#5 Mega Survivor (超级幸存者) Pass the score of 2.000.000分数达到2000000
1.20% 极为珍贵 | |
#6 I have got problems... (我有麻烦...) Destroy 5000 Black Holes without being destroyed不被消灭毁掉5000个黑洞
1.20% 极为珍贵 | |
#7 I got the courage (我有勇气) Destroy 5000 Green Enemies without being destroyed不被消灭毁掉5000个绿色敌人
1.20% 极为珍贵 | |
#8 I am different (我与众不同) Do not destroy anything and survive for 150 seconds after at least one kill在至少杀死一个敌人之后幸存150秒并不毁坏任何东西
1.20% 极为珍贵 | |
#9 Mega Reflex (超级反应) Do not die for 14000 seconds坚持14000秒不死
1.20% 极为珍贵 | |
#10 Ultra Killer (终极杀手) Kill 2500 enemies without being destroyed不被消灭杀死2500个敌人
1.20% 极为珍贵 | |
#11 Survivor Of The Galaxy (银河幸存者) Pass the score of 10.000.000分数达到10000000
1.20% 极为珍贵 | |
#12 Survivor Of The Universe (宇宙幸存者) Pass the score of 15.000.000分数达到15000000
1.20% 极为珍贵 | |
#4 Mega Destroyer (超级毁灭者) Kill 1000 enemies without being destroyed不被消灭杀掉1000个敌人
1.70% 极为珍贵 | |
#1 Good Reflexes (反应迅速) Do not die for 120 seconds坚持120秒不死
5.40% 非常珍贵 | |
#3 Ultra Destroyer (终极毁灭者) Destroy 40 enemies in 12 seconds12秒内毁灭40个敌人
78.80% 一般 | |
#2 Destoyer (毁灭者) Destroy 20 enemies in 8 seconds.8秒内毁灭20个敌人
89.90% 一般 |