
#39 Headmaster! (头领战士!) Reach max level in a single class将一个职业升到25级
2.60% 极为珍贵 | |
#33 Teletraan 1 Regular (显像一号的常客) Rate all weapons, weapon upgrades, and equipment给所有的武器、武器强化、装备进行评分
2.70% 极为珍贵 | |
#36 Cassetticon Audiophile (磁带队发烧友) Collect all audio logs收集所有音频记录
4.50% 极为珍贵 | |
#24 Club Con! (俱乐协会!(MarvelUS#47标题)) Chapter VII: Ram a jet (on the ground or in the air)第七章:撞一架飞机(地面或空中皆可)
4.90% 极为珍贵 | |
#48 Maccadams Old Oil House (Maccadams老油吧) Complete wave 15 in Escalation (DownFall)在扩展模式DownFall地图中完成第15波
4.90% 极为珍贵 | |
#50 Rust Marks (锈迹) Complete wave 15 in Escalation (Ancients)在扩展模式Ancients地图中完成第15波
5.50% 非常珍贵 | |
#47 Robotopossum (机器负鼠) Complete wave 15 in Escalation (Ignition)在扩展模式Ignition地图中完成第15波
5.90% 非常珍贵 | |
#44 Moonbase One (月球基地一号) Personally capture all 3 nodes in a conquest game during a public Multiplayer match在公开匹配的一局征服模式中单人占领3个节点
6.20% 非常珍贵 | |
#49 Space Pirates! (太空海盗!) Complete wave 15 in Escalation (Oblivion)在扩展模式Oblivion地图中完成第15波
6.20% 非常珍贵 | |
#32 Master Builder (组装大师) Fully upgrade all weapons完全升级所有武器
6.50% 非常珍贵 | |
#30 Monacus Spender (Monacus赌场豪客) Spend 250,000 Energon in the Teletraan 1 store在显像一号商店花费二十五万能量晶体
6.70% 非常珍贵 | |
#27 The Harder They Die (死得越惨) Chapter X: Kill five Autobots with a single hover slam attack第十章:一次悬空落地攻击消灭5个汽车人
7.00% 非常珍贵 | |
#18 All Hail You! (祝你万岁!) Complete Campaign - Hard完成战役难度-困难
7.40% 非常珍贵 | |
#26 I, Robot Master (朕,机器主宰) Chapter IX: Destroy all images of Starscream and his Statues第九章:摧毁所有红蜘蛛的影像与雕像
7.50% 非常珍贵 | |
#34 Chop Shop (屠夫) Purchase all weapons and perks购买所有武器和技能
7.50% 非常珍贵 | |
#35 Beachcomber (巨浪) Collect all blueprints收集所有蓝图
9.40% 非常珍贵 | |
#29 Slap the Grimlock (猛击钢锁) Chapter XII: Kill a Leaper in the air with an explosive barrel第十二章:用炸药箱击杀一名在空中的Leaper金刚
10.00% 非常珍贵 | |
#46 Heavy Metal War (双雄大战(G1动画ep16标题)) Kill 6 different opposing players in a TDM game during a public Multiplayer match公共多人比赛TDM模式杀6名不同的对手
10.60% 非常珍贵 | |
#28 Internal Affairs! (内务!) Chapter XI: Hack all of the security terminals before the Decepticons can activate them第十一章:在霸天虎们将其激活前黑掉所有安全终端
10.80% 非常珍贵 | |
#42 Full Throttle Scramble Power! (超级推力!) Earn MVP in any game mode during a public Multiplayer match在任意模式的公开匹配战局中拿到MVP
13.50% 非常珍贵 | |
#23 Car Wash of Doom (末日洗车(MarvelUS#31标题)) Chapter VI: Destroy all of the homing mines chasing Blast Off before they self destruct第六章:在所有制导地雷追踪Blast Off(爆炸)并自爆前将其摧毁
14.70% 非常珍贵 | |
#20 Carnage in C-Major (C小调大屠杀(G1动画ep82标题)) Chapter III: Take out a cluster of five Decepticons using Metroplex's Air Strike第三章:用猛大帅的空袭一次干掉5个霸天虎
18.30% 珍贵 | |
#25 Fusilateral Quintrocombiner (齐射五合) Chapter VIII: Melee an enemy through the goal post第八章:将一个敌人近战打飞过目标点
22.50% 珍贵 | |
#21 Invisibility Spray (隐形涂装) Chapter IV: Sneak through the Trash Compactor Facility undetected第四章:潜行通过垃圾压缩区域而不被探测到
23.40% 珍贵 | |
#17 More Than Meets the Eye (MTMTE难以置信) Complete Campaign - Normal完成战役难度-普通
24.50% 珍贵 | |
#15 Till All Are One - (Megatron Ending) (万众一心) Complete Chapter XIII as Megatron结局选项二
28.50% 珍贵 | |
#14 Till All Are One - (Optimus Ending) (万众一心) Complete Chapter XIII as Optimus结局选项一
43.20% 珍贵 | |
#37 Octopunch Scavenger (八爪怪拾荒者) Open fifteen Armory Recreators in Campaign or Escalation在战役或者扩展模式中打开15个武器舱
43.60% 珍贵 | |
#22 Target Master 2.0 (目标战士2.0) Chapter V: Shoot a Sniper out of the air with a scoped weapon第五章用带瞄镜武器杀一只空中Sniper
46.10% 珍贵 | |
#16 The Battle is Far From Over! (战斗远没有结束!) Complete Campaign - Easy完成战役难度-简单
46.40% 珍贵 | |
#13 Grimlock Smash (钢锁冲锋) Complete Chapter XII完成第十二章
47.40% 珍贵 | |
#12 Starscream's Betrayal (红蜘蛛的背叛) Complete Chapter XI完成第十一章
48.60% 珍贵 | |
#11 The Final Countdown (倒计时) Complete Chapter X完成第十章
49.70% 珍贵 | |
#31 Reconstructor (再造者) Fully upgrade one weapon完全升级一款武器
50.00% 珍贵 | |
#10 Megatron Returns (威震天回归) Complete Chapter IX完成第九章
51.70% 一般 | |
#9 Combaticons Combine! (战车队合体!) Complete Chapter VIII完成第八章
52.30% 一般 | |
#8 Belly of the Beast (野兽之腹) Complete Chapter VII完成第七章
52.70% 一般 | |
#19 The Last Stand (最后一战) Chapter II: Save two Autobots when Optimus is downed by the first Leaper第二章:在首个Leaper金刚击倒擎天柱时救援两个汽车人
52.80% 一般 | |
#7 Death from Above (死神天降) Complete Chapter VI完成第六章
53.20% 一般 | |
#6 Cut and Run (溜之大吉) Complete Chapter V完成第五章
55.50% 一般 | |
#38 Reconfiguration Matrix (重组矩阵) Create a custom character in Multiplayer在多人游戏中创建一个自定义角色
55.50% 一般 | |
#5 Eye of the Storm (风暴之眼) Complete Chapter IV完成第四章
57.60% 一般 | |
#4 Metroplex Heeds the Call (猛大帅待命) Complete Chapter III完成第三章
63.30% 一般 | |
#3 Defend the Ark (保卫方舟号) Complete Chapter II完成第二章
68.00% 一般 | |
#2 The Exodus (征途) Complete Chapter I完成第一章
88.90% 一般 |