完成度 39/67 | 6月22日首个杯 | 7月12日最后杯 | 1.1年总耗时 |
#1 Trophy Collector (真正的格鬥家) 1 Tips Attain all Trophies! The path of the warrior demands this from those who walk on it!收集所有的獎杯吧!這樣就能明白直正的格鬥家之道!
0.20% 极为珍贵 | ||
#60 The world is my stage (世界是我的舞台) Dance with everyone! Clear the Arcade Mode on Medium or higher without using continue with Elena!不接关的情况下使用 Elena完成 Medium 以上难度的街机模式。
07-12 22:39 |
0.20% 极为珍贵 | |
#63 A dish best served cold (君子报仇十年不晚) Follow your anger by clearing Arcade Mode on Medium or higher without using continue with Decapre.不接关的情况下使用 Decapre完成 Medium 以上难度的街机模式。(Revenge is a dish best served cold這句話最早出現在英文裡,是1949年的英國電影《仁心與冠冕》(Kind Hearts and Coronets)中的一段話:「Revenge is a dish which people of taste prefer to eat cold.」)
07-12 22:22 |
0.20% 极为珍贵 | |
#65 All For One (同仇敌忾) 5 Tips Strength in numbers! Gather a team of four and defeat another in any Team Battle!人多势众!组成4人团并在Team Battle 战中获胜
0.20% 极为珍贵 | ||
#67 Good old times (美好的旧时光) Strong fighter has no fear of change! Defeat your Street Fighter IV self on the Hardest difficulty!使用USF版本角色战胜SF4版本的NPC同角色(选VS模式对战电脑,最高难度选择老SF版本的角色。)
07-12 23:22 |
0.20% 极为珍贵 | |
#4 Entitled (稱號貴族) 4 Tips A Title does not tell all of a man, sir, but if I were to see one Title, I'd want them all...稱號不是一個人的全部,但是看到一個的話…你就去收集全部吧
0.30% 极为珍贵 | ||
#34 From C to Shining C (从C到闪亮的C) 1 Tips You think you're good, don't you? Prove it by ranking up all characters to C Rank!你认为你很强了吗? 把所有角色都升到C级来证明自己吧!
0.30% 极为珍贵 | ||
#49 Team Lobbyist (团体对战游戏大厅) Hey mon, battlin' is fun, no? Go out and create 30 Team Battle lobbies and enjoy the rhythm!嘿,战斗很有意思,不是吗?去建立 30 个团体对战游戏大厅,享受这节奏吧!
0.30% 极为珍贵 | ||
#52 Birth of the Oni (豪鬼的诞生) 1 Tips To surpass the power of Oni, you must defeat him in Arcade Mode on the hardest setting.为了超越豪鬼的力量,你必须在街机模式最高难度中打败他。
09-03 18:11 |
0.30% 极为珍贵 | |
#59 For the Utopia! (为了理想国度) Assert leadership and clear Arcade Mode on Medium or higher without using a continue with Rolento.不接关的情况下使用Rolento完成 Medium 以上难度的街机模式。
07-12 12:52 |
0.30% 极为珍贵 | |
#61 Toxic Beauty (蛇蝎美人) No more mocking! Clear Arcade Mode on Medium or higher without using a continue with Poison.不接关的情况下使用 Poison完成 Medium 以上难度的街机模式。
07-12 13:38 |
0.30% 极为珍贵 | |
#62 Giant Attack (巨人来袭) Reach the league's top and clear Arcade Mode on Medium or higher without using continue with Hugo.不接关的情况下使用 Hugo完成 Medium 以上难度的街机模式。
07-12 22:55 |
0.30% 极为珍贵 | |
#5 Iconoclast (圖標☆收集者) 1 Tips Oh my gosh, those Icons are so adorable! Don-chan and I gotta catch 'em all!圖標小小隻好可愛!這樣就只能全部收集了對吧!
0.40% 极为珍贵 | ||
#24 Trial Athlete (到達了頂點之人) 2 Tips I shall assimilate all and be all-powerful! Clear all Trial Mode challenges, and so can you!得到了所有技的我是最強的。是因為我通過了Trial模式的所有課題!
0.40% 极为珍贵 | ||
#51 The Awakening (觉醒) 1 Tips As if you could ever defeat Evil Ryu in Arcade Mode on the hardest difficulty. See for yourself!你好像能够在街机模式最高难度中打败 Evil Ryu。拭目以待吧!
09-05 17:44 |
0.40% 极为珍贵 | |
#20 Rival Schooled (交錯的命運) 2 Tips See your future by clearing every Rival Battle on Medium or higher with every character.想知道命運的話就在難度Medium以上打敗全部宿敵吧。這樣應該就能看到人與人之間的故事
09-09 20:35 |
0.50% 极为珍贵 | |
#19 Long Time No See (戰勝「無」之人) 8 Tips Do you wish for defeat? If so, complete Arcade Mode on Hardest difficulty and beat Gouken!你想和老夫死鬥吧?用現今的說法就是,在街機模式的Hardest戰勝老夫吧!就是這回事
07-06 00:00 |
0.60% 极为珍贵 | |
#21 Speed Freak (戰士的報酬) 4 Tips Finish each round in Arcade Mode on Medium or higher in 20 seconds or less. Too easy.在難易度Medium以上的街機模式,平均每場20秒內通關吧。沒有其他條件。看你個專業人士才拜托你的。
08-26 15:13 |
0.60% 极为珍贵 | |
#54 Up to Snuff (状况良好) Clear Arcade Mode on Medium or higher without using a continue with Yang. It's simple!在中等难度或更高难度中,在不重试游戏的情况下,用 Yang 完成街机模式。真是太简单了!
09-07 12:26 |
0.60% 极为珍贵 | |
#53 Just Enough! (恰到好处!) Dude, just clear Arcade Mode on Medium or higher without using a continue with Yun! Piece of cake!嘿,在中等难度或更高难度中,在不重试游戏的情况下,用 Yun 完成街机模式!简直小菜一碟!
07-20 23:52 |
0.70% 极为珍贵 | |
#2 Fashion Plate (潮流番長!) Even a top rate fighter needs to coordinate properly! You gotta get all of the Colors first!一流的格鬥家也要注意協調!收集全部角色的配色吧!
0.80% 极为珍贵 | ||
#3 Dan the Man (超輕鬆的說!) Mastery of the Saikyo arts requires mastery of the Personal Action! Collect 'em all, punk!要繼承最強流之名的話,挑撥是基礎中的基礎!所以就去收集全角色的個人動作吧!
0.80% 极为珍贵 | ||
#16 All Clear (我遇到強者了!) To get strong takes lots of fighting! Clear Arcade Mode on Medium or higher with all characters!要變強就要經過各種戰鬥!來用全部的角色難易度Medium以上通關吧。準備!
09-09 20:37 |
0.90% 极为珍贵 | |
#43 Teamworker (协作者) A pro can win with any team. Win 10 Team Battles but don't forget, you have to win too!高手可以用任何团队取胜。但是不要忘记,团体对战你必须赢得 10 场胜利!
1.00% 极为珍贵 | ||
#56 Transcendent (超越) Ascend beyond oneself by clearing Arcade Mode on Medium or higher without using a continue with Oni.在中等难度或更高难度中,在不重试游戏的情况下,用 Oni 完成街机模式以超越自我。
07-01 22:50 |
1.30% 极为珍贵 | |
#55 Overwhelming Power (势不可挡的力量) If you seek power, clear Arcade Mode on Medium or higher without using a continue with Evil Ryu.如果你在寻求力量,就在中等难度或更高难度中,在不重试游戏的情况下,用 Evil Ryu 完成街机模式。
06-22 20:49 |
1.50% 极为珍贵 | |
#64 Double Feature (双重终极必杀) Initiative is everything! Surprise the enemy by using both Ultra Combos in a single Ranked Match!Single Ranked Match 模式一局中使用双UC(每个UC都要用一次)
07-12 21:17 |
1.50% 极为珍贵 | |
#66 Ultra Effective (超级好用) New adventures await! Win a Ranked Match with a character added in Ultra Street Fighter IV!使用新角色在Ranked Match获胜。
07-12 21:21 |
1.60% 极为珍贵 | |
#48 Endless Lobbyist (无尽对战游戏大厅) It's only natural for warriors to seek fights! Create 30 Endless Battle lobbies!对战士们来说,寻求战斗是他们的本性!建立 30 个无尽对战游戏大厅!
1.80% 极为珍贵 | ||
#57 Prep Time (准备时间) You need study materials if you wanna make your battle plan. Follow one player in the Rankings.你需要一些学习材料来制定你的作战计划。在游戏排行榜中效仿一位玩家。
09-07 12:38 |
2.30% 极为珍贵 | |
#58 New Threads (新思路) 1 Tips Use a new Title and Icon, and fight in one online match. Right on!使用新的称号和徽章,并参加一场多人对战赛。好极了!
09-07 12:44 |
3.20% 极为珍贵 | |
#46 Endless Ten (无尽战斗十连胜) Throw away your fears and focus on the fight! Win 10 fights in a row in Endless Battle!抛掉你的恐惧,集中精力投入战斗!在无尽战斗中取得十连胜!
3.60% 极为珍贵 | ||
#42 Team Mate (队友) Win 1 Team Battle match, and you will learn that teamwork can help you become stronger!赢得一场团体对战后,你便能获悉团队合作能帮助你变得更加强大!
3.80% 极为珍贵 | ||
#47 Replayer (回放者) Watch 30 Replays via the Replay Channel! Isn't it fun watching people go at it tooth and nail!?在回放频道中观看 30 次回放!看到人们全力以赴战斗的场面,是不是充满了乐趣?
3.80% 极为珍贵 | ||
#23 Trail of Trials (修行的道路) 1 Tips There is no shortcut in the art of Yoga. Aim to clear any character's Trial Mode trials!瑜珈的修行沒有近道…首先通掉一個角色的全部Trial吧
07-12 13:20 |
3.90% 极为珍贵 | |
#13 Sunspotter (墨西哥灣的黎明!) 1 Tips Amigo, perform 365 Super or Ultra Combo finishes against your opponents! The dawn is coming!什麼都可以,做出特殊背景的KO 365次!奔跑吧Amigo!快要天亮了!
4.20% 极为珍贵 | ||
#31 Tenpeat (十连霸) 1 Tips Don't hold back your true potential! Win 10 Ranked Matches in a row!释放自己的潜能吧! 赢得10场段位赛!
4.50% 极为珍贵 | ||
#41 Team Player (团队玩家) A 1-on-1 fight is fun, but it's more fun with friends! Try fighting in a Team Battle!一对一的战斗很有趣,但是跟朋友一起并肩作战更有乐趣!试着尝试团队作战!
5.80% 非常珍贵 | ||
#11 Superior Super (Super combo歷戰的勇者) Trust your instincts and winning will come easy. Let's begin with 50 Super Combo finishes!相信自己的感覺的話自然能看到勝機。來,用50次Super combo決勝負吧!
09-05 16:59 |
6.00% 非常珍贵 | |
#50 Quarter Up (一局结束) 1 Tips Fight 30 opponents via Arcade Fight Request. It'd be easy with the right bait, he he.在街机模式中与 30 个对手对战。呵呵,有了合适的诱饵,一切就容易多了。
6.10% 非常珍贵 | ||
#18 Hard Times (殺手的試練) To escape death is to beat the strongest of the strong. Finish Arcade Mode on Hardest, kid!死鬥就是要戰勝最強狀態的對手…通關街機模式的Hardest吧,不問手段。
07-15 00:17 |
6.70% 非常珍贵 | |
#40 This is Madness! (疯狂至极!) Fighting is fun, huh? Well then, let's aim for 300 matches online fought, OK buddy?斗争很有趣,不是吗?那么,我们的目标是 300 场多人对战赛,伙伴们,没问题吧?
7.30% 非常珍贵 | ||
#26 Barrel of Laughs (破壞桶子也不錯啊) No need for barrels without oil! Score 110,000 points or more in the Barrel Buster bonus stage!沒裝油的桶就是要打壞呀!在打桶子的關卡拿到110000分啦!
07-19 00:34 |
7.50% 非常珍贵 | |
#37 Legendary Fighter (传奇斗士) I shall make you the right hand of Shadaloo if you can win 100 matches online!如果你能赢得 100 场多人对战赛,我将让你成为 Shadaloo 的右使者!
7.80% 非常珍贵 | ||
#14 Absolute Perfection (完美的任務) Lauren's waiting, so how about you finish your fights quickly and get 30 Perfects. Sound good?來,贏得30次perfect吧。把戰鬥拖長只是浪費時間,對吧?
08-26 14:48 |
8.50% 非常珍贵 | |
#45 Three For The Road (通往胜利之路的三连胜) In the pursuit of strength, one must have a goal! In Endless Battle win 3 matches in a row.在追求力量的过程中,每个人必须有一个目标!在无尽战斗中取得三连胜。
9.70% 非常珍贵 | ||
#17 Herculean Effort (男子漢的勝利!) Can you finish Arcade Mode on Medium or higher without using a continue? Show me you can!男子漢沒有重來!街機模式就是要不接關通掉!難度當然是Medium以上!
06-22 20:49 |
10.20% 非常珍贵 | |
#33 Now You C Me... (现在看我) I wrestle only the strong! You shall rank up to C Rank if you wanna face me, comrade!我只与强者摔跤! 伙计,想挑战我,必须把等级提升到C级!
10.30% 非常珍贵 | ||
#30 Fivepeat (五连霸) This is your real power, child? Show me it's not luck by winning 5 Ranked Matches in a row!这是你真正的实力吗? 让我们看看赢得5场段位赛并不是运气!
10.40% 非常珍贵 | ||
#39 Bring it on! (大战特战!) No comrade, this will not do! We must become stronger, for our fans! Fight 100 matches online!没有战友,这没有什么了不起的!为了粉丝们,我们必须变得更加强大!迎战 100 场多人对战赛!
11.30% 非常珍贵 | ||
#36 Battle Master (战斗大师) Only winners can attain such beauty. Win 30 matches online and I may share my beauty secrets.只有赢者才能如此美丽。 赢得30场线上比赛,说不定我会告诉你为何我如此美丽。
11.80% 非常珍贵 | ||
#8 Super, Man! (用Super combo碾壓!) To battle is to win a fight with overwhelming strength! Show me you can do 100 Super Combos!戰鬥就是要用壓到的實力差距來碾壓!要接近神的力量就使用100次Super Combo吧!
08-27 16:42 |
12.20% 非常珍贵 | |
#12 Ultimate Ultra (Ultra combo No.1!) Candy always says you gotta win with style, so go out there and perform 50 Ultra Combo finishes!無論什麼,華麗是最好的對吧?最華麗的當然就是Ultra combo啦!所以就用50次Ultra combo決勝負吧!
08-27 18:46 |
12.40% 非常珍贵 | |
#32 Moving On Up (继续前进) Ya need to do anything to reach the top of the food chain! Let's see a Rank Up via Ranked Match!为了达到食物链的顶层,你需要做点什么! 在段位赛中提升段位!
12.50% 非常珍贵 | ||
#25 Oh! My Car! (破壞家) 1 Tips Hee hee, destruction is so much fun! Score 80,000 points or more in the Car Crusher bonus stage!呼呼呼,打壞東西真是愉悅呀!在拆車關卡拿到80000分真是輕鬆啊
06-23 16:11 |
13.10% 非常珍贵 | |
#38 Worldly Warrior (资深战士) Let's do this, amigo! Fight 50 matches online, because that's the only way to become strong!amigo,我们放手一搏吧!迎战 50 场多人对战赛,因为这是变强大的唯一出路!
14.20% 非常珍贵 | ||
#29 Threepeat (三连霸) You think being this good is easy? Let's see you win 3 Ranked Matches in a row, champ!你认为这很容易吗? 冠军,让我们看看你连续赢得三次段位赛!
14.40% 非常珍贵 | ||
#9 Ultra, Man! (Ultra combo來吧!) If yer gonna fight, give it your all, pal. Performing 100 Ultra Combos oughta do it, eh?要打架的話就來認真打吧!使用100次ultra combo來看看,很輕鬆吧?
08-26 15:16 |
15.20% 珍贵 | |
#35 Road to Victory (胜利之路) You wanna get that fight money? You're gonna have to win 10 matches online first, sucka!想得到比赛奖金吗? 小子,首先要赢得10场线上比赛!
07-12 21:17 |
15.80% 珍贵 | |
#44 Keep on Truckin' (坚持不懈) If you want to focus on nothing but the fight, entering an Endless Battle is for you!如果你只专注于斗争的话,那就进行一场无尽的战斗吧,它是属于你的!
06-22 23:47 |
19.00% 珍贵 | |
#27 It Begins (去找比我更強的人) The fight starts here! Set your Title and Icon, and begin fighting online!設定好自己的稱號和圖標,上線打一場。所有的戰鬥從此開始!
07-21 23:44 |
20.80% 珍贵 | |
#22 Good Start (旅程的開始) All of nature must withstand a trial. You must clear 10 trials in Trial Mode to succeed.所有的生物都是克服自我試練生存下去的。你也先來完成Trial模式10個吧
06-23 00:40 |
21.80% 珍贵 | |
#15 Clear Headed (首先是通關!) Hey! Got time to kill? Try to clear Arcade Mode on Medium or higher! That's all you gotta do!You!有空的話就來通關Medium以上的難度吧!沒有其他條件,很簡單吧?Just do it!
06-22 20:49 |
22.60% 珍贵 | |
#28 First Timer (第一次的勝利!) I'll never forget my first time for Ryu's sake! Win one Ranked Match! Gotta aim for the top!第一次是忘不了的!總之是等級配對的1勝!一起加油吧!
07-21 23:51 |
22.90% 珍贵 | |
#10 It Takes Focus (任務是Saving Attack) Your mission, should you wish to join Delta Red, is to connect with 100 Focus Attacks!紅色三角洲的隊員都有獨自的對應系統。這次你的任務就是命中100次SA攻擊。以上!
08-24 16:54 |
23.00% 珍贵 | |
#7 EXtra! EXtra! (EX參上!) Battle requires courage! Train by using your EX Gauge to successfully land 100 EX Moves!戰鬥時膽色就是生命!使用消耗氣槽的EX必殺技100次的話,就是良好的修行!
07-01 22:50 |
27.20% 珍贵 | |
#6 Special Movement (用必殺技決勝負!) Do a Special Move 100 times! If you're a true student of the Rindo-kan dojo, it's your duty!使用100次必殺技!連自己的技也用不了的話是贏不了對戰的!是龍膽館道場的學生的話一定能做得到!
06-23 00:16 |
59.50% 一般 |