包括boss 不过比较好奇有没有错过就再也不会出现的杂兵 比如序章往回赶时候那种有点像史莱姆的怪 目前我不确定有没有对他们用过跳舞球
This trophy is recommened to be completed in Challenge Mode as it is not possible during your first playthrough, although this trophy can still be easily missable as many enemies only appear once during a playthrough. If you miss a certain enemy throughout your playthrough and they don't appear later on in the game, you will need to restart your entire playthrough. You will not need the Groovitron ball to dissapear to kill the enemy (as long as you see the dancing animation), therefore this makes the trophy a bit less annoying. Refer to the following video for all enemy locations.
Your progress for this trophy carries over to your Challenge Mode playthrough, so this trophy should pop once you get any remaining enemies you missed on your first playthrough. That being said, it doesn't look like your progress carries over to a second Challenge Mode playthrough.