完成度 72/81 | 9月5日首个杯 | 9月10日最后杯 | 4.5天总耗时 |
#53 Void Star 7 Tips You completed all Normal and Expert challenges with a 3-Stars rating你以三星评价完成了全部普通和专家难度的挑战
0.10% 极为珍贵 | ||
#54 By My Hand Alone (由我亲自下手) 9 Tips You made it to Wave 13 in Back Alley Brawl killing all combatants personally亲手杀死“后街火拼”13回合的所有敌人(包括奖励人物)
0.10% 极为珍贵 | ||
#58 Headhunter (人头猎手) 6 Tips You completed Assassin's Run with 100% accuracy using only head shots只施行爆头以百分百精准度通过Assassin's Run
0.10% 极为珍贵 | ||
#59 Daredevil (夜魔侠) 6 Tips In Bonfires, you performed all the special combination jumps in 1 round在Bonfires一回合里施行所有特殊组合跳
0.10% 极为珍贵 | ||
#61 Time Management (时间规划) 2 Tips You finished Chain Kill or Bend Time Massacre without failing any wave, including bonuses不失败任何一回合完成Chain Kill或者Bend Time Massacre,包括附加挑战
0.10% 极为珍贵 | ||
#56 Rare Collector (稀有收藏家) 1 Tips You found all of the collectable figurines in Burglar on Expert在专家级难度的Burglar里找到所有collectable figurines(人物塑像)
0.20% 极为珍贵 | ||
#52 Mrs. Pilsen's Remorse 1 Tips You found Emily's doll hidden in each of the 10 challenges你发现了10个挑战每一个中隐藏的Emily娃娃
09-10 06:37 |
0.30% 极为珍贵 | |
#55 Assassin Vs. Machine (刺客VS机器) 3 Tips You completed Train Runner before the train arrives at the station赶在火车进站前跑赢了火车
0.50% 极为珍贵 | ||
#57 Long Way Down (遥远下方) 2 Tips You performed a drop assassination of at least 150 meters in the Kill Cascade challenge在Kill Cascade挑战里施行一次至少150米高的落下刺杀
0.50% 极为珍贵 | ||
#80 Enough Coin to Disappear (金盆洗手) 7 Tips You survived The Brigmore Witches in low chaos with 10,000 coins以低混乱度完成布瑞格莫女巫,并保留至少10000金币
09-09 20:25 |
0.60% 极为珍贵 | |
#60 Natural Talent (本能) 2 Tips You finished Mystery Foe without using any active supernatural powers在不使用任何超能力的情况下完成《Mystery Foe(迷之敌手)》任务
0.70% 极为珍贵 | ||
#69 Rats and Ashes (老鼠与灰) 2 Tips You caused a death using an arc mine and a rat使用电弧地雷和老鼠杀死一个敌
09-08 21:47 |
1.50% 极为珍贵 | |
#78 Silence is Golden (沉默是金) 1 Tips You completed The Brigmore Witches without alerting anyone不惊动任何人完成布瑞格莫女巫
09-09 20:22 |
1.50% 极为珍贵 | |
#81 Wall of Flesh (血肉之墙) You used an enemy lifted with Pull as a shield用Pull把敌人抓来做肉盾
09-09 17:20 |
1.70% 极为珍贵 | |
#70 Message from the Empress (女王的问候) 2 Tips You performed a drop assassination from atop the Empress statue in The Knife of Dunwall在顿沃城之刃中从女皇雕像的顶部完成一次落下刺杀
09-09 12:28 |
1.90% 极为珍贵 | |
#67 Whisper Ways (低调行事) You completed The Knife of Dunwall without alerting anyone不惊动任何人完成顿沃城之刃
09-09 13:04 |
2.10% 极为珍贵 | |
#79 Cleanest Hands (至洁的双手) 2 Tips You completed The Brigmore Witches without killing anyone不杀任何人完成布瑞格莫女巫
09-09 20:22 |
2.10% 极为珍贵 | |
#1 Platinum Blades and Dark Corners (白金锋刃,黑暗角落) 9 Tips You have mastered the City of Dunwall and unlocked all Trophies你征服了Dunwall城,并解锁了所有的奖杯
09-08 18:21 |
2.40% 极为珍贵 | |
#68 Cleaner Hands (洁净的双手) 3 Tips You completed The Knife of Dunwall without killing anyone不杀任何人完成顿沃城之刃
09-09 13:04 |
2.40% 极为珍贵 | |
#15 Harm's Way 4 Tips You caused 5 unintentional suicides造成5人无意识自杀
09-06 22:32 |
2.80% 极为珍贵 | |
#50 Back Home 3 Tips You grabbed a live grenade and threw it back, killing an attacker将即将爆炸的手榴弹扔回去,并炸死投掷过来的敌人
09-05 23:02 |
3.20% 极为珍贵 | |
#16 Inhabitant (寄生) 3 Tips You stayed in possession of others for most of a 3 minute period占据其他生物躯体长达3分钟
09-05 20:51 |
3.40% 极为珍贵 | |
#6 Mostly Flesh and Steel 8 Tips You finished the game without purchasing any supernatural powers or enhancements, besides Blink除了Blink以外,不购买任何超能力和强化的情况下通关
09-08 07:39 |
3.50% 极为珍贵 | |
#17 Hornets' Nest 4 Tips You killed 4 enemies in less than 1 second using the crossbow使用十字弩在1秒钟之内杀死4名敌人
09-05 23:28 |
3.60% 极为珍贵 | |
#3 Versatile (多才多艺) 2 Tips You killed characters with each weapon and offensive gadget使用了每一种武器和攻击装置杀死过角色
09-07 13:57 |
3.90% 极为珍贵 | |
#4 Ghost (幽灵) 5 Tips You completed all missions after the prologue, alerting or killing no one but key targets在序章之后完成所有的任务,并且除了关键目标对象之外,没引起任何人进入警戒状态,也没杀死任何人。
09-08 07:40 |
4.00% 极为珍贵 | |
#5 Shadow (暗影) 1 Tips You completed all missions after the prologue without alerting anyone在序章之后,在没有引起任何人进入警戒状态的情况下完成所有任务
09-08 07:40 |
4.30% 极为珍贵 | |
#75 Deal Maker (交易伙伴) You purchased at least 8 favors in The Brigmore Witches在布瑞格莫女巫中花钱购得至少8次帮助
09-09 18:46 |
4.50% 极为珍贵 | |
#19 Tempest 8 Tips You killed 6 enemies in less than 1 second在1秒钟之内杀死6名敌人
09-05 21:10 |
4.70% 极为珍贵 | |
#21 Art Dealer 5 Tips You collected all the Sokolov paintings收集到所有Sokolov的画
09-07 15:30 |
4.70% 极为珍贵 | |
#14 Clean Hands 6 Tips You completed the game without killing anyone在没有杀死任何人的情况下通关
09-08 07:40 |
5.20% 非常珍贵 | |
#64 Well Connected (合作愉快) You purchased all of the Favors in The Knife of Dunwall在沃顿城之刃中花钱购得所有的帮助
09-09 08:05 |
5.60% 非常珍贵 | |
#76 All Come to Ruin (化为废墟) You completed The Brigmore Witches in High Chaos以高混乱度完成布瑞格莫女巫
09-09 22:43 |
5.60% 非常珍贵 | |
#66 Redemptive Path (救赎之路) You completed The Knife of Dunwall in Low Chaos以低混乱完成顿沃城之刃
09-09 13:05 |
5.70% 非常珍贵 | |
#77 Changed Ways (悔改之路) You completed The Brigmore Witches in Low Chaos以低混乱度完成布瑞格莫女巫
09-09 20:25 |
5.80% 非常珍贵 | |
#36 Gentleman Caller 2 Tips You completed all the Granny Rags side missions完成了所有的Granny Rags侧任务
09-07 15:23 |
8.20% 非常珍贵 | |
#65 No Regrets (不知悔改) You completed The Knife of Dunwall in High Chaos以高混乱完成顿沃城之刃
09-09 15:45 |
8.50% 非常珍贵 | |
#44 Lights Out (熄灯了) 1 Tips You deactivated at least 5 security systems on Kingsparrow Island你在Kingsparrow岛上使得至少5个安全系统失效
09-07 17:45 |
8.80% 非常珍贵 | |
#71 Stone Cold Heart (铁石心肠) 2 Tips You spoke with the statue of Delilah in Timsh's estate在Timsh的庄园中与Delilah的雕像对话
09-09 09:55 |
11.20% 非常珍贵 | |
#74 Gangs of Dunwall (顿沃匪帮) 5 Tips You restored the Undine to working condition使Undine恢复工作状态
09-09 18:45 |
11.20% 非常珍贵 | |
#13 Surgical You played from the first mission through Kaldwin's Bridge killing fewer than 10 characters从最初的任务一直到Kaldwin桥之前,杀死的敌人在10人以下
09-06 21:37 |
11.30% 非常珍贵 | |
#39 An Unfortunate Accident 4 Tips You killed Morgan Pendleton with steam使用蒸汽杀死了Morgan Pendleton
09-06 12:37 |
11.70% 非常珍贵 | |
#35 Vanished 1 Tips You escaped prison and navigated the sewers undetected逃离监狱,并在没有被发现的情况下通过下水道
09-05 17:46 |
12.10% 非常珍贵 | |
#41 King of the World 2 Tips You reached the top of Kaldwin's Bridge到达了Kaldwin桥的顶部
09-06 18:56 |
12.30% 非常珍贵 | |
#46 Poetic Justice (诗性正义) 3 Tips You neutralized all key targets using indirect means使用间接手段让所有关键目标角色屈服失权
09-07 12:44 |
12.60% 非常珍贵 | |
#63 Missing Pieces (遗失的碎片) 1 Tips You obtained Delilah Copperspoon's identity from Thalia Timsh从Thalia Timsh处得知Delilah Copperspoon的身份
09-09 10:38 |
12.70% 非常珍贵 | |
#38 The Art of the Steal 1 Tips You got the Art Dealer's safe combination for Slackjaw, but robbed the safe first在交给Slackjaw画商的保险箱密码之前先洗劫了保险箱
09-06 13:26 |
13.10% 非常珍贵 | |
#73 Breakout (越狱) You broke Lizzy Stride out of Coldridge Prison把女匪头救出监狱
09-09 16:56 |
13.10% 非常珍贵 | |
#51 Big Boy 4 Tips You killed a tallboy using only your sword只使用剑打倒tallboy
09-06 21:51 |
13.50% 非常珍贵 | |
#12 Razor Rain 2 Tips You killed 5 characters with Drop Assassination使用下落暗杀打倒5人
09-05 19:36 |
14.00% 非常珍贵 | |
#72 Parting Shot (鸣枪告别) 2 Tips You delivered (or attempted) the killing blow on Corvo杀掉(或试图杀掉)Corvo
09-09 15:48 |
14.00% 非常珍贵 | |
#62 Just Business (在商言商) 4 Tips You got the information you needed from the Rothwild Slaughterhouse从Rothwild屠宰场获取你需要的信息
09-08 23:34 |
15.60% 珍贵 | |
#9 Specter After escaping prison, you completed a mission, not alerting anyone and killing less than 5 people在逃脱监狱之后,没有被任何人发现并且杀死的敌人在5人以下的情况下完成一个任务
09-06 09:01 |
16.50% 珍贵 | |
#37 Street Conspiracy (街头阴谋) 2 Tips You completed all the Slackjaw side missions你完成了所有Slackjaw的支线任务
09-07 15:54 |
16.50% 珍贵 | |
#34 Just Dark Enough You completed the game in low chaos在低混乱度下完成游戏
09-08 07:41 |
17.10% 珍贵 | |
#48 Alive Without Breath 1 Tips You took possession of a fish占据了一条鱼的身体
09-05 23:42 |
18.40% 珍贵 | |
#18 Speed of Darkness 2 Tips You traveled 30 meters in less than 1 second在1秒钟之内移动30米
09-05 23:23 |
18.60% 珍贵 | |
#11 Manipulator 4 Tips You made others kill 5 of their own allies操纵敌人杀死5名敌人同伴
09-05 21:08 |
21.10% 珍贵 | |
#40 Well Mannered You completed the Boyle Estate mission without spoiling the party在没有弄砸派对的情况下完成Boyle Estate任务
09-06 23:30 |
21.90% 珍贵 | |
#33 Dunwall in Chaos 1 Tips You completed the game in high chaos在高混乱度下完成游戏
09-08 18:21 |
22.20% 珍贵 | |
#29 Regicide 2 Tips You assassinated the Lord Regent, Hiram Burrows暗杀摄政伯爵Hiram Burrows
09-07 08:25 |
23.10% 珍贵 | |
You spared Daud’s life
09-07 14:26 |
24.50% 珍贵 | |
#10 Faceless After escaping Coldridge Prison, you completed a mission without alerting anyone在从Coldridge监狱逃脱后,不被任何人发现的情况下完成一个任务
09-06 09:01 |
25.30% 珍贵 | |
#2 Thief (扒手) 1 Tips You pickpocketed items worth a total of 200 coins从他人钱袋里偷取总共200金币
09-06 22:12 |
26.90% 珍贵 | |
#30 Political Suicide (政治自杀) You brought about the Lord Regent's fall from grace by broadcasting his crimes你利用广播放送摄政王的罪行,使他声名扫地
09-07 12:01 |
28.10% 珍贵 | |
#49 Creepy Crawly 2 Tips You used a rat tunnel使用了一条老鼠地道
09-05 20:43 |
28.60% 珍贵 | |
#23 The Escapist (落荒而逃) 3 Tips After Coldridge Prison, you eluded 5 pursuers at once without killing them or leaving the map在Coldridge监狱之后的关卡里,成功同时摆脱5名以上追击的敌人(不得杀死敌人或离开地图)
09-05 19:16 |
29.60% 珍贵 | |
#7 Wall of Sparks 3 Tips You killed an enemy with the Wall of Light使用光壁打倒敌人
09-05 19:32 |
30.90% 珍贵 | |
You acquired 15 equipment upgrades
09-06 09:18 |
31.70% 珍贵 | |
#45 Long Live the Empress (女皇万岁) 1 Tips You saved Empress Emily Kaldwin你救出了艾米莉.考德温女皇
09-08 07:39 |
32.80% 珍贵 | |
#47 Food Chain (食物链) 3 Tips You assassinated an assassin你暗杀了一名刺客
09-06 09:53 |
33.00% 珍贵 | |
#32 Resolution You completed the game通关
09-08 07:39 |
33.70% 珍贵 | |
#31 This is Mine 1 Tips You recovered your belongings取回自己的东西
09-07 13:20 |
35.80% 珍贵 | |
#28 Capturing Genius and Madness 2 Tips You abducted Anton Sokolov, Royal Physician诱拐皇室医生Anton Sokolov
09-06 21:37 |
42.50% 珍贵 | |
#24 Cleaner (清道夫) 3 Tips You fought 5 enemies at once and none of them survived你在一次战斗中与5名敌人交手且不留活口
09-06 15:47 |
43.20% 珍贵 | |
#42 Bodyguard 4 Tips You protected Callista's uncle, Captain Geoff Curnow保护了Callista的叔叔,上尉Geoff Curnow
09-06 09:01 |
45.40% 珍贵 | |
#27 Child Care 1 Tips You located Lady Emily Kaldwin, heir to the throne发现王位继承者Emily Kaldwin公主
09-06 11:44 |
48.60% 珍贵 | |
#8 Rogue You assassinated 10 unaware enemies在没有被发现的情况下暗杀10名敌人
09-05 18:30 |
48.80% 珍贵 | |
#26 Excommunication (除名) 1 Tips You eliminated High Overseer Campbell你解决了高等督军坎贝尔
09-05 22:35 |
59.80% 一般 | |
#22 Occultist 2 Tips You collected 10 bone charms收集到10个骨饰
09-05 19:02 |
73.10% 一般 | |
#25 Dishonored (忍辱负重) You escaped Coldridge Prison你逃出了冷脊监狱
09-05 18:42 |
79.80% 一般 |