来自 http://www.playstationtrophies.org/game/towerfall-ascension/trophy/80547--Battle-Stenography-.html
1) Most Lethal – Killed the most archers without winning in Last Man Standing. Requires 3+ controllers.
*在 Last Man Standing 模式中杀2+个人
2) Bubble Breaker Award - Destroyed many bubble shields.
3) Quick Draw Award – Don’t hold to aim.
4) Most Devious – Get a kill using screen wrapping.
5) Most Vindictive – Get a kill with an arrow you shot right before you were killed. Does not register if you killed the same person who killed you, or if you use special arrows. Requires 3+ controllers.
6) Greediest – Get the most treasure from chests.
7) Longest Innings - Survived the longest. Requires 3+ controllers.
8) Late To The Party Award – Get the last kill of a round, and only the last kill. Requires 3+ controllers.
9) Mostly Harmless – Missed the most arrows and not get any kills. Requires 3+ controllers.
10) Most Prepared – Have the most arrows.
11) Least Prepared – Have the least arrows.
12) Most Trigger-Happy - Shot the most arrows.
13) Worst Accounting – Tried shooting without any arrows left.
14) Who Needs Arrows? – Get all your kills by stomping on heads.
15) Marksmanship Award – Don’t miss any shots.
16) Longest Shot – Get a kill over a long distance.
17) Pickpocket Award - Stole the most arrows by bumping into people.
18) Most Regal - Wear the crown the most by being in first place. You need to allow at least 1 other player to wear the crown for a round or two. Requires 2+ controllers.
19) Regicide Award - Killed the most first place players. Requires 3+ archers.
20) Fetal Position Award – Spent a lot of time crouched.
21) Cannonball Award – Held to fall quickly a lot.
22) Koala Award - Clung to ledges the most.
23) Koala Hunter Award – Kill players who are hanging onto ledges by walking onto their heads.
24) Most Evasive - Dodged the most arrows.
25) Most Zen - Caught the most arrows.
26) Least Composed – Died while trying to dodge during your dodge cooldown.
27) Artless Dodger Award – Spammed dodge a lot but never actually caught an arrow.
28) Most Twitchy – Catch at least 2 arrows with the "no dodge" variant.

29) Super Booper – Get a stomp kill by dodging horizontally. Most easily accomplished by having an opponent jump upwards into your dodge.

30) Most Takebacks – Recovered the most arrows
31) Turncloak Award - Killed your teammate in Team Deathmatch. Requires 3+ controllers.
32) Damage Control Award – Catch an arrow your teammate shot at you. Requires 3+ controllers.
33) Most Reckless – Died the most from stage traps like lava and spiked balls.
34) Most Compressed – Got crush by moving platforms.
35) Most Fashionable – Retrieved your hat. If someone shoots off your hat, walk over it and press .
36) Usurper Award – Take the crown as your own. Kill whichever player is wearing the crown (first place) and when their crown falls off walk over to it and press before the round ends.
37) William Tell Award - Shoot the hats off your enemies' heads many times. This can be made easier by enabling the “No Seeking Arows” and “Free Aiming” variants.
38) Bottle Rocket Award – Dodge away from explosions and survive them. Your character will be on fire after the dodge.
39) Double Kill - Two kills from one shot. Enable the “Start with Super Bomb Arrows” variant and group everyone up. Requires 3+ controllers.
40) Triple Kill - Three kills from one shot. Enable the “Start with Super Bomb Arrows” variant and group everyone up. Requires 4 controllers.
*开启“Start with Super Bomb Arrows”,用超级炸弹箭同时炸死3人。这个和 “Double Kill”要分开取得。
41) Cause And Effect Award – Kill yourself with a laser arrow bounce.
42) Bank Shot Award - Best laser bounce kill. Requires at least 2 bounces.
43) Green Thumb Award – Get many kills with the thorns from the bramble arrows.
44) X-Ray Vision Award – Get many kills with drill arrows by shooting through the terrain.
45) Most Conductive – Catch a bolt arrow and kill a player with the electrocution that discharges from you.
46) Right Angle Award – Get many kills with bolt arrows that have changed direction.
47) From The Grave Award – Turn on the “Return as a ghost” variant and get multiple kills. Requires 3+ controllers.
*开启 “Return as a ghost”,死后会变成幽灵杀2+个人
48) Eagle Eye Award – Don’t miss your shots.
49) Vendetta Award - Kill the same character multiple times. Requires 3+ controllers.
50) Most Thorough - Swept the most rounds.
51) Comeback King/Queen/Kid – Come back from a deficit (0-4) to win (5-4).
52) Steak In Mouth Award – Won the game, lost your winning point via suicide before the round ends, and then end up losing the entire game.
53) Consolation Prize – Didn’t meet the requirements for any awards. Easiest to get if you set rounds to 1, have the opponent not move, and then jump on their head.
54) Overachiever Award – Finished with 2 more points than required (get a triple kill when you only need 1 point to win). You must be playing in Headhunters and not Last Man Standing. Requires 4 controllers.
55) Ironman Award - Didn't die at all.