Destroy GSV-2任务关联杯
1. 回到TONY'S找Decker对话接取Destroy GSV-2任务。
2. 到HIGHRISE左侧电梯大楼顶楼出门後进左边门,Hack掉全部保全。
3. 上楼进入右边房间,左侧拿到道具Miranda's PDA并看过里面的信件,右侧Hack入Miranda's PC。
4. 出房间後进入左侧房间,与Miranda对话。
选择I'm not going to hurt you, but I'm also not going to leave. I came to ask you some questions.
选择Your connections. Yes. In the Complex.
选择If they're threatening you, I can help. Just tell me what you know.
选择I need to know more. What exactly do you do for the Complex?
选择I would like to know how long you're been working for the Complex.
5. 回到TONY'S找Decker对话。
6. 到SCRAPYARD最左边,会不断被狙击,高跳+补血撑过去後与Richmond对话。
7. 靠近房车再次与Richmond对话,开启Crash, the elusive hacker任务。
8. 在CHINESE QUARTER右侧有翠华餐厅的看板,上面有一房间,高跳进入,开房间内保险箱,密码13211318。
9. 到SCRAPYARD最左侧找Richmond对话。
10. 回到TONY'S找Decker对话,
选择What can you tell me about this Mitchell guy, the chief safety officer?
选择I'll come back later,开启Mitchell, the Chief Security Officer任务。
选择You were in the army, right? Don't remember a man called Mitchell, do you? Something strange about his discharge.
12. 到HIGHRISE左侧电梯大楼顶楼房间找Miranda对话,
选择I Spoke to your ex-husband, Richmond. He's going to help me break into Redwood-Watts.
选择He's doing great don't worry. A few trust issues, as you can
imagine, but who doesn't these days?
选择Do you know Redwood-Watts head researcher. Elizabeth Sterling? She has a keycard. I'm going to need it to get to the GSV-2, 开启Ellie, the AI Researcher任务。
13. 到AFTERLIGHT BOULEVARD的右侧EDEN左边门进入,搭电梯直接入房间调查全部可以调查的东西。
14. 到AFTERLIGHT BOULEVARDNightingale门前找Speedy对话,
选择Some scientist -Iain- was killed round here a few years back. Know anything about it?
选择Really? Keep going, this is important.
选择Done. Here you go. And I'll take the copy. ($300)
15. 回到TONY'S找Decker对话,传送到REDWOOD-WATTS。
16. 在REDWOOD-WATTS FDYER做电梯上一楼进入左侧Research Level房间,向左侧走与Ellie谈话,
选择Hi, I'm Dex. You're Ellie, right? Good to meet you。
选择Ellie! You need to see this recording. It's your friend Iain. His death. It was The Complex.
选择Do you have any idea why they would kill him?
选择I will pass on your regards when I see him, 跳杯。
17. 往右侧走,过门口後高跳入天花版,在天花板开启开关後从右侧落下并趁门还没关闭前拿走光束枪,跳杯。
18. 原路出门搭电梯上二楼,进入左侧Administratoration房间,再进入左上方门,Hack进入Administrative电脑。
19. 原路返回REDWOOD-WATTS FDYER,回到0楼从左侧进入REDWOOD-WATTS SECURITY LEVEL,一路向左进到最左侧Security房间。
20. 拿走桌上Crash卡片,Hack进入Crash的电脑,获取资料後登出跳杯。
21. Hack进入Mitchell的电脑。
22. 沿原路返回REDWOOD-WATTS FDYER并一路往右到达REDWOOD-WATTS GARRISON,到右上角房间进入与Mitchell对话,跳杯。
24. 与Decker对话,开启Extracting Richmond任务。
25. 到SCRAPYARD最左方,与Richmond对话,
选择Check this out. Is that a picture of you and Miranda? That's sweet!
选择I found your wedding ring. Surprised you kept all these years.
选择You know Miranda never betrayed you. It must change things. no?
选择Look, Decker asked me to give you this. It's a 'relocation package'. You can get extracted; safe out of Harbor Prime.
选择How about taking Miranda with you? That way you can keep her safe too.
26. 到HIGHRISE左侧电梯大楼顶楼房间找Miranda对话,
选择Richmond is leaving Harbor Prime. Get somewhere safe. I was thinking, why don't you join him?
选择You should see this. Through everything. Richmond kept his wedding ring. And lots of other mementos besides.
选择I'll tell you what; why don't you pay a trip to the Nightingale. Sit at 'your' table. I'll make sure he shows up.
选择I took down the GSV-2 and you don't think I can get a lonely old guy into a restaurant?
27. 到SCRAPYARD最左方,与Richmond对话,
选择Richmond, change of plans. Your extraction point will be at the Nightingale. I believe you're familiar with the place?
选择Look, it's not my idea. Some Intel showed them it's a good spot or something. I don't know.
28. 到AFTERLIGHT BOULEVARD左侧Nightingale内与Richmond对话,跳杯。
PS4PSV《DEX》白金攻略 Destroy GSV-2任务关联杯
@happysusan 大概就是老梗的科幻小说跑图式的动作角色扮演游戏xD
@godforsakenloki 为什么按照上述步骤【解救沈】不跳杯呢??好像还是缺了几个步骤似的
@nikezhang 就是非流程杯,错过可能要新一轮才能补的意思
@claudio7239 这是一个很简单的支线说,没什麽步骤,我两个版本都是对话选对就解开了
@godforsakenloki 恩~~我按照游戏里的描述推进的....chuntao还要dex去找邮件或者其他东西来证明lily是在利用shen...后来hack了lily的电脑后就能拿到证据再跟shen谈话才跳杯了
@godforsakenloki 非常感谢这么详细的攻略~~基本白金了~~按着顺序走就可以了~~~中途漏了twice beaten那个步骤~~刚才从第五章末尾重打到第七章跳了twice beaten 和 新接待员 两个奖杯