@ray-pianoforte 首先要恭喜你白了。这游戏类似奥里与黑暗森林,第一遍很难,掌握后简单这样的。如果设置为直接死亡,那就要堪比i wanna了。
plclear 2015-09-15 09:37
@plclear 当时我看到红色电锯心都凉了,已经做好几个小时磨练这个环节的准备了,但是当我失误碰到电锯的时候没死,觉得制作组还是有点良心的
ray-pianoforte 2015-09-15 14:42

Steps to get the hard mode trophy without starting the game over.
Finish the game on normal
Press continue and go back to the last save and after it has saved exit the game
Press new game then cancel
Go into the options and then cancel
Press continue and you should be on hard mode (press select to make sure)
Just defeat the last boss and the trophy is yours
nikezhang 2018-01-06 18:36
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