#3 Detective (侦探) You completed the game without using a single hint不使用提示完成游戏
42.60% 珍贵 | |
#2 Eagle eye (鹰眼) You collected every item in a hidden object scene without clicking on an item not on the list!在物品隐藏场景中,准确无误得收集所有物品单上的物品。
50.30% 一般 | |
#4 Genius (天才) You completed the game without skipping a single mini-game未跳过任何一个迷你游戏的情况下完成游戏
42.70% 珍贵 | |
#6 Wise man (智者) You solved a mini-game in less than 20 seconds!20秒内完成一项迷你游戏
64.70% 一般 | |
#7 Champion (冠军) You completed the game and rescued Patrick完成游戏并救下帕特里克(Patrick)
68.90% 一般 | |
#1 Collector (收藏家) You collected more than half of the candy canes.收集了半数以上的棒棒糖
76.10% 一般 | |
#5 Shopaholic (购物狂) You have purchased every upgrade in the Shop购买了商店中的所有升级
44.00% 珍贵 | |
#8 Lifeguard (救生员) You rescued the clown!救下小丑
75.90% 一般 | |
#9 Runaway (溜之大吉) You escaped Mr. Dudley's trap躲过达德利(Mr. Dudley)的陷阱
81.20% 一般 | |
#10 Alchemist (炼金术师) You made the magic elixir!制作出灵丹妙药
71.10% 一般 | |
#11 Daredevil (胆大妄为) You defeated the mechanical spider!打败机械蜘蛛
72.00% 一般 | |
#12 Engineer (工程师) You stopped the magic roundabout and rescued Patrick停下魔法旋转木马并救下帕特里克(Patrick)
69.60% 一般 |