LEGO® STAR WARS™: The Force Awakens

PS3《乐高 星球大战 原力觉醒》中文奖杯列表

白1 金3 银6 铜60 总70 点数1530 39人玩过 容易  43.59%完美

#54 What He Was Programmed To

Defeat all the Taul Swarmers as PZ-99 in Story
1.50% 极为珍贵

#60 Greatest Pilot I've Ever Met

Avoid all of the Strus Clan speeder traps
1.60% 极为珍贵

#67 I Loosened The Lid

Collect all Minikits within ''Escape from Starkiller Base''
1.60% 极为珍贵

#57 A Use For Scrap...

Collect all Minikits within ''Poe's Quest for Survival''
1.80% 极为珍贵

#62 On Your Wing, Epsilon Six

Collect all Minikits within ''First Order Siege of Takodana''
1.80% 极为珍贵

#59 Quite The Marksman!

Dispatch the Strus Clan using the smelliest means necessary
2.00% 极为珍贵

#55 Thought We'd Never Find You

Play in a Free Play party with Poe Dameron (Flight Suit) and BB-8
2.10% 极为珍贵

#70 Crush The First Order

During the Blaster Battle, crush the First Order by any means necessary
2.10% 极为珍贵

#1 The Force Awakens (原力觉醒)

Unlock All Trophies
2.30% 极为珍贵

#58 Who's Gonna Pick That Stuff Up?

Achieve ''True Jedi'' in ''Poe's Quest for Survival''
2.30% 极为珍贵

#48 Anything Else?

Destroy all computer terminals in Starkiller Shield Room as Kylo Ren
2.50% 极为珍贵

#52 I Retrieved The Information...

Collect all Minikits within ''The Phantom Limb''
2.60% 极为珍贵

#56 Kinda Like To Get Back To Work

Complete ''Poe's Quest for Survival''
2.80% 极为珍贵

#65 I Shall Deal With Her On My Own

Capture Rey whilst deflecting all her blaster bolts
2.80% 极为珍贵

#66 Hey! That's Not Yours!

Complete ''Escape from Starkiller Base''
2.80% 极为珍贵

#68 Time To Earn Your Passage R3

Achieve ''True Jedi'' in ''Escape from Starkiller Base''
2.80% 极为珍贵

#69 Another Textbook Landing

Make a leap of faith to escape the First Order
2.80% 极为珍贵

#61 We Must Have The Girl

Complete ''First Order Siege of Takodana''
2.90% 极为珍贵

#63 I'll Remedy That Immediately Sir

Achieve ''True Jedi'' in ''First Order Siege of Takodana''
2.90% 极为珍贵

#64 Those Beasts!

Destroy Takodana Castle
3.00% 极为珍贵

#39 I Like That Wookiee...

Complete a Free Play level playing as Maz Kanata and Chewbacca
3.10% 极为珍贵

#33 Force Is Strong With This One

Achieve 100% Completion
4.20% 极为珍贵

#43 Traitor!

Defeat Finn using FN-2199
4.30% 极为珍贵

#24 I Can Fly Anything (我什么都会开)

Collect all Minikits in the game
4.70% 极为珍贵

#47 Little Short For A Stormtrooper?

Use a hat dispenser to put a stormtrooper helmet on a small Minifigure
4.80% 极为珍贵

#53 ...But At A Terrible Cost

Achieve ''True Jedi'' in ''The Phantom Limb''
5.10% 非常珍贵

#49 Chewie, We're Home

Play as Han Solo (Classic) and Chewbacca on the Millennium Falcon
5.20% 非常珍贵

#51 We Are In Quite A Predicament

Complete ''The Phantom Limb''
5.40% 非常珍贵

#34 Red Leader (红色队长)

Purchase All Red Bricks
5.50% 非常珍贵

#31 Less Than 12 Parsecs (小于12秒差距)

Complete All Races
5.90% 非常珍贵

#28 Bow To The First Order! (臣服于第一军团!)

Complete all First Order missions
6.00% 非常珍贵

#32 60 Portions! (60份!)

Complete all Scavenger Missions
6.40% 非常珍贵

#29 A Big Deal In The Resistance (抵抗势力中的要角)

Complete all Resistance Missions
6.70% 非常珍贵

#36 The New Jedi Will Rise (新的绝地就会崛起)

Collect ''True Jedi'' on all levels
7.00% 非常珍贵

#40 Hey! That's Miiiiiiine!

Play as Unkar Plutt on the Millennium Falcon
8.00% 非常珍贵

#45 Show Me, Grandfather

Defeat Kylo Ren playing as Darth Vader
9.60% 非常珍贵

#30 He's No Good To Me Dead (他死了对我就没用啦)

Complete all Bounty Hunts
10.00% 非常珍贵

#23 Just A Scavenger (只是个拾荒者)

Collect all Minikits in any level
13.10% 非常珍贵

#44 Family Reunion

Have Kylo Ren and Han Solo in the same party
14.20% 非常珍贵

#21 It's True. All of it... (都是真的。所有的一切...)

Complete New STAR WARS Adventure Levels
完成STAR WARS新冒险关卡
16.40% 珍贵

#42 Not The Droid You're Looking For (这不是你在找的机器人)

Use the wrong type of droid on an access panel
16.90% 珍贵

#15 Travelled Too Far. Seen Too Much (走了太远,看过太多)

Complete Lor San Tekka's Return
20.70% 珍贵

#19 It's A Trap! (这是陷阱!)

Complete Ottegan Assault
21.80% 珍贵

#18 Hello! Were You Looking For Me? (哈喽!你刚才找我吗?)

Complete Trouble Over Taul
23.90% 珍贵

#17 The Crimson Corsair (绯红海盗)

Complete The Crimson Corsair
24.70% 珍贵

#46 STOP.....Kylo Time (暂停.....现在是凯罗的时间)

As Kylo Ren, Force Freeze another character
25.70% 珍贵

#14 Never Tell Me The Odds (不要跟我提机率)

Complete Poe To The Rescue
26.00% 珍贵

#35 Cryptosurgeon

Create a custom character
26.00% 珍贵

#16 Used To Have A Bigger Crew (以前组员比较多)

Complete Rathtar Hunting
27.80% 珍贵

#10 A Bag Full Of Explosives (一大袋炸药)

Complete TFA Chapter 9 - Destroy Starkiller Base
完成原力觉醒第9章 - 摧毁弑星者基地
37.10% 珍贵

#11 It Belongs To Me! (这是我的!)

Complete TFA Chapter 10 - The Finale
完成原力觉醒第10章 - 终曲
38.30% 珍贵

#9 Is There A Garbage Chute? (有垃圾通道吗?)

Complete TFA Chapter 8 - Starkiller Sabotage
完成原力觉醒第8章 - 弑星者的屠戮
40.70% 珍贵

#12 Speechless (说不出话来)

Complete Luke's Island
41.00% 珍贵

#20 There Has Been An Awakening... (这里有股觉醒的...)

Complete The Force Awakens
41.40% 珍贵

#8 You Wouldn't Like It (你不会喜欢的)

Complete TFA Chapter 7 - The Resistance
完成原力觉醒第7章 - 抵抗势力
43.10% 珍贵

#6 Eyes Of A Man Who Wants To Run (一名亟欲逃跑的男人之眼)

Complete TFA Chapter 5 - Maz's Castle
完成原力觉醒第5章 - 玛兹的堡垒
44.30% 珍贵

#7 Don't Let These Dogs Scare You (别让这些畜生吓着你了)

Complete TFA Chapter 6 - Battle of Takodana
完成原力觉醒第6章 - 塔可达纳星之战
48.30% 珍贵

#38 Don't Get Cocky! (别太骄傲了!)

Defeat 100 TIE Fighters
48.60% 珍贵

#5 ...What Was The Second Time? (...第二次是什么样子?)

Complete TFA Chapter 4 - The Eravana
完成原力觉醒第4章 - 埃拉瓦纳号
53.90% 一般

#4 The Garbage Will Do (破铜烂铁也成)

Complete TFA Chapter 3 - Niima Outpost
完成原力觉醒第3章 - 尼玛哨站
56.00% 一般

#3 Classified? Me Too. (机密?我也是。)

Complete TFA Chapter 2 - Escape From The Finalizer
完成原力觉醒第2章 - 逃离定局者号
57.40% 一般

#41 Quick On The Draw (反应灵敏)

In a blaster battle, have Han Solo defeat a character who is preparing an attack.
68.50% 一般

#2 I'll Come Back For You! (我会回来找你的!)

Complete TFA Chapter 1 - Assault On Jakku
完成原力觉醒第1章 - 血溅贾库星
68.80% 一般

#13 A Long Time Ago.... (很久很久以前......)

Complete The Battle of Endor
76.90% 一般

#37 We Need More Troops! (需要更多兵力增援!)

Defeat 50 Stormtroopers
78.10% 一般

#50 Stormtrooper Syndrome (帝国风暴兵症候群)

Miss your target 10 times in a blaster battle
79.90% 一般

#22 The Force, It's Calling To You. (原力,正在呼唤你。)

Obtain ''True Jedi'' in any level
80.30% 一般

#27 I'm Getting Pretty Good At This! (我越来越得心应手了!)

Complete a Blaster Battle without dying
83.30% 一般

#25 Unlearn What You Have Learned. (把你学过的忘掉)

Re-build a Multi-build object
87.80% 一般

#26 They're Shooting At Both Of Us! (他们正朝我们两个开枪!)

Complete a Blaster Battle
88.10% 一般