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微博   微信 2021-03-11 10:37     1个回答
This deluxe bundle includes:
- The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III base game
- Van Helsing III: Artifacts of The Forgotten King add-on
- Van Helsing III:Katarina Epic Item Set add-on
- Exclusive Van Helsing III Theme
- Exclusive Van Helsing III Avatar

This Extended Edition Bundle contains:
- The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III
- Van Helsing III: Protector Epic Item Pack
- Van Helsing III: Constructor Epic Item Set
- Van Helsing III: Elementalist Epic Item Set
- Van Helsing III: Umbralist Epic Item Set
- Van Helsing III: Bounty Hunter Epic Item Set
- Van Helsing III: Phlogistoneer Epic Item Pack
- Van Helsing III: Katarina Epic Item Set
- Van Helsing III: Artifacts of The Forgotten King
- Van Helsing III: Chimerling Minipet
- Van Helsing III: Igor Minipet
- Van Helsing III: Che Domovoy Minipet
- The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III Theme
- The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III Avatar
  • 本条答案已被采纳 bluesniper811127
    Epic Item是一些史诗级物品,Theme是主题,Avatar是头像,Minipet是宠物,看下来基本都是些物品,这游戏我也买了就是没玩呢
    2021-03-11 14:20
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