此游戏从08年至今已经八周年了,之前本打算把4的白金攻略整理下,但是忙着直到现在整理,其他相关网站的攻略也不胜其数,直到前段时间基友 Ximuhan 写了诸多相关TIPS,我就顺水推舟,在这边非常感谢 @Ximuhan 提供的奖杯tips和 @sokinokatu @sgwfj @wzadkk 的部分TIPS,说明的非常详细,文中奖杯绝大部分引用了他的提示和UCG出品的360专辑部分图片资源,如有纰漏,欢迎指出艾特LZ,剩余需要补充说明的我也会标注上,快速流程参考自psnprofiles
Cut Your Teeth
Join The Midnight Club
party mode里随便开一场竞速,设置一圈,慢慢开即可。另交通可以设置为 Traffic: Parked,但是
“Vehicle Damage: Normal” 即车辆易受损的程度要选择一般,不然即使车无损赢得比赛奖杯不跳。
“Vehicle Damage: Normal” 即车辆易受损的程度要选择一般,不然即使车无损赢得比赛奖杯不跳。
Fly The Co-op
你在限时内完成了"Deal breaker ""Hangman's NOOSE"和"Bomb da Base II"
你在限时内完成了"Deal breaker ""Hangman's NOOSE"和"Bomb da Base II"
Deal breaker:配置4人,一开始去后院坐直升机,接近目的地时3人跳机自杀重生。2人直接往楼上清敌人,还1人清理底层的,驾驶直升机的把直升机停在顶楼,负责清理上面456层,捡走4楼RPG6发后回顶楼把直升机开到底层靠近海边,此时应该也差不多剩下2个敌人左右,退出2人,剩下一人清理剩下2人后跳楼自杀去坐直升机。此时如果出船,就在海边打掉,出厢型车或者摩托车的话就2人上前追击,一般6分10-40秒就能完成。
Hangman's NOOSE:最简单的一个,配置2-4人,一个开车去拿直升机,一个击杀15人。开车拿到直升机后,回来黄点接人,全部上机后飞往任务完成点,最后推荐贴地擦过黄点就可以了,会直接触发动画,2分20-28左右。
Bomb da Base II:配置4人,开局后追击目标车辆疯狂射击,伤害够了目标就停车了,把车开往目标地点。动画后(动画也算时间),开直升机前往货轮,2人仍在左边黄点上方,贴着卡BUG进去,另外2人降落在控制室顶层,装完炸弹后跳船。
Hangman's NOOSE - 2:32
Bomb Da Base II - 5:34
Deal Breaker - 7:03

Deal breaker:配置4人,一开始去后院坐直升机,接近目的地时3人跳机自杀重生。2人直接往楼上清敌人,还1人清理底层的,驾驶直升机的把直升机停在顶楼,负责清理上面456层,捡走4楼RPG6发后回顶楼把直升机开到底层靠近海边,此时应该也差不多剩下2个敌人左右,退出2人,剩下一人清理剩下2人后跳楼自杀去坐直升机。此时如果出船,就在海边打掉,出厢型车或者摩托车的话就2人上前追击,一般6分10-40秒就能完成。
Hangman's NOOSE:最简单的一个,配置2-4人,一个开车去拿直升机,一个击杀15人。开车拿到直升机后,回来黄点接人,全部上机后飞往任务完成点,最后推荐贴地擦过黄点就可以了,会直接触发动画,2分20-28左右。
Bomb da Base II:配置4人,开局后追击目标车辆疯狂射击,伤害够了目标就停车了,把车开往目标地点。动画后(动画也算时间),开直升机前往货轮,2人仍在左边黄点上方,贴着卡BUG进去,另外2人降落在控制室顶层,装完炸弹后跳船。
Hangman's NOOSE - 2:32
Bomb Da Base II - 5:34
Deal Breaker - 7:03
Taking It For The Team
Team Deathmatch: be on the team with the highest score when the match ends.
Team Car Jack City: be on the team with the highest score when the match ends.
Team Deathmatch: be on the team with the highest score when the match ends.
Team Car Jack City: be on the team with the highest score when the match ends.
Top Of The Food Chain
在Party Mode里与好友开始一场Deathmatch,并设置如下:
Game Settings:
Location: Happiness Island
Duration: $2,500
Weapons: Pistols
Traffic: Parked
Pedestrians: Off
Blips: All
Online ID Display: On
Respawn Distance: Near
Respawn Time: 1 second
Time of Day: Midday
Weather: Clear
在Party Mode里与好友开始一场Deathmatch,并设置如下:
Game Settings:
Location: Happiness Island
Duration: $2,500
Weapons: Pistols
Traffic: Parked
Pedestrians: Off
Blips: All
Online ID Display: On
Respawn Distance: Near
Respawn Time: 1 second
Time of Day: Midday
Weather: Clear

Auf Wiedersehen Petrovic

Warning: This can be a very glitchy trophy for some people.
The description for it is somewhat ambiguous. Winning all modes means:
Deathmatch: have the highest score/cash earned when the match ends.
Car Jack City: have the highest score/cash earned when the match ends.
Mafiya Work: have the highest score/cash earned when the match ends.
Race (all 54 tracks): have the fastest time when the match ends.
GTA Race (all 54 tracks): have the fastest time when the match ends.
Team Deathmatch: be on the team with the highest score when the match ends.
Team Car Jack City: be on the team with the highest score when the match ends.
Cops ‘n Crooks: be on the team with the highest score when the match ends; win both rounds of the match to ensure that it counts.
Turf War: be on the team with the highest score when the match ends.
Bomb da Base II: have at least two players in the match pass the mission.
Hangman’s NOOSE: have at least two players in the match pass the mission.
Deal Breaker: have at least two players in the match pass the mission.

Warning: This can be a very glitchy trophy for some people.
The description for it is somewhat ambiguous. Winning all modes means:
Deathmatch: have the highest score/cash earned when the match ends.
Car Jack City: have the highest score/cash earned when the match ends.
Mafiya Work: have the highest score/cash earned when the match ends.
Race (all 54 tracks): have the fastest time when the match ends.
GTA Race (all 54 tracks): have the fastest time when the match ends.
Team Deathmatch: be on the team with the highest score when the match ends.
Team Car Jack City: be on the team with the highest score when the match ends.
Cops ‘n Crooks: be on the team with the highest score when the match ends; win both rounds of the match to ensure that it counts.
Turf War: be on the team with the highest score when the match ends.
Bomb da Base II: have at least two players in the match pass the mission.
Hangman’s NOOSE: have at least two players in the match pass the mission.
Deal Breaker: have at least two players in the match pass the mission.
Let Sleeping Rockstars Lie

Taking A Liberty
Walk Free
One Man Army
Finish Him
Cleaned the Mean Streets
其它的都不影响,这样的话会方便太多,比如飞车任务直接打车去任务点,直接调一辆跑车完成吧,找出并击杀200只鸽子时也有各种飞机跑车随时调用,有时枪声也会被1星通缉,这时就用消星秘籍 吧!
另外最适合飞车任务的车辆是 NRG-900
(the fastest vehicle, arguably, in the game. This bike is great for stunt jumps)
Dial "6255550100" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "MBK-555-0100".
Walk Free
One Man Army
Finish Him
Cleaned the Mean Streets
其它的都不影响,这样的话会方便太多,比如飞车任务直接打车去任务点,直接调一辆跑车完成吧,找出并击杀200只鸽子时也有各种飞机跑车随时调用,有时枪声也会被1星通缉,这时就用消星秘籍 吧!
另外最适合飞车任务的车辆是 NRG-900
(the fastest vehicle, arguably, in the game. This bike is great for stunt jumps)
Dial "6255550100" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "MBK-555-0100".