Early in the chapter you must sneak past some soldiers. After sneaking behind the first line of cars you can see Jerry (and Luther if he wasn’t killed) held at gunpoint by the police, waiting to be executed.
Sneak around them, pick up a brick and knock out the police to free Jerry (and Luther).
Choose to go through the security checkpoint (fast but risky route), pick dialogues: :triangle: ALICE EXCUSE > :circle: STAY CALM (if Luther is with you) > :circle: COLD > :x: DO NOTHING > :x: DO NOTHING —> The guard gives you an item Alice dropped and lets you pass safely
At the bus station, speak to the mother and her baby. They will drop their tickets, press :r-down: to PICK UP. When they come back, pick dialogues :x: KEEP TICKET > :x: KEEP TICKET
Get in the bus
At the border control, press :l1: to see Jerry in the right lane (he’s the guy you saved from the police execution in the first step). When you reach the very end of the border control, choose SACRIFICE JERRY.
–> Jerry will run through the patrol and get shot, but the border control officer is so distracted that he lets you pass without checking if you’re android or human. You can also combine this with trophy ‘HAPPY FAMILY trophy‘ if you kept Luther alive up until this point in the game.

2018-06-02 16:52